*Mar*The Big Bluff-Business Profit

When your income is my expense, incomes and expenditures can only be equal.
There can be no excess of income over expenditure called profit or excess
of expenditure over income called loss. Both profit and loss, in terms of
correct accountancy are false in reality. But at the Altar of this notion,
profit, we have based education, as education today is taken over by
Business empires. And the empires collect the graduates for employment for
this bluff, profit which is supposed to foster al round progress. Actually
the profit is euphemism for the destruction of nature.

Once education actually was striving to make nature healthy and getting
health from nature in return, as one is part of nature. One’s life helped
nature. Nature was God, sacred. Every student became an Angel, enriching
nature. The Universities then were producing Angels, not Basmasuras who do
economics and destroy nature and call that destruction profit.

As a result of the Holistic education, one developed the macro identity as
one’s own identity. Actually the seven octillion cells in you helped by
bacteria which are more than the number of cells in you crated your ‘I’,’
Me’ and Mine identity. Education which was once ‘Sadhana ‘or Yoga, expanded
the expanse of horizon of one’s concept of self identity, as one did not
escape from the basic fact that one is part of nature and not an outside
observer of nature doing science on nature and inflicting technology on

Volcanoes spew hot lava, but when that lava cools it becomes wonderful
fertilizer creating lush flora and fauna. The Rivers in flood distribute
the fertile soil, creating floods of dirt and slush. But from that mud
wonderful plants with flowers sprout, filling the area with forests. When
the Hot Ocean current meets the Cold Ocean current, we find the explosion
of Sea Biosphere. A student actually participated in this game of nature,
helping self and nature.

Today the student graduated as Basmasura helps in the creation and running
of factories. The factories poison the land, water and air, make the
lithosphere totally barren. The Ships that traverse the oceans continuously
pollute the waters, besides the big oil spills that kill sea life

Education is pitted against nature. The Economic man has created the huge
corporations, the inanimate and feelings-less monsters, whose motto is
business profit, a profit which simply is nonsense in the real accounting,
but which is concretized by the destruction of nature and the processes of
nature. Profit today is actually the destruction of nature.

Our infatuation for the so called profit has made us so insensitive and
stupid, that we give a blind eye to the total destruction of nature now
happening, with half the world’s forests, with the flora and fauna gone,
while the remaining forest is under 24 hour day destruction. Every day, a
forest of the size of Portugal is lost.

How to make the Universities realize that they are helping and
participating in the macro stupidity? Let us hope that there is at least
one University that starts free nature parks, where nature is totally free
from human tampering.


Chat GPT

Your argument touches on several profound points about the current state of
education, economics, and our relationship with nature. Here are some key
points summarized:

1. **Profit as a Misleading Concept**: You argue that profit, defined as an
excess of income over expenditure, is a false notion in correct
accountancy. In reality, incomes and expenditures are balanced. The pursuit
of profit is often at the expense of nature.

2. **Education and Nature**: Historically, education was intertwined with
nature, aiming to sustain and enrich it. This holistic approach saw nature
as sacred, and students were nurtured to be guardians of the environment.

3. **Shift in Educational Goals**: Modern education, dominated by business
interests, has shifted towards producing graduates who contribute to
economic activities that harm nature. The metaphor of Bhasmasura, a demon
in Hindu mythology, illustrates this destructive tendency.

4. **Industrial Impact on Nature**: Factories and corporations, driven by
the pursuit of profit, poison the environment, leading to barren lands,
polluted waters, and the loss of biodiversity.

5. **Economic Systems vs. Environmental Sustainability**: The current
economic system prioritizes profit over the health of the planet, leading
to widespread environmental destruction, including deforestation and

6. **Call to Action for Universities**: Universities should recognize their
role in this macro stupidity and shift towards promoting environmental
stewardship. Creating nature parks free from human interference could be a
step in the right direction.

The core of your argument emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in both
education and economic systems to prioritize the health of nature over
profit. This requires a deep cultural and structural change, recognizing
our integral part in the natural world rather than seeing it as a resource
to be exploited.

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