Respected sir,
The half read Mr Rajaram does not know, there were many Vilwamangalam Swamigal. 
He quotes some historical points wrote by some body, because it did not 
mention, a temple is not there. He aruges  about Aaadi Sankara did not brought 
Mookambika to Chottanikkara. 

Are we fully know about the period of Aadi Sankara? There are many missing 
links. Either he knows the legends nor the History. 

It is also very difficult to make out from his English full of mistakes. I do 
not know why some of our own members gives full support to him, and want 
members like you and me are to be removed from Iyer123 group (refer Sai 
moderator mail) 


    On Friday, 26 July, 2024 at 07:50:54 am IST, Narayanaswamy Iyer 
<> wrote:  
Dear folks
Like the thieving fox whose tail is caught in the farmer's trap, our mlechcha 
MOOR  KR ex-IRS 25724 tries to blaspheme his way out by outright lies and slimy 
"When so many things are pointed out , he feels so cracked, falling like 9 
pins, and then pumps out garbage."
"So tuck the tail and read , analyse and write. Or may write vadivelu jokes we 
will laugh. KR IRS 25724."

S Narayanaswamy Iyer
On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 12:00 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

The great Kerala Historians had commented about all the temples pointing out 
Parasurama as well as many sthalapuranam of Kerala quoting from vedic 
scriptures unrelated materials, and the incidents held elsewhere repeated here 
also as it happened, to boost their levels. People who speak a lot as kerala 
iyer in the group of just three always, did not know their own historians thus 
when they wrote kerala history. Vilwamangalam swamigal is misused for all 
temples as written by him even in 1200 AD etc. Virtually Kerala truth writers 
disproved it as where he writes about trivandrum princess who lived only in 
1800 AD , how could have written in 1300 AD?  So copy and paste of 
Gopalakrishnan is also a hoax in some parts , which he did not analyse or 
research before writing. When so many things are pointed out , he feels so 
cracked, falling like 9 pins, and these 3 pumps out garbage as the write up 
cannot be established by him nor can assert by evidence ,all,  what Gopala 
wrote as correct. And when the right people say and prove he is wrong, one who 
is intelligent , will be cautious, not to provoke; but being a double sided 
fool, thinking hima slearned, tries to provoke others with adjectives like 
bluffer etc. And he does another joke also; he copies mine to write elsewhere 
and he was also caught red handed. Only a low level will stoop to that level. 
Guna karma vibhaga:  Adi shankara ego story is elsewhere where the sanskrit 
verse does not say as ego; sankara Vijayam dies not say adi shankara visiting 
kerala temples like chottani and other bhagavathi temples at all; had HE been 
there, that too in 600 AD onwards (when chottani etc temples were never there; 
only siva vishnu brahma , shakti only one bhagavati temple in the history) his 
whereabouts would have been mentioned by the people who wrote in sanskrit then. 
It is the same case with Pahien and yuan swang etc who apart from nalanda 
should have mentioned about adi shankara a scholar. No one did mention that at 
all. Sankara vijayam does not speak. It is ok if the temple speaks for its 
publicity; but we  shall copycat.  The very fact the historians of Kerala, as 
well as China or anyone else did not even mention in aline nor even the Nalanda 
university (adishankara is supposed to have defeated so many buddhists and 
nalanda dharmakeerthi or nagaraja should have mentioned any such but never at 
all)  That means Adi shankara was only lived in 450 BCE; then kerala History 
was in dark; here were no Bhagavati temples etcc in those times . Only one 
Bhagavati is known even as late as 800 AD. Theertha and all other shiva , 
vishnu and even only Brahma temple are all described.Ayyappa temple is never 
known at all. And by abusing someone without knowing the depth of the abyss 
into which Gopala had entered, bow-wowing is of no use. Narayanasamy's 
knowledge is world famous and his words are in no way any attributes.  Sthala 
puranam generally is not in any way authentic. So tuck the tail and read , 
analyse and write. Or may write vadivelu jokes we will laugh. KR IRS 25724
On Thu, 25 Jul 2024 at 02:51, Narayanaswamy Iyer <> wrote:

Dear folks
Sri Gopalakrishnan writes piously, with reference to Aadi Shankaraachaarya's 
temporarily being perplexed at being suddenly shunned because of his ego:-
"ego had somehow crept in to make him feel superior and that his ego was being 
shunned by the Divine Presence, making him unable to fathom it."
Super-critic, incorrigibly crude, rude, and blasphemic mlechchan nude Rajaram 
Krishnamurthy obviously cannot suppress his own bloated ego and must make 
unwelcome, unwanted, and irrelevant comments to underline and re-emphasise his 
abysmal lack of devotion to any and every Hindu god and goddess.
I repeat that he is a nude mlechchan, having regard to his own self-assigned 
name:  krush-na-MOOR-ti, which he carries everywhere and will be buried with in 
a hole exactly as vagrant flea-infected, rabid, wormy, distempered, 
flaky-skinned, rot-eared, blind female canines will be buried.
Moors are cow-slaughtering, beef-eating mlechcha Muslims found in Sri Lanka, 
Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Africa, South Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia,  and 
black descendants in America from Moroccon "African Moors" claiming special 
rights from a 1780 treaty with Morocco.
What is incredible is that the avowed r'g-veda chauvinist seems not to have 
taken the slightest notice of what Sri Gopalakrishnan wrote:-
"In the month of Dhanu, Rigveda Laksharchana, under the auspices of thanthri 
and attended by great Vedic scholars, is performed for 8 days."
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 8:21 AM Gopala Krishnan <> wrote:


MalappuramDistrict-Kerala -Compiled


Dear Friends,


I had been to Kadampuzha Devi temple many timeswhich is famous for Muttarukkal 
and Poomootal offerings. About two years back Ivisited the temple along with my 
wife and son. A lot of changes had come atKadampuzha from my earlier visit. My 
son was coming for the first time to thetemple. 


A new bus stand had come with regular buses plying toPalghat, Kozhikode etc. A 
large car parking ground almost completed was there;still many cars were parked 


Three excellent vegetarian hotels have come, a lotmore shops selling coconuts 
for muttarukkal has appeared.


Outside the temple toilets have come for men andwomen near car parking. It was 
a must and provided now. 


I saw a newly constructed administrative office inthe entrance, 3-4 securities 
for guiding devotees, an excellent covered pathwayas Queue for devotees, and 
brand new appearance for the temple itself. 


The details for muttarukkal, the important purposefor which devotees visit the 
temple, are prepared by shops themselves, in theoffice, amount payable is 
calculated, and a computerised receipt is given withdetails furnished by us. It 
is to be handed over to the priest in the temple.Now assistants are there for 
chief priest.  


Visiting the temple in the early morning is more preferredbecause there will be 
lesser devotees before us. I reached by 5.30 AM and therewere only 20-25 
devotees before us.


The information in this posting is re arranged withaddition if necessary from 
an earlier posting by me about ten years back. 


Hope a divine reading.


Gopalakrishnan 25-07-2024




Kaadampuzha Devi temple is situated in the MalappuramDistrict, Kerala. Since 
the Devi is vanadurga   the temple is closed early in the night. Devihas no 
proper form. 


Poomoodal (Covering the deity with red thetti (jungleflame flowers) is the most 
important offering in the temple. Devotees   have to wait for years for 
conducting theoffering after booking.


Most devotees come for solving their problems byMuttarukkal, in front of the 
idol. The details of muttarukkal are givenelsewhere in this posting. 


2 Legend

The Legend about the origin of the temple is associated with the popularepisode 
in “Mahabharatha”  where Arjuna does penance in Kamyakavanam toappease Lord 
Shiva to obtain the divine weapon “Paasupathastra”. Lord Shiva approaches 
Arjuna as ahunter i.e. Kiratha with His divine consort SreeParvathy escorting 
Him as ahuntress, Kirathi. Arjuna is challenged by the Lord in disguise to test 
theskills of the boon seeker.

In the fierce battle between Lord Shiva (Kiratha) and Arjuna, the arrows that 
Arjuna showered onLord Shiva miraculously turned into Thechi [jungle 
flame]flowers by the will ofSree Parvathy and Lord Shiva was fully covered with 
flowers. The flowersand leaves offered by Arjuna to the Shivalinga were also 
seen on Kirathaitself.   Arjuna then recognizes the Lord and prostrates before 
him.Having found Arjuna worthy of the deadly weapon, the Lord obliges His 
devoteevery soon, and here He is goaded by SreeParvathy who hastened the 
process witha motherly affection to Arjuna.  

During the divine couple’s wandering in the forest, SreeParvathy  felt thirsty 
and the Lord broughtforth holy water from River Ganga through a well-directed 
arrow into the earth.This event is immortalized as‘Kaatan-Ambu-eitha-ala’ where 
‘kaatan’ is hunter, ‘ambu’ is arrow,'eitha’ is shot and ‘ala’ is hole. This 
became Katanambueithaala which was later colloquialised asKadampuzha. Devotees 
thus worship the holethrough which river Ganga sprouted and this is the idol, 
the divine sankalpa inSrikovil.

