अन्तरक्रिया च कर्मान्तरा

यत्नोद्यमाद्याः सदा स्मरन्ति चेतः।

संस्कारशाला सदा परिपाल्यते

स्वभावशाला च परिपाल्यते सदा॥

सम्यग्ज्ञानं च सदा प्रयोजयन्ति

विविधानि विद्यास्थानानि पाल्यन्ते।

मुक्तिदात्री सर्वदा प्रसन्ना

अन्तरक्रिया च कर्मान्तरा॥

विवेकवान्छुद्धबुद्धिः सदा रक्ष्यते

स्थिरधिया सर्वदा प्रयोजयन्ति।

परमार्थबोधे सदा समर्था

अन्तरक्रिया च कर्मान्तरा॥

आत्मा स्वतन्त्रा सदा प्रकाशते

ब्रह्मात्मकाहम् सदा अनुभवामि।

स्वधर्ममार्गेण सदा गच्छन्ति

अन्तरक्रिया च कर्मान्तरा॥

This poem captures the idea of inner processes and transitions in actions:

Antarakriyā cha karmāntarā

yatnodyamādyāḥ sadā smaranti chetaḥ।

Sanskarashālā sadā paripālyate

Svabhāvashālā cha paripālyate sadā॥

Samyagjñānaṁ cha sadā prayojayanti

Vividhāni vidyāsthānāni pālyante।

Muktidātrī sarvadā prasannā

Antarakriyā cha karmāntarā॥

Vivekavān śuddhabuddhiḥ sadā rakṣhyate

Sthiradhiyā sarvadā prayojayanti।

Paramārthabodhe sadā samarthā

Antarakriyā cha karmāntarā॥

Ātmā svatantrā sadā prakāśhate

Brahmātmakāham sadā anubhavāmi।

Svadharma-mārgena sadā gacchanti

Antarakriyā cha karmāntarā॥

This poem reflects on the constant internal processes and the transitions
of actions guided by effort, initiative, and mindfulness, nurtured in the
workshop of impressions and nature, upheld continuously.

Interaction and Intra-action

Efforts and enterprises always encrypt the mind.

The ritual hall is always maintained (with mantras)

The room of his own nature is always cherished

And they always adopt perfect knowledge (in between)

Various places of learning are analysed as exchanges.

The Redeemer is always happy on both sides

Interaction and intra-action.

A prudent and pure mind is always protected

They always use it with a steady mind.

always capable of understanding the ultimate goal

Interaction and interaction.

The soul is free and always shines

I always experience the Brahman.

They always follow the path of their own religion

Interaction and interaction.       K RAJARAM IRS 21624

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 17:51, Jambunathan Iyer <>

> Interaction
> Open and honest communication between a father and his child builds trust,
> understanding, and a solid relationship. Same way in work the Boss should
> have an honest communication between himself and his repartees to get the
> work done well to attain the Vision set for
> N Jambunathan Rengarajapuram-Kodambakkam-Chennai-Mob:9176159004
> *" What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you
> become by achieving your goals. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to
> a goal, not to people or things "*

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