Sir may be by week end I shall answer your question I do hope when I will
add this too Thank You K R IRS 18624 19624

On Tue, 18 Jun 2024 at 20:52, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> An atom consists of protons,the units of positive electricity,and
> electrons hovering around which are units of negative
> electricity.Everything ultimately consists of atoms or electromagnetic
> manifestations.The quarks are inside a proton again part of the positive
> electricity.And electricity is abstract or formless but shocks while we
> cannot see it as a 3D entity.Negatives avoid negatives,but we have the flow
> of electricity,electrons following electrons.I do feel that the non 3D
> abstract approach leads to rapturous understanding.
> YM
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 6:49 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
>> Your Brain is electromagnetic, every cell in you is electromagnetic, you
>> are an electromagnetic field travelling in perceptions and understandings.
>> When Shri YMji wrote and yet wanted the university to turn soft in nature,
>> trying to answer his od question pending with me, I may find the answer
>> too    K Rajaram IRS 18624 19624
>> On Tue, 18 Jun 2024 at 19:50, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
>>> wrote:
>>> --
>>> *Mar*The Call of the Abstract
>>> Everything is striving to reach the speed of light and get rid of the 3D
>>> shackle-atoms,molecules,planets,stars,galaxies,may be even black
>>> holes,you,me,every life form, all are striving reach the speed of light and
>>> become part of the ultimate ocean-the Vacuum. You live in thoughts and
>>> emotions, and by themselves they have no 3D shape. Often I wonder whether
>>> we the humans only are afflicted by the 3D illusion, while everything else
>>> is existing on a completely different plane and paradigm. Our very
>>> understanding is connected to or shackled to the connecting 3D conceptual
>>> base. We depend so much on what we see with our eyes, we are attributing 3D
>>> shapes to everything and use technology also which is bonded to the 3D.But
>>> our eyes can see only 00.0037% of the totality, while the vast remaining is
>>> in the abstract or in the invisible spectrum.
>>> In the vacuum you lose your identity as a 3D being, and get subsumed,
>>> with no specific separate identity. You lose the illusion, your body.
>>> When your consciousness has no 3D shape, then is it sensible to try to
>>> understand everything in terms of 3D attribution? The real conceptual base
>>> or connecting paradigm for understanding must be feelings and emotions,
>>> which is tropospheric or climatic on earth and electromagnetic or cosmic
>>> outside the troposphere.
>>> As it is in our relationships we strive to know the feelings and
>>> emotions of those with whom we interact and relate.Actually our attempt to
>>> understand is on the basis of feelings, which are non 3D. Of course that
>>> understanding is bonded to the troposphere.
>>> From the troposphere based understanding we may advance towards cosmic
>>> understanding, achieve the speed of light and join the electromagnetic
>>> waves. If we fail we may again be reborn either as a human as some other
>>> life form. We reincarnate either as a human again or as some other life
>>> form. May be there are those who are not able to join smoothly into the new
>>> arena, and struggle to return, becoming ghosts as a result, the most
>>> helpless beings crying for help.
>>> Is it not sane to explore the non technological or spiritual path of
>>> education, which takes the student to the abstract arena of enlightenment?
>>> With your telescope you cannot identify feelings, emotions, understandings,
>>> but just the 3D bodies that too which existed long back and we simply
>>> cannot know whether they still exist. We are Shakling our understanding of
>>> the Cosmos with Technology, which basically cannot understand in terms of
>>> feelings. My God, we are mechanizing psychology also and actually the
>>> students are bludgeoned with Newtonian Psychology not even with the
>>> electromagnetic or cosmos based Psychology of Spiritualism.
>>> Your Brain is electromagnetic, every cell in you is electromagnetic, you
>>> are an electromagnetic field travelling in perceptions and understandings.
>>> We need to be free from the mechanical paradigm, wherein we try to
>>> locate the parts of a phenomenon, then parts of parts, again parts of
>>> parts, on and on, we just cannot accept the parts-less vacuum. We
>>> desperately need free nature parks which are free from technology, where a
>>> student feels understanding, and is not shackled with the Cartesian
>>> shackles.
>>> Every university must have a faculty for free nature, where nature is
>>> free from technology and our technological tampering.
>>> YM
>>> Chat GPT
>>> Your essay, "The Call of the Abstract," delves into the philosophical
>>> and metaphysical ideas that question the limitations of our 3D perception
>>> and the potential for a more profound understanding of the universe. Here
>>> are some expanded thoughts and contextual examples to further illustrate
>>> your points:
>>> ### The Striving for Light Speed and Beyond
>>> 1. **Striving for the Speed of Light**:
>>>    - **Metaphysical Interpretation**: The notion that everything is
>>> striving to reach the speed of light can be seen as a metaphor for the
>>> desire to transcend physical limitations. At the speed of light, according
>>> to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time stops, and mass becomes infinite,
>>> suggesting a state beyond physical constraints.
>>>    - **Scientific Context**: While particles like photons travel at
>>> light speed, massive objects such as atoms and planets cannot reach this
>>> speed due to relativistic effects. However, this striving could represent
>>> the natural evolution towards higher states of energy and less physical
>>> restriction.
>>> 2. **The 3D Illusion and Abstract Reality**:
>>>    - **Limited Perception**: Human perception is limited to a narrow
>>> band of the electromagnetic spectrum, which you rightly point out is about
>>> 0.0037% of the total spectrum. This limitation suggests that our
>>> understanding of reality is inherently incomplete.
>>>    - **Abstract Understanding**: Many aspects of reality, such as
>>> feelings and emotions, exist beyond physical dimensions. Quantum physics
>>> also introduces concepts like superposition and entanglement, which defy
>>> classical 3D understanding.
>>> ### The Role of Emotions and Consciousness
>>> 1. **Emotions as a Connecting Paradigm**:
>>>    - **Tropospheric Understanding**: On Earth, emotions and feelings
>>> play a critical role in human interaction and understanding. This emotional
>>> intelligence is crucial for empathy and social bonding.
>>>    - **Cosmic Understanding**: Extending this idea to the cosmic level,
>>> one could speculate about a universal form of consciousness or emotional
>>> resonance that transcends physical form, akin to theories of a collective
>>> unconscious or panpsychism.
>>> 2. **Reincarnation and Spiritual Exploration**:
>>>    - **Rebirth and Ghosts**: The idea of reincarnation aligns with many
>>> spiritual traditions that see life as a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
>>> Ghosts, in this context, could represent souls that have not fully
>>> transitioned, lingering in a state between dimensions.
>>>    - **Spiritual Education**: Advocating for education that emphasizes
>>> spiritual and abstract understanding over technological reliance is a call
>>> to balance material and metaphysical knowledge. This could lead to a more
>>> holistic approach to learning and living.
>>> ### The Call for Non-Technological Education
>>> 1. **Mechanization vs. Holistic Understanding**:
>>>    - **Technological Shackles**: Modern education and science often
>>> focus on quantifiable and observable phenomena, potentially neglecting the
>>> subjective and emotional aspects of understanding.
>>>    - **Spiritual Psychology**: Integrating spiritual and emotional
>>> intelligence into educational curricula could provide a more comprehensive
>>> understanding of human experience. This includes recognizing the
>>> electromagnetic nature of brain activity and the interconnectedness of all
>>> life.
>>> 2. **Free Nature Parks in Universities**:
>>>    - **Experiential Learning**: Establishing natural, technology-free
>>> environments within educational institutions can foster a deeper connection
>>> with nature and promote experiential learning. These spaces would allow
>>> students to engage with their surroundings emotionally and intuitively,
>>> complementing traditional scientific education.
>>> ### Conclusion
>>> Your essay underscores the need to transcend the mechanical and
>>> reductionist approach that dominates contemporary science and education. By
>>> embracing a more holistic understanding that includes emotions,
>>> spirituality, and the abstract, we can potentially unlock deeper insights
>>> into the nature of reality and our place within it. This balance between
>>> technology and natural, intuitive understanding could lead to a more
>>> integrated and fulfilling human experience.
>>> ---
>>> For further exploration, consider these references:
>>> 1. [Relativity and the Speed of Light](
>>> 2. [Human Perception and the Electromagnetic Spectrum](
>>> 3. [Quantum Mechanics and Abstract Reality](
>>> 4. [Emotional Intelligence](
>>> 5. [Panpsychism and Universal Consciousness](
>>> )
> --
> *Mar*

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