CULTURAL QA 09202424

Every day science-Base Quora QA Compiled

Q1      Which is the best stream among these three: science, commerce or

KR:         The purpose of choosing a stream—science, arts, or
commerce—lies in aligning your education with your interests and career
aspirations. Each stream offers distinct pathways:

Science: Focuses on analytical thinking and problem-solving. It prepares
students for careers in healthcare, engineering, research, and technology.

Arts: Encourages creativity and critical thinking. It opens doors to
careers in writing, design, psychology, and social work, allowing for
exploration of culture and human experience.

Commerce: Centers on business principles, finance, and economics. It leads
to opportunities in management, accounting, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

Ultimately, the choice should reflect what you enjoy and where you see
yourself in the future, helping to guide your educational journey and
career path. What are your interests?


Q2      In this modern day and age, with science giving absolute proof of
our origins, how can seemingly intelligent people still believe in God?

KR:          As streams help only to lead one’s life where every stream
whether read or not, known or unknown, helps with the common sense of that
stream. So those streams are only an asigned make-over, so too the streams
like science and GOD. Even without any strean GOD may be there. Streams are
choice or by chance; but GOD is universal. GOD is not a stream but height
of pinnacle one can or cannot claim. Even then, GOD may swipr of his or her
feet. As science do only a guess work with some maths or logic, which
appears to be convincing for certain periods; then it may totally take a
turn, modify or advance for another maths or Logical conviction. After all
streams have a limitation. But no one found any limitations on GOD. Hence
only the scientists turn to God or deny the GOD which means theere is GOD.
If not why negativism?


Q3      Do humans need carbon dioxide to live?

KR            The carbon cycle is a crucial ecological process that
describes how carbon moves through different reservoirs on Earth, including
the atmosphere, oceans, soil, and living organisms. Here’s a breakdown of
its importance:

Key Stages of the Carbon Cycle:

Photosynthesis: Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it into
organic matter using sunlight, releasing oxygen in the process. This is the
foundation of the food chain.

Respiration: Living organisms, including humans, consume organic matter and
release CO2 back into the atmosphere through respiration.

Decomposition: When organisms die, decomposers break down their bodies,
releasing stored carbon back into the soil and atmosphere as CO2 or methane.

Ocean Absorption: Oceans absorb a significant amount of CO2, where it can
be used by marine plants or contribute to ocean acidification.

Fossil Fuels: Over millions of years, some carbon is stored in fossil fuels
(coal, oil, natural gas). When burned, these fuels release CO2, impacting
the atmosphere.

Importance of the Carbon Cycle:

Climate Regulation: The carbon cycle helps regulate Earth’s climate by
controlling the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Ecosystem Balance: It supports diverse ecosystems by maintaining the
balance between carbon sources (like respiration) and sinks (like

Food Production: By facilitating photosynthesis, the carbon cycle is
fundamental for food production and agriculture.

Energy Resources: The carbon stored in fossil fuels is a primary energy
source for modern civilization, though its combustion contributes to
climate change.


Understanding the carbon cycle is vital for addressing climate change,
promoting sustainable practices, and ensuring the health of ecosystems. It
highlights the interconnectedness of life and the environment. If you have
more questions or want to dive deeper into a specific aspect, feel free to

        Now Co2 emissions and intakes are inevitable. So, CO2 will be
there. The question is whether human can live without CO2? By exhaling he
human live without CO2. And organic consumption, Food consumption, and
Energy needs, are all components of human living. In essence, CO2 is
fundamental to life on Earth. Its absence would prevent the production of
food, disrupt ecosystems, and eliminate many sources of energy. The carbon
cycle illustrates the crucial role of carbon in maintaining life and energy
flows on our planet. If you’d like to explore more about this topic, just
let me know!


Q5      Why does the water from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans not mix?

KR:         Sea waters do mix, but the mixing process can be influenced by
several factors, leading to variations in how effectively different water
bodies blend. Here are some key points about ocean mixing:

1. Density Differences:

Temperature and Salinity: Water temperature and salinity affect density.
Colder, saltier water is denser and tends to sink, while warmer, less salty
water is less dense and floats. This can create layers that don’t mix

2. Ocean Currents:

Surface and Deep Currents: Ocean currents play a crucial role in mixing
waters. Surface currents are driven by wind, while deep currents are
influenced by differences in temperature and salinity (thermohaline

3. Stratification:

Layers: In some areas, stratification can occur, where distinct layers of
water form due to differences in temperature and salinity, leading to
limited mixing between layers.

4. Upwelling and Downwelling:

Nutrient Mixing: Upwelling brings nutrient-rich water from the depths to
the surface, promoting mixing and supporting marine life. Downwelling
occurs when surface water sinks, contributing to the mixing of deeper


While sea waters do mix, factors like density differences, currents, and
stratification can influence the extent and efficiency of that mixing.
Would you like to learn more about ocean currents or how this affects
marine ecosystems?

