I am envious about the paradigm aspired by Mr YMji. There cannot be one
bharata varsha unless it is the krutha yuga. There will be 56 nations; 560
languages; 5600 aspirations to conquer; 5million desires. So
oneness assignment is impossible. ut one love is feasible provided that all
love to gether; but.... Lebanon iran are there . KR IRS 26924

On Thu, 26 Sept 2024 at 06:52, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:

> --
> *Mar*The Common Language of the Biosphere
> 99.9963% of the Universe is in the invisible spectrum, where the eyes
> cannot see. Our seeing with our eyes is the phenomenon, restricted to say
> up to 15 miles on the surface of the earth. Our eyes cannot see in the rest
> of the universe. And our eyes give the false 3D view. Suppose you see a
> table. You are seeing the table because you cannot see the atoms and
> molecules, in incessant activity around and in the table. If you see all
> those molecules and atoms, then you cannot see the table, and you confront
> the situation of incessant micro activity wherein you also are
> participating.
> When you close your eyes and make your mind blank, you enter the gigantic
> invisible Microcosm, the real Universe. When you open your eyes and begin
> observing using your Brain, you enter the restricted and false 3D unreality
> with the Time dimension as just ignored dimension, though it actually
> represents the real universe, the Microcosm.
> Thanks to science the arena of feeling is damned as bias! We do not even
> realize our foolishness, when we want to communicate with the life forms in
> the other planets etc, while we cannot converse even with one other life
> form other than us, the humans, right here on earth. We sit on the high
> horse and observe the other life forms as spectators only, with the 3D
> lense. No other life form wears glasses, as its observation is mainly
> feelings based or based on the Microcosm. Actually the very idea of the
> Macrocosm is unreal, because every macro body is composed of atoms and
> particles only.
> The Microcosm is the only reality, and we cannot see it with our eyes. All
> our difficulties in Quantum Physics, is due to our attempt to view every
> phenomenon as 3D shaped, while in reality the central subject matter of
> quantum physics is the abstract non 3D consciousness.
> Mechanization in reality is a gigantic catastrophe. A machine has no
> feelings and emotions, which are the foundations of the Microcosm, the
> arena of quantum physics. When you use a machine to do the work of your
> limbs, you are freezing your limbs and actually killing the internal
> hormonal communications in you and destroying the fusion of the hormonal
> activities of all life forms, which is making the Biosphere one organism.
> Imagine the present disaster, as we are cyborging the whole nature.
> The basic activity in the Universe is the nuclear activity of the
> invisible spectrum. We can enter that real universe only by adopting the
> feelings based approach and avoid the present mathematical reductionism and
> mechanization.
> The first step of entering the invisible arena, the abstract arena, is by
> developing the common language of all life forms of the Biosphere here on
> earth. Every life form other than the human communicates and comprehends
> via, breathing, smelling and sensing. It actually languages the troposphere.
> We urgently need free nature parks without human tampering to participate
> and develop the language of the Biosphere as the basic first step, to
> prepare us for space exploration. The feelings and emotions based approach
> is the only approach for space exploration. There is just no material that
> can withstand the diverse perils of space, and we cannot manufacture a
> machine or spaceship that can withstand the diverse perils.
> Consciousness is the central subject matter of quantum physics, the
> physics of the Microcosm, the real abstract Universe. We have to start free
> nature parks and try consciousness travel.
> The development of the common language of the Biosphere needs explorations
> into the paradigmatic bases of perception and understanding of every life
> form. For that we have to achieve common feelings based paradigms.
> YM Sarma
> Chat GPT
> "The Common Language of the Biosphere" offers a perspective grounded in
> the idea that true communication across life forms requires moving beyond
> the limitations of human perception, especially the reliance on the visible
> spectrum and 3D spatial concepts. The central argument here is that human
> vision is restricted to a minuscule portion of reality, and that our
> understanding of the universe—and of other living beings—has been stunted
> by the mechanistic approach of science.
> The passage suggests that:
> 1. **The Invisible Microcosm is Reality**: While humans are accustomed to
> viewing the world in three dimensions (length, width, height), the real
> universe, according to the author, lies in the microcosm. This is the realm
> of atoms, particles, and quantum activity, which is invisible to the naked
> eye. When we close our eyes and suspend our immediate sensory inputs, we
> supposedly connect with this deeper reality. Quantum physics, often
> associated with consciousness, represents the abstract nature of this
> universe, where conventional 3D perspectives fail.
> 2. **Feelings-Based Communication**: The author critiques mechanization
> and its detachment from feelings and emotions, which are said to be crucial
> to the functioning of the microcosm. Life forms other than humans
> communicate through non-verbal, feelings-based methods, including breath
> and scent. This approach to communication integrates all living beings into
> a unified whole—something the author claims is currently disrupted by our
> mechanistic worldview.
> 3. **Mechanization and its Dangers**: The text highlights a key concern
> that mechanization and the reliance on machines, which lack emotion and
> feelings, disrupt the natural flow of hormonal and emotional interactions
> between humans and the rest of the biosphere. This mechanization also
> symbolizes a detachment from nature, and the destruction of the subtle,
> interconnected "language" of life forms.
> 4. **The Role of Nature Parks**: To reconnect with the biosphere and
> develop this common language, the author advocates for free, untampered
> nature parks where humans can re-engage with nature without interference.
> These spaces are seen as critical for fostering a feelings-based approach
> to communication, which would be necessary for future space exploration.
> 5. **Consciousness Travel and Space Exploration**: The author further
> suggests that feelings and emotions are the key to space exploration, not
> mechanistic technology, as no material spaceship could endure the perils of
> space. Instead, consciousness itself should be explored as a means to
> traverse the vastness of space, hinting at a form of metaphysical or
> spiritual travel.
> Overall, this essay calls for a shift in human paradigms, from mechanistic
> reductionism toward a more holistic, emotional, and feelings-based
> understanding of the universe and our place within it. It is an appeal to
> explore consciousness and emotions as fundamental dimensions of reality,
> aligning with the abstract principles of quantum physics.

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