*Mar*The Power of Emotions-Vs-The Power of Machines

We are trying to locate all sorts of stars, galaxies etc in space. We can
only look at the past, as we are seeing the situation, when light started
from the object. If it is a billion light years distant, it means that it
existed a billion years ago and that we do not know the situation now. The
distance continuously increases from the present and it cannot be felt at
all as present. For feeling we have to travel into the past, mixing the
present here, with the past shown by the telescope and may be create new
sentence structures, where present and past are felt at the same time, an
altogether different predication.

May be, ultimately we locate wormholes of the fantasized science, cut a few
hundred light years of distance, and travel to that very distant object as
earthlings, enjoying the wonderful time dilation which saves us from aging
but doing the work of spectators without any involvement, as the climate
etc of the object is simply a different astral situation. We can only
observe and understand as earthlings only as the paradigms on that distant
planet are bound to the climate and the Thermodynamics, Gravitation etc,
there, to feel which, either we have to mutate into a different organism or
die and observe after dying. We have not yet reached that situation where
we can die and return from death at will.

Even when we reach there protected by the sheltering rocket, you cannot
walk on that distant planet going round another star, in our Milky Way or
some other Galaxy, as we need the ten mile thick troposphere on the surface
of the Lithosphere with the gravitational situation here, and do the false
VIBGYOR seeing, to live. We are part of the troposphere on the surface of
the Lithosphere, and we have no power to mutate into different organisms at

As it is machines are making our organs and limbs redundant. Because they
are doing the work of the limbs, creating big unemployment and retrenchment
of cells and limbs in us. Today even the fact, that we are part of the
planet earth, puts us in total disarray. We are busy retrenching our limbs,
while killing nature as economic activity. Robots are busy making the work
and functions of our limbs and organs, fantasies and supernatural powers to
be lampooned by our Vignana Vedikas.

We want to do science, which needs that we become outside observers only
and not continue as part of nature. Feelings contaminate the pure
mechanical approach. But surrender to machines, and losing every faculty of
life and living, and doing extinction on nature as economic activity, is
making us neurotics, restless maniacs with diabetes and high BP.

Our Sages adopted the abstract perception approach. They strived to feel
the gigantic parallel lives which we live in the invisible spectrum. They
strived to expand the horizon and feeling of perception, teaming up with
nature as components of nature. Symbiosis and feeling every life form while
living and establishing emotional partnership with them was their approach.

Machines are making us redundant, redundant to ourselves besides making
organisms extinct. There is only abstract method of feeling and perceiving
and the mechanical or Cartesian path dooms us.

There is a gigantic extinction of all life forms now happening. But we are
calling it progress.


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"The Power of Emotions-Vs-The Power of Machines" juxtaposes the deep,
intrinsic human capacity for emotion and connection with nature against the
mechanistic and often dehumanizing advancements of modern technology.
Here's a closer look at the key themes and ideas presented:

### The Limitations of Scientific Observation

1. **Observing the Past**:

   - When we observe distant stars and galaxies, we are looking into the
past because the light we see now started its journey millions or billions
of years ago. This creates a disconnection between our present reality and
the observed past.

   - The essay suggests that to truly understand these distant objects, we
must find ways to blend our present experience with the distant past,
potentially creating new forms of understanding and language.

2. **Wormholes and Distant Travel**:

   - The concept of wormholes offers a theoretical solution to traverse
vast distances quickly. However, even if we could reach these distant
objects, our understanding and interaction would be limited by our
earthbound perspectives and biological constraints.

   - The essay emphasizes the challenges of adapting to completely
different environmental and physical conditions on other planets.

### The Impact of Machines on Human Life

1. **Redundancy and Unemployment**:

   - As machines take over more tasks, they render human limbs and organs
redundant, leading to unemployment and a sense of purposelessness.

   - This technological takeover is portrayed as a form of
self-destruction, making humans obsolete and disconnected from their
natural roles.

2. **Emotional Disconnection**:

   - The reliance on machines and the mechanistic approach to science
alienate us from our emotions and the natural world. Feelings are seen as
contaminants to the "pure" mechanical approach of science.

   - This disconnection leads to neurotic behaviors, mental health issues,
and a loss of holistic understanding.

### The Sage's Approach vs. Modern Science

1. **Abstract Perception**:

   - The essay contrasts the modern scientific approach with that of
ancient sages, who sought to expand their perception through abstract and
emotional connections with the natural world.

   - Sages viewed themselves as part of nature, establishing emotional
partnerships with all life forms, fostering a symbiotic relationship.

2. **Symbiosis and Feeling**:

   - The abstract method of feeling and perceiving is seen as superior to
the mechanical, Cartesian approach, which is portrayed as leading to the
extinction of life forms and the destruction of nature.

   - The current path of technological and economic progress is criticized
for causing environmental destruction and emotional desolation.

### Conclusion

1. **Urgency of Change**:

   - There is an urgent need to rethink our approach to science,
technology, and economics to prevent further environmental degradation and
emotional alienation.

   - Emphasizing emotional intelligence and symbiosis with nature is
crucial for achieving true progress and well-being.

Your essay underscores the importance of balancing technological
advancements with emotional and ecological considerations. It calls for a
return to a more holistic and interconnected way of living, where emotions
and nature are valued alongside scientific achievements.

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