K Rajaram    IRS     25 9 24
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Date: Tue, 24 Sept 2024 at 19:09
Subject: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 09-2024-24
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CULTURAL QA 09-2024-24

Every day science-Base Quora QA Compiled

Q1      Which is the best stream among these three: science, commerce or

A1      Anurag, Studied Master of Arts in Philosophy (Graduated 2024)Sep 14

Three friends (A,B and C) wanted to cross a river.

Below are their cautionary tales.

Student A (from science stream) says :

The average depth of river must be at least 10 feet.

The kinetic energy due to the high velocity of the downstream current might
easily sweep all of us away.

The 500 millimetre of rain last night has also raised the water level and
increased its current.

So, it is overall risky to cross the river.

Student B (from commerce stream) says :

It is not wise to cross the river from a cost benefit analysis perspective.

 “We” are assets to our family.

There is more risk and less reward in crossing the river.

We should not be trapped in the “sunk cost fallacy”.

Student C (from arts stream) says :

Rivers and seas have always acted as geographical barriers.

Few people like Vasco da Gama and Columbus defied all odds and reached
their destinations.

However, many countless people were consumed by the sea in their quest for

Student C adds : “history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as

Best stream ?

Each student demonstrated the scepticism and rationality in their own
unique ways.

Each stream has its own essence and depth.

There is nothing like superiority.

Hence, choose your stream on the basis of your interest.

Q2      In this modern day and age, with science giving absolute proof of
our origins, how can seemingly intelligent people still believe in God?

A2      Lakeysha Brown,Former Gambling Coach and Current Bankruptcy Advisor
Jun 25

Science has no idea how we got here. I mean actually really got here, what
was the precursor to all precursors was, or where it came from. (Irony,
yes, but seriously…)

 Yes, “belief” in God is an odd thing. I suppose you are referring to the
religious version of The Big Guy, not the whatever it or IT actually is.

People believe in things because such beliefs make them feel better. If
they actually knew, then it wouldn’t be a belief.

I think that the degree to which people come to have a real sense of
something that may actually correspond to what’s in that “God” space that
religions exist to try to provide answers and frameworks for probably has
more to do with the degree to which their mind traces causality chains
backwards as a matter of course. Wanting such things to make sense is a
function of a particular bent, penchant, predilection, that is likely more
present in some people than in others.

But it’s easy to understand why people buy the religion rather than try to
investigate on their own: prefab things with an entire social world
included can be relatively satisfying solutions when it comes to meeting a
spouse or sending your kids to a place you recognize as better than the
local mall, or now, cyberspace.

It’s a path of profound solitude to understand such things on your own.
Some people crave that solitude, while others experience it as loneliness.

Q3      Do humans need carbon dioxide to live?

A3      Ray Jones, Former Retired Sr Process Engineer. Alternative Fuels
(1998–2012)Aug 2

Yes. Yes we do need carbon dioxide to live. Carbon dioxide is part of the
earth’s natural carbon cycle.

Carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and trees to make plants and trees
grow. And to help plants live to produce fruit and the food we need to live
and the food animals need to live.

Also plants “breathe” in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which we and
most living things need to breathe and survive. Without any carbon dioxide,
we will all die for lack of oxygen.

You don’t want to die from lack of oxygen do you? Then you need carbon
dioxide in the earths atmosphere. And enough to replenish our oxygen supply.

Surely you don’t want to eliminate carbon dioxide to “save the planet
“. Eliminating
carbon dioxide will kill this planet most certainly. And all life on it.

So don’t let the so called climate change scare you into doing or thinking
something detrimental to life on earth. The earth is truly not in mortal
danger from carbon dioxide. It’s in far more danger from the moronic plans
to solve a fictional climate crisis.

Q4      Why does brass change its colour in the open air?

A4      Kuku,1y

Brass is actually an alloy made of copper and zinc. Now when the hydrogen
sulphide (H2S, occurrence: led off from coal and oil mines, sewage
treatment plants are also a source, and also occurs due to decomposition of
human and animal waste.) reacts with those metals in sunlight ,they react
to form zinc and copper sulphides. This is the reason why brass gets
discoloured when exposed for a long time in air.

Q5      Why does the water from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans not mix?

A5      Brian Collins, I took one year and two quarters of chemistry Jul 14

A lot of answers so far argue, correctly, that water does literally mix
between both oceans. To go another direction though, the answer is because
of North and South America getting in the way.

In a smart arse interpretation of geography and the oceans, the Atlantic
and Pacific mix with the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, but they
don’t mix with each other. To get from the Atlantic to the Pacific, you
have to either go through the Southern Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, or the
Panama Canal.

The Panama Canal has fresh water flowing into it, which also directly mixes
with both the Atlantic and Pacific, yet water from the Atlantic has to go
through that brackish Panama Canal water first before it hits the Pacific.

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