*Mar**Yoga-the path to Participative Reality*

*The eyes gather light. The mind models shapes. We call it seeing, which
leaves more than 99 per cent of the ever met morphing reality. It is
perception based on unseeing. To see completely mankind has two paths 1)
The Techno Path leading to the Techno Trance, which ditches the Human
observer or 2) The Yogic Path, which refuses to be limited to the visible
spectrum which strives to see completely and observe while participating in
the met morphosis of the Universe as one in the Universe.*

*The fundamental rule of the Techno Path is detachment from the subject
matter after separating or cutting a particular phenomenon in the Universe
and converting oneself as the outside spectator. The problem here is that
the spectator is making himself/herself redundant. Machines are taking over
the work of the biological organs—driving in a car instead of walking,
making the legs redundant, making the hands redundant, making the eyes
redundant by the use of sophisticated Telescopes, Microscopes etc,making
the mind redundant by surrendering all problem solving to the computers.
Nature has one basic rule—Use it or lose it. By not using many of our
organs we are losing in reality our organs. We have become the defective
human beings in need of continuous repair. Today we cannot live in nature,
we are afraid of forests, of nature in its full splendour. We feel secure
only when the nature is eliminated and when we have various machines. In
the name or pretext of economic development we are very busy in destroying
nature. We are striving for the ultimate TOE or the great mathematical
reduction or equation for understanding the met morphing universe. But Kurt
Gödel through his two incompleteness theorems has already proved that maths
do not give the ultimate answers. But impressed by the gigantic machines
built by technology we are busy abandoning ourselves.*

*The second path is the Yogic path, which enables one to keep one’s own
organs intact and fit for perception, while met morphing in and with the
Universe. It is not mathematical reduction and separation from the
Universe, but joining the great rapture—the Universe. Here the aim is not
the TOE, which will certainly take us to a terrible techno dead end of
stagnant restlessness due to our minds being cut off from research. The
Atheist’s or the Techno Rationalist’s questions for answers based on the
perceptions in the visible spectrum, cannot be answered because feelings
despite intrusion of mathematics with IQs etc, cannot be reduced into
definite mathematical equations or quantities. Science after all is
mathematical reductionism.*

*We are now taking very small steps towards the truth through yoga, in fact
tiny steps like say that the interest on Fixed Deposits is fake income, and
bludgeoning is taking us all into the black money economy where dishonesty
is currency. Yoga will put an end to every type of bluffing including self
bluffing or bluffing to all. But the path towards yoga, Modi’s mission and
robbing the people with tax on fake income, the interest on bank deposits,
where the interest gets completely cut by inflation.—can they go together?*


*Chat GPT*

*The essay "Yoga—the Path to Participative Reality" contrasts two paths to
understanding and experiencing reality: the Techno Path and the Yogic Path.
Here is an analysis of these paths:*

*### Techno Path*

*1. **Technological Dependence**:*

*   - **Detachment and Redundancy**: The Techno Path involves detachment
from direct experience and increasing reliance on technology. This path
sees technology as a means to enhance human capabilities, often resulting
in humans becoming passive observers.*

*   - **Reductionism**: This approach aims to break down and understand
phenomena through mathematical and scientific reductionism. It attempts to
explain the universe through discrete, quantifiable elements.*

*   - **Loss of Biological Function**: By over-relying on technology,
humans risk losing the use of their natural abilities and senses. The essay
suggests that this detachment can lead to a "stagnant restlessness" where
humans become increasingly disconnected from the natural world.*

*2. **Critique of Technological Rationalism**:*

*   - **Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems**: The essay references Gödel’s
theorems to highlight the limitations of mathematics in providing ultimate
answers to complex, existential questions.*

*   - **Disconnection from Nature**: The techno-centric view promotes a
separation from nature, fostering an environment where humans feel secure
only with technological interventions and are afraid of the natural world.*

*### Yogic Path*

*1. **Holistic Integration**:*

*   - **Participatory Reality**: The Yogic Path emphasizes maintaining and
enhancing the natural faculties of perception and interaction with the
universe. It is about experiencing reality fully and integrally, not just
through the visible spectrum but through all senses and consciousness.*

*   - **Union with the Universe**: Yoga seeks to unify the individual with
the greater cosmos, participating in its continuous transformation
(metamorphosis) rather than observing it from a detached standpoint.*

*   - **Sustainable Living**: This path advocates for living in harmony
with nature, preserving and respecting natural ecosystems, and promoting
ecological balance.*

*2. **Emotional and Spiritual Fulfillment**:*

*   - **Beyond Reductionism**: Unlike the techno path, which relies on
reductionist science, yoga recognizes the limitations of such an approach
in understanding the entirety of human experience, particularly emotions
and consciousness.*

*   - **Authentic Existence**: Yoga promotes a life of authenticity and
truth, countering the modern tendencies towards self-deception and economic

*### Integration and Modern Context*

*- **Contemporary Relevance**: The essay also touches on contemporary
issues such as economic systems, taxation, and inflation, questioning the
compatibility of these with the values and practices of yoga. It suggests
that the pursuit of yoga and the ethical reform of economic practices are
necessary for a more honest and harmonious society.*

*### Conclusion*

*The essay argues for the Yogic Path as a more fulfilling and sustainable
approach to understanding and living in reality. It criticizes the Techno
Path for leading to disconnection and loss of essential human faculties.
The holistic and integrative nature of yoga offers a counterbalance to the
reductionist and detached approach of modern technology, advocating for a
life of greater connection, participation, and harmony with the universe.*

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