---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: N Sekar <nseka...@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Oct 5, 2024, 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Destroying Nature's Destiny
To: <sridhsriniva...@gmail.com>, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
keyarinc...@gmail.com>, Rama <kaviran...@gmail.com>, Yeddanapudi
Markandeyulu <yeddanapu...@gmail.com>
Cc: Kerala Iyer <keralaiy...@googlegroups.com>, Rangarajan T.N.C. <
tncrangara...@yahoo.com>, Chittanandam V. R. <chittananda...@gmail.com>,
Narayanaswamy Sekar <nsekar...@gmail.com>, Mathangi K. Kumar <
mathangikku...@gmail.com>, Suryanarayana Ambadipudi <sn.ambadip...@gmail.com

Thanks Srinivasan ji.

But it is no surprise as the brahmin community, the modern ones I mean,  is
perhaps the most selfish community that ever existed  and perhaps the most
spineless one. The more we are educated, the more these traits will be.
They are in direct proportion to each other. What matters to us is only the
" Green Card".

Not one will stand up because he is not sure whether there will  be others
to support him. We are such a shameless and selfish community - even if it
is bitter  to swallow, we will happily let our supporters down - only I and
my family counts is our attitude.

We will fight for which " Namam"  - tilak, the elephant should wear and go
to the Supreme Court, but will not lift our little fingers to defend our
Faith, country and community.

We are happy so long as we are treated as the first among the slaves but
don't mind being a slave.

Not only that, we will actively support anti Hindu, anti Bharat and anti
Brshmin crowd by dutifully seeing all the pictures and t v shows they
produce,  because what matters to us is our " pozhdhu pokku" and let the
country, religion and community be damned. Other communities would have
boycotted them and would have made them change.

Also we need to be seen to be secular - defending our Faith and country is
seen  by the educated mob amongst us, as not secular. We will take shelter
behind the argument

"Oh, I don't discuss politics or religion
Oh, what purpose will be served by writing in the groups etc".

But will write on any other subject and will go to war with each other.
What purpose does it serve, nobody knows.

In any group if there are attacks on our country and religion, we
despicable Brahmin fellows will keep quiet - hiding out tails between our
hind legs, lest our interests be affected.

Don't have any hopes Sir.

At best, we will outsource our duties and responsibilities to God as if He
is on our back and call. We will not say we will fight and pray to Him to
help us but will sit tight.

We are a disgrace to ourselves.

N Sekar

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

On Sat, Oct 5, 2024 at 10:53 AM, Srinivasan Sridharan
<sridhsriniva...@gmail.com> wrote:
Yesterday ,in the Jambavan TV channel there was an interview of Sri ibrahim
of BJP. The tooic was abour the venomous speech by one of the DK cadre
calling names on Brahmins. It was objected by Sri Arjun Sampath but no
Brahmin organization made even a formal protest leave alone lodging a
complaint with the police.
   Sri Inrahim bemoans that the Brahmins of TN are too docile and spineless
and this gives the false courage to the DK to come out boldly with such
abuses on Brahmins of TN!
  I strongly advise every one of us to see this interview and understand
what can be done. by the Brahmins of TN !
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 4, 2024, at 8:32 PM, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <keyarinc...@gmail.com>

A thought provoking article. In short it raises an anxiety to connect to
the earth and nature protecting all that breath. Bri NARESH from
telangana , a new model, following EVR, Veeramani, black shirted crowd, in
this you tube,(https://youtu.be/lPMQPJ4z_CE)  says that in temples only
illegal things are going on; and science provided the real solution. His
father, as in TN Dravida party, started Bharathiya nasthika samajam. (all
sanskrit words GOOD) Being a nastika is so good as he/she is always
thinking about GOD,unlike Asthikas. If he had seen illegal things, with
that breadth, could have investigated and brought out the material but did
not do so. Then why he blames the GOD. If it is the GOD or Lord Ayyappa
(whom he blamed calling wrong his birth which was done 50 years back in TN)
doing illegal things well but HE is not there. Science forum had so many
illegal things too. Byri (meaning Falcon) ignored it. So he wants to choose
some path by which he can create attention so let him go ahead till he
crashes. Krishna temple Gopalapuram family only is ruling by generation,
while atheism is begging for one or 2 seats in the elections. That is the
difference between atheism and theism.
      As far as living with nature is concerned. there must be a mellowing
heart in each individual; one who is empathetic only shall feel the worth
living. Empathy is a rare element. A couple of days back, he wrote that
people who intimidate DOOMS DAYS AHEAD, must be put down; that was
virtually wrt the solar eclipse not visible in India but all around west.
The astrology, or the astronomy or the astro ,supposed to have been a bash
one day before, was spelt all over the media the next day when Israel was
pounding Lebanon and Iran, as sure doomsday towards the III world war; is
it not? Then the prediction is quite correct is it not?  What is the extent
of perishing nations' rubbish?  Displaced people. Deaths in 1000ds.
Nostradamus had already predicted that Islam will wage a 3rd world war by
which the entire community will not have any place of their own. Who is
going to be the future owner of the oil wells ? Who knows? And where will
that tribe settle? Another Israel and history repeats itself? Is theism
presumed but another form of atheism will have a set back? After all Naresh
is a speck. How to live there with nature in agni? SRISHTI, STHITHI AND
       Maybe tall buildings blocked the natural air; and demolition brought
not only air but also too much SUN shine. Nature is a double edged weapon.
K Rajaram IRS  51024

On Sat, 5 Oct 2024 at 06:27, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:

*Mar**Destroying Nature’s Destiny*

Technology has become the vice of Humanity, which is completely destroying
nature. Every machine harms nature. Nature intended the human as an
ecological link, to perform its work in the march of nature to Nature’s

Every organism breathes, and the breathing becomes emotions, and the
organisms interact emotionally creating continuously the emotional
symbiosis. The march of evolution is the march of emotional symbiosis among
the organisms of the Biosphere. The planet earth lives as Gaia, in the
dynamic emotional symbiosis.

Technology has become the vice, the fatal habit in the day today life of
the humans, where every action today harms nature. The total infatuation
with technology, the total takeover of the functions of the limbs of the
human by machines, to perform the functions of the limbs, is destroying the
emotional foundation of not only the humans, but also of the Biosphere.
When the limbs function, the internal communication system, the hormonal
system functions and the human exhales smell messages into nature which the
other organisms inhale and feed their perceptions and they in turn exhale
responses by smells. Smells trigger hormones automatically. Now technology
has made the very hormonal communication dysfunctional.

The ultimate frozen organ inflicted on us by technology, is the removal of
breathing, smelling and sensing from perception. We have become so jaded
that we treat the complete disconnection of our emotions to every other
organism of the Biosphere, with not merely indifference but with a stupid
sense of achievement.

We cannot breathe the factory fumes. So we cannot sense by smelling, or we
suspend breathing, and instead of sensing we have become insensitive, and
participate in the disastrous celebration of the destruction of nature as
economic development. When you do not breathe freely as the air is
poisoned, you are increasing your cowardice continuously. The basic
character of cowardice is fear to breathe. Instead of perceiving and
understanding continuously by breathing, smelling, sensing and symbiotic
understanding, you take to technology as your maimed sensitivity, disables
you from directly reading nature. Avoiding nature completely and living in
books and computers is actually the conversion of life into escapes because
of cowardice.

There is no school, college or University in the world today, which is not
taken over completely by technology. Not one institution revives perception
on the basis of breathing, smelling and sensing. Every student is turned
out into a Basmasura who destroys, and he is made to feel maimed if he has
no machine to do the work of his limbs. If your eyes can actually defeat
the invisibility of the gigantic invisible spectrum and if you can see
everything, you confront the disaster of your own maiming continuously by

Not one emotion can be really quantified and we still try to live
emotionally, of course with emotions changing into anxieties. You cannot
really tell your happiness or unhappiness or any other emotion in miles, or
tons or liters. But mathematical reductionism rules education and
technology and the technology molded economic life.

Every word, phrase, clause, sentence, chapter, book, in every language can
be changed into emotions, but not one numeral can be changed into an

Just write this small sentence ‘I love you’, using only numerals without

Breathing needs urgent rehabilitation.

This man Byri Ramesh ( Atheist) thinