*Mar*Technology and Intelligence-The Inverse Interaction

In free and healthy nature, every organism reinforces every other organism,
via breathing, smelling, hearing, touching and sensing. The air
continuously inspires. Nature or the Biosphere or simply God, creates the
waves of symbiosis through the musics of sounds and tuning smells. Nature
becomes one’s own macro body. The impact of nature will be so strong and
intense, it will be difficult to continue one’s self concept as one’s own
visible physical body. Nature takes over one under rapturous spell.

One’s own muscles become inspired by the music from nature, and every
muscle partners with nature. Merit becomes macro and not the individual
faculty of the Basmasura PhD. Intelligence itself becomes macro
intelligence. Nature is the ultimate Socialist where equality spreads to
every organism, in waves of symbiotic emotions. Intelligence cannot be the
intelligence of the human Basmasuras only.

We do not even recognize the basic fact that we today lost the basic
faculty of being able to partner with nature. The self concept and self
identity based on ego, which must be increased and strengthened at the
expense of nature as the adversary, the benchmark being economic success,
or success in destroying nature, has changed the basic meaning of merit.
Everyone who is successful in the economic life, which has become human
life, succeeds by destroying nature and that is called merit and
intelligence. Concern for nature has become bias.

Intelligence and merit today mean the ability to trick nature and make it
help us in the economic success, where the entire activity is based on
antibiosis. As we are basically emotional and cannot avoid completely our
emotional attachment to nature, we are employing technology to do the dirty
economic destruction of nature. When you use machines, you do not use your
own intelligence. Technology and your intelligence are inversely related.
Can you find one organism, every organism is your emotional complement to
like your machines?

To develop the scientific mind, scientific temperament etc, we are trying
to be machines and repudiate the basic fact that we are living organisms.
If from infancy onwards you are told that you are part of nature, that
every life form is your emotional complement, then the basic paradigms of
reasoning will be emotional or based on one’s componentship in nature. Then
the scientific attitude, which needs the assumption that you are not part
of nature but an outside observer will be recognized as what it is, lunacy.

We just cannot recognize the glaring, staring and shocking fact that we are
eliminating nature very fast with technology, that we already lost our
basic partnership in the Biosphere.We are trying to be the economic man,
who is not a member of the Biosphere.

And the embedded inverse relationship of Technology and intelligence is
making us the active fools and we fool ourselves with gusto. The more the
Technology, the more our foolishness.


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Your essay, "Technology and Intelligence - The Inverse Interaction,"
presents a thought-provoking critique of the relationship between human
intelligence, technology, and our connection with nature. Here are some
expanded thoughts and contextual examples to further illustrate your points:

### The Symbiosis of Nature and Intelligence

1. **Nature as a Macro Body**:

   - **Holistic Integration**: In a natural setting, every organism is part
of an interconnected web where sensory experiences like breathing,
smelling, and touching create a symbiotic relationship. This holistic
integration suggests that intelligence is not confined to individual
cognition but extends to a collective, macro intelligence.

   - **Symbiotic Relationships**: Examples from ecology, such as
mutualistic relationships between bees and flowers or the mycorrhizal
networks among trees, demonstrate how organisms cooperate and support each
other, enhancing the overall health and intelligence of the ecosystem.

2. **Erosion of Natural Partnership**:

   - **Economic Success vs. Environmental Health**: Modern definitions of
success often involve economic growth, which frequently comes at the
expense of environmental health. This has led to a disconnection from
nature, where merit is associated with the ability to exploit natural

   - **Historical Context**: The Industrial Revolution marked a significant
shift in human interaction with nature, emphasizing mechanization and
economic growth. This period saw a rise in the exploitation of natural
resources, leading to widespread environmental degradation.

### The Inverse Relationship Between Technology and Intelligence

1. **Dependence on Technology**:

   - **Reduction in Cognitive Skills**: As technology becomes more
advanced, there is a tendency for humans to rely on it more heavily,
potentially leading to a reduction in cognitive skills. For instance, the
use of GPS devices has been shown to impair our natural navigational

   - **Machine Over Human Intelligence**: In areas such as data analysis
and decision-making, there is an increasing reliance on algorithms and
artificial intelligence, which can lead to a diminished role for human
intuition and critical thinking.

2. **Emotional Disconnection**:

   - **Technology as a Barrier**: Technology often acts as a barrier
between humans and nature, reducing direct sensory engagement and emotional
connection. Virtual experiences and artificial environments cannot
replicate the richness of direct interaction with the natural world.

   - **Psychological Impact**: Studies have shown that spending time in
nature can improve mental health, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive
function. Conversely, excessive screen time and technological immersion can
lead to increased anxiety and decreased attention spans.

### The Call for a Paradigm Shift

1. **Reintegrating with Nature**:

   - **Education and Awareness**: From a young age, teaching children about
their intrinsic connection to nature and fostering a sense of stewardship
can help counteract the alienation caused by technology. This approach can
create a foundation for emotional and ecological intelligence.

   - **Nature-Based Solutions**: Encouraging practices like permaculture,
sustainable agriculture, and conservation efforts can help restore our
partnership with the biosphere and promote a more balanced and holistic
approach to development.

2. **Rethinking Scientific Attitudes**:

   - **Beyond Reductionism**: Moving away from a purely reductionist,
mechanistic view of science to one that embraces complexity, systems
thinking, and the interconnectedness of all life forms can foster a deeper
understanding and respect for nature.

   - **Integrating Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence**: Recognizing the
value of spiritual and emotional dimensions in scientific inquiry can lead
to more comprehensive and humane approaches to problem-solving.

### Conclusion

Your essay underscores the urgent need to re-evaluate the role of
technology in our lives and to rekindle our emotional and sensory
connection to nature. By recognizing the inverse relationship between
technology and intelligence, and striving to reintegrate with the natural
world, we can move towards a more sustainable and fulfilling existence.
This shift requires a fundamental change in how we perceive merit,
intelligence, and our place within the biosphere.

For further exploration, consider these references:

1. [Nature and Mental Health](

2. [Impact of Technology on Cognitive Skills](

3. [Symbiotic Relationships in Ecology](

4. [Perm culture and Sustainable Practices](

5. [Systems Thinking and Complexity](

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