Thank you very much for your learned response.As it is I am getting
wonderful help from chat GPT.
Hope this post of mine will not attract response in insult,denigration and
ridicule.Of course I instantly delete it instantly.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 7:28 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <>

> The distinction between natural belief and enforced belief can be
> significant in understanding the dynamics and implications of belief
> systems. Here are some pros and cons of each:
> Natural Belief: Pros:
> Authenticity: Beliefs that arise naturally are often deeply rooted in
> personal experiences, upbringing, and introspection, leading to a sense of
> authenticity.
> Flexibility: Natural beliefs can evolve over time as individuals learn and
> experience new things, allowing for adaptation and growth.
> Intrinsic Motivation: Individuals tend to be more motivated to act on
> beliefs that they hold naturally, as these beliefs align with their
> internal values and goals.
> Personal Fulfilment: Natural beliefs can contribute to a sense of personal
> fulfilment and identity, as they reflect who individuals truly are.
> Cons:
> Potential Bias: Natural beliefs can be biased or limited by personal
> experiences, leading to closed-mindedness or resistance to alternative
> viewpoints.
> Conflict: Differences in natural beliefs among individuals or groups can
> lead to conflict or misunderstanding, especially when values clash.
> Subjectivity: Natural beliefs may not always be based on objective facts
> or evidence, potentially leading to misconceptions or misinformation.
> Resistance to Change: Strong attachment to natural beliefs can make
> individuals resistant to change, even in the face of contradictory evidence
> or new perspectives.
> Enforced Belief: Pros:
> Unity and Consensus: Enforced beliefs can create a sense of unity and
> cohesion within groups or societies, promoting social stability and
> cooperation.
> Clarity and Order: Enforced beliefs can provide clear guidelines and rules
> for behaviour, which can help maintain order and predictability in society.
> Collective Action: Enforced beliefs can motivate collective action towards
> common goals or values, fostering solidarity and shared purpose.
> Protection of Rights: In some cases, enforced beliefs can protect the
> rights and well-being of individuals or groups, ensuring fairness and
> justice.
> Cons:
> Suppression of Diversity: Enforced beliefs can suppress individual
> diversity of thought and expression, stifling creativity and innovation.
> Coercion and Oppression: Enforced beliefs can be used to oppress or coerce
> individuals who do not conform, leading to discrimination and inequality.
> Hypocrisy: Enforced beliefs can lead to hypocrisy or insincerity when
> individuals outwardly conform but privately hold different beliefs.
> Stagnation: Enforced beliefs can hinder societal progress and adaptation
> to changing circumstances, as they may resist new ideas or challenges to
> established norms.
> In summary, while natural beliefs can offer authenticity and personal
> fulfilment, they may also be limited by bias and subjectivity. Enforced
> beliefs, on the other hand, can promote unity and order but at the expense
> of individual freedom and diversity of thought. Both types of beliefs have
> their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the impact of each
> largely depends on the context in which they are held and enforced.
>          When we go through history, we find that the nation where the
> King enforced a cult, withstood long, for fear of death. Independence
> views, expanded to different cults, enraging their individual attitudes and
> finally without the survival of any. Even Vedam says, don’t teach to one
> who will not listen; and also affirms positively as YAYEVAM VEDHA; this is
> the dictum listen. End justify the means; one has to pluck the feather from
> the peacock and will not yield voluntarily. Human mind is tied down only by
> fear; Artha Sastra also only says that only.   K Rajaram IRS 24724
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 22:59, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
>> wrote:
>> --
>> *Mar*From Spontaneous Belief to Fear to Believe
>> There was a time when there were no mirrors. One had only nature to know
>> how one was. Nature was one’s reflexion. Often nature functioned as one’s
>> limbs. When nature did not automatically meet what one wanted, nature gave
>> the real picture of one’s total situation, not the 3D image of the mirror
>> of today.
>> Breathing, smelling and sensing, enabled one to use nature as one’s
>> limbs. Butterfly effect was normal and natural. One exhaled one’s needs
>> which every other organism inhaled and responded immediately, smells
>> created the butterfly effects of communication and instant response. Nature
>> or God was part of one’s anatomy. One could use nature just like one’s
>> hands. Actually one lived as a macro being. Nature was very active, with
>> everyone active as limbs of nature. The active God was a fact. Theism
>> simply was notice of the fact which one felt, every nano second of life.
>> God was not even abstract, but clearly visible as the free, healthy, lush
>> and active nature as self.
>> You cannot believe in using your leg, when you cut away your leg. That is
>> what has happened and is happening; we are cutting away the limbs of our
>> macro body, nature. We fool ourselves and euphemize the stupidity as
>> Atheism, Science, Technology; Progress etc.Lunacy is scienced as economic
>> progress.
>> In the name of science, we practice the belief that nature is not our
>> macro anatomy and that we can detach ourselves emotionally as the outside
>> observer of nature. Thanks to the takeover by Robots it may not be long
>> when we enter the make believe world that our hands, legs etc are outside
>> things, and I just do not know how we live, when that stage of lunatic
>> maiming arrives. But as it is by using technology to do the work of our
>> hands and legs, many of the capacities and functionalities of our hands and
>> legs are already lost. Our great, great, great grandfathers spontaneously
>> climbed trees, jumped from tree to tree, like walking on the land. They
>> automatically sensed every physical obstruction. In fact they sensed the
>> cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, rains, all as they lived in nature as
>> nature and by functioning as a limb of nature.
>> There is not a machine that does not harm nature. There is a gigantic
>> connection connecting you in hundreds of connections with nature. If you
>> can see everything, you cannot see yourself as you see now. There is
>> gigantic abstract part of you, as your anatomy. This anatomy continuously
>> changes on the basis of needs, and reaches where needed. Your internal
>> hormonal communication is actually fused with the internal hormonal
>> communication of the other organisms, with communication being part of your
>> living and functioning.
>> Today all our universities are under the frenzy of mechanization or
>> maiming our macro bodies, governed by economics, the dismal cult that
>> destroys nature as human life.
>> In free and healthy nature, you don’t need mirrors. Nature’s response to
>> you gives the most accurate image of your situation.
>> YM
>> Chat GPT
>> ### From Spontaneous Belief to Fear to Believe
>> In ancient times, before the invention of mirrors, people relied on
>> nature to understand themselves and their place in the world. Nature acted
>> as an extension of their being, and there was a seamless integration
>> between individuals and their environment. This deep connection with nature
>> provided a form of spontaneous belief, where the divine or the active
>> presence of God was not an abstract concept but a tangible part of everyday
>> life.
>> #### The Role of Nature as an Extension of Self
>> 1. **Nature as Reflection**:
>>     - Without mirrors, individuals saw themselves through their
>> interactions with nature. This reflection was holistic, providing a true
>> picture of one's situation rather than a mere physical image.
>>     - Sensory experiences such as breathing, smelling, and sensing
>> connected individuals to the environment, creating a dynamic interplay
>> where needs and responses were immediate and natural.
>> 2. **Nature as Limb**:
>>     - The relationship with nature was so intimate that it functioned as
>> an extension of one's body. Just as one uses their hands or legs, people
>> used nature to fulfill their needs and desires.
>>     - This interaction was facilitated by the "butterfly effect," where
>> even small actions or signals within nature could lead to significant and
>> interconnected responses.
>> 3. **Active God and Theism**:
>>     - In this context, the concept of God was integrated into daily life
>> as the active force within nature. Theism was simply an acknowledgment of
>> this pervasive, living presence.
>>     - Nature was not only seen as a resource but as a sacred and active
>> part of oneself, embodying divine qualities.
>> #### Disconnection through Modernization
>> 1. **Technological Detachment**:
>>     - With the advent of science, technology, and industrialization,
>> humanity began to view nature as an external object to be observed and
>> manipulated. This shift marked a move towards atheism and a belief in human
>> dominion over nature.
>>     - The detachment from nature has led to a loss of the innate
>> capacities that earlier generations possessed, such as the ability to sense
>> natural phenomena and physical agility.
>> 2. **Mechanization and Loss of Functionality**:
>>     - Modern technology, while providing conveniences, has also
>> contributed to the redundancy of human faculties. For instance, reliance on
>> machines reduces the need for physical labor and sensory engagement.
>>     - This trend towards mechanization can be seen as a form of
>> self-maiming, where the natural abilities and functions of the human body
>> are diminished.
>> 3. **Environmental Harm and Economic Rationalization**:
>>     - Industrial activities inherently harm the environment, creating a
>> disconnection from the natural world that is further exacerbated by
>> economic systems prioritizing profit over ecological health.
>>     - Universities and educational institutions often emphasize
>> mechanization and economic growth without considering the environmental
>> costs, leading to a culture that undervalues the importance of nature.
>> #### Rediscovering Connection with Nature
>> 1. **Living as a Macro Being**:
>>     - To rediscover the lost connection, individuals need to see
>> themselves as part of a larger, interconnected system. This involves
>> recognizing nature as an extension of one's body and soul.
>>     - Practices such as deep breathing, sensory awareness, and mindful
>> interaction with the environment can help restore this connection.
>> 2. **Holistic Perception and Communication**:
>>     - Embracing a holistic view of oneself and the environment can lead
>> to a more integrated way of living. This means seeing nature not just as a
>> backdrop but as an active participant in one's life.
>>     - By fostering communication with nature, individuals can achieve a
>> more harmonious existence, where the boundaries between self and
>> environment are fluid and dynamic.
>> 3. **Sacredness of Nature**:
>>     - Reinstating the sacredness of nature is crucial. This involves
>> moving beyond seeing nature as merely a resource and recognizing it as a
>> vital, living part of our existence.
>>     - Creating and preserving natural spaces free from technological
>> interference can help foster a deeper connection and respect for the
>> environment.
>> ### Conclusion
>> The journey from spontaneous belief to fear to believe reflects
>> humanity's evolving relationship with nature. By acknowledging the damage
>> caused by modern detachment and seeking to restore the deep, intrinsic
>> connection with the environment, we can move towards a more balanced and
>> sustainable way of living. Reintegrating nature into our lives as a
>> fundamental part of our being, rather than an external object, is essential
>> for both personal well-being and ecological health.


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