My note for the only critic Mr Rajaram- The legend told above is associated 
with many temples. It is legend. Icannot produce any proof that the legend is 
pertaining to this temple.

3 History 

The temple was founded by Shree Shankaracharya and the month he consecrated 
Kadampuzha Temple, theday of Karthika in the month of Virshchikam (November – 
December) is  considered as the most auspicious day and iscelebrated as the 

Shree Shankaracharya,during his Deshadanam,[ a pilgrimage to various parts of 
the country,] cameacross this place while he was going to Chottanikkara Temple 
after his Darshan at Mookambika Temple. 

When he reached the place now known as Kadampuzha, he found that his way was 
blocked by a Divine Presence. Even with the superior Sightthat could “See” or 
“Understand” Divine presences, he could not fathom it.Perplexed, he meditated 
to understand why he failed to fathom the Divine Presenceand within himself 
discovered that having attained the “Sarvajnanapeedhom”,ego had somehow crept 
in to makehim feel superior and that his ego was being shunned by the Divine 
Presence, making him unable tofathom it. 

The Divine Saint immediately set about cleansing his mind of any ego andmade 
himself as humble and pure minded as an innocent child. Heapproached the Divine 
Presence again with utmost devotion and supplication andimmediately perceived 
what the presence was and wherein it was emanating from. 

He marvelled at the Divine Presence of the Devi very strongly bonded withthe 
Divine Presence of Lord Shiva and decided that the place should be treated 
withabsolute reverence.

He discerned that the Divine power is emanating from the holein the ground 
andtook steps to consecrate the place as a temple and also constitutedLord 
Narasimha and Sudarshana Chakra in front of the Devi and also decided toplace 
Dharmashasta and Nagakanyaka or either sides of the temple. 

He also stipulated the poojas and rituals that must be conducted at thetemple 
and these stipulations are followed till date.

4 Temple and deities 

AdiShankara built the temple over this spot in the method prescribed byThachu 
Sastra and on the stone right in front of this, where the divinepresence of 
Lord Shiva was perceived, he consecrated Narasimha Moorthy and theSudarshana 
Chakra each facing South and North respectively. 

On the South side of the temple Naga Kanya was consecrated and Shasta onthe 

Then, around 1949, when Shree M.KAchutha Warier was the trustee, the sanctum 
sanctorum was rebuilt usinglaterite stones and theroof was built using jack 
wood and tiles. However, only the North side wascompleted and the other three 
were laid bare. During this time the pilgrimageto the temple was rather bleak 
and the temple trustees found the upkeep rathertough.

Then in 1974, a DevaPrashnam[divine inquiry] was conducted and according to the 
divinations then made, Bharmashree Andaladi DivakaranNamboothiripad was made 
the Thantri (Chief Priest) and the compensatory poojasand other poojas for 
prosperity conducted by him brought about a huge change. 

Pilgrims started to flock Kadampuzha again and year after year thisimproved. 

Deva Prashnam was conducted again in 1984 and 1993 and whatevercompensatory 
rituals suggested at those times were also religiously carriedout. 

In the Deva Prashna of 1993, it was divined that the sanctum sanctorum was to 
be rebuilt using granitestones and the roof should be paved with brass and 
immediately the workwas taken up and what we see is the result of that.

 The sanctum sanctorum was builtusing a complex calculation known as 

The temple is built on the upper side of the riverflowing near the temple. 


Only sanctum is there, there is no sopanam or toweror any such for this temple. 


The hole, divined to be the one created by the mighty arrow of Lord Shivathat 
summoned Ganaga for quenching Parvathi’s thirst, was perceived as theDevine 
Power Source by AdiShankara and hence there is no idol to represent the 
Presence here. 

No idol for deity is also a unique aspect of Kadampuzha temple.  To mark this 
place and for the common man’sreference, a Thidambu or Arch is kept on top. 

Onlyduring the “Poo Moodal” rite the Thidumbu is removed and the hole exposed.


Poomoodal is done over the deity location.Muttarukkal is performed in the floor 
in front of the deity. 


5 Dailypoojas


Daily poojas are conducted as prescribed by Aadi Sankaracharya.


Devi is worshiped here in threeforms. In the mornings she is worshiped as 
VidyaDurga (Saraswati)bestowing knowledge and excellence in career to all. 

In the afternoon she is worshiped as Vanadurga (Durga) in the Twaritha Devi 
form blessing the devoteeswith health, early marriage, and domestic harmony and 
in the evening as AadiDurga (Mooladurga - Lakshmi)bestowing the devotees with 
wealth and overall prosperity.

Goddess at Kadampuzha is worshipped as ‘twaritha’ or onewho is quick in 
granting blessings and favours.

Lord Narasimha facing South andSudarshanachakra facing northare honoured 
through depictions in the same sila idol in an enclosure in frontof the sanctum 

There are sreekovils for SreeDharma Saastha and enclosure for Nagakanyaka as 
upadevaas or subsidiary deities.

6 Thanthrik Festivals(Poushtika Karmas)

1 Rigveda Laksharchana

In the month of Dhanu, Rigveda Laksharchana, under the auspices ofthanthri and 
attended by great Vedic scholars, is performed for 8 days. TheRigveda Archana 
commences in the early hours every day and Abhisheka will beperformed in the 
evening. Cultural programs will be held during the first 7days staging temple 
arts and art forms, well attended by large audience andmany dignitaries.


DravyaKalasam in the month of Thulam is conducted with its thanthrik 
andritualistic varieties for 8 days under the auspices of Temple Thanthri. 
TheDravyaKalasam will commence with Aacharyavaranam, Mulayidal, 
Praasdasudhi,Rakshoknahoma, Asthrakalasa, Vaasthukalasa, Dhara, Sudhi, Homas, 
Thatwahoma,and finally concludes with BrahmakalasaAbhisekha accompanied by 
Valiyapani andMelavadhyams etc.

3 Murajapam

There will be one day’s special thanthri pooja every month followed 
withMurajapam by great vedic scholars.There are no festivals in this Temple 
that are celebrated with the usualpomp, show and colourful processions. But 
there are manyreligious occasions that are celebrated in a festive manner.

4 Thirukarthika

The Karthika day in Vrischigam iscelebrated as Pradishta day inTemple with 
Sudhi, Navakom, Panchagavyam, special kalasamsetc on the auspicesof the 
Thanthri of the temple. ThePoomoodal and all special poojas on this day are 
performed by Devaswomdirectly. Unlike other temples, the Karthikadeepam 
lightings are done inthe early hours in the morning. There will be large scale 
PrasadaOotu to thedevotees in specially put up vast pandal in temple compound 
from 10.30 amonwards which may extend to the evening. The number of devotees 
who attend thisreligious feast may well cross 15000. There will be special 
poojas and vadhyams particularly inSreeMadambiyarkavu, a KirathaMoorthy Temple 
situated 2 km away from here.Due to the ceremonial connections the Karthika day 
poojas in this Temple areoffered by KadampuzhaDevaswom.

5 Ramayana Month

Sreemad Devi Bhagavatha Navaham is conducted in the month of Thulam everyyear.

6 BhagavathaSapthaha

SreemadBhagavathaSapthaha is conducted in the month of Thulam /Virischigom 
every year

7. Offering Muttarukkal

Muttuarukkal means cut offobstacles or curing of problems). In simple words 
eliminate obstacles/problems.


The priest breaks the coconut in front of the deity andif it is well broken, 
the problem will be solved. Depending upon how the twohalves are, the priest 
announces the Devi’s decision.


For individual problem separate coconut is offered. Thedifferent types of muttu 
are like- deha muttu, vidya muttu, vyapara muttu,mangalya muttu, gruha muttu 


For muttarukkal coconuts are to be given to thepriest with details of the 
person, star and problem. 


The list isgiven along with the receipt from the administrative office 


We can bring coconuts either from home or purchasefrom any of the vendors 
present near the temple. 


With the receipt and coconuts in a bag the devoteshave to join the queue. On 
the way, water is kept, to dip the coconuts forpurifying. In fact by dipping in 
water, coconut easily halves on breaking. Normallydevotees carry one or two 
coconuts more with them. 


Muttarukkal is halving the coconut by the priests infront of Devi striking on 
the stone. They halve each coconut so quicklyuttering name, star and purpose of 
muttu. Devidisposes.  If there is no problem coconutwill halve or else break 
into unequal pieces. The coconuts must be free from rot. Rotten coconuts to be 


If it broke into unequal pieces one has to offeranother coconut.  If after 
seeing 4-5coconuts found rotten or uneven the priests normally would ask to 
worship and come after  few months and repeat.


If 2nd coconut breaks evenly  indicates somedelay for solution of the problem 
put forth. 

For better education, marriage, health, coconuts arebroken at the nada. 


Sometimes people can be seen with more than 20-30coconuts. Muttarukkal is done 
only at specified times of the day. The coconuts are returned as prasadam. 


Most place the halved and remaining coconuts in the storingplace provided after 
taking one or two halves with them. 

After worshiping the deity and muttarukkal otherdeities are worshipped and 
circumambulation of the temple is done. I will continue in next part.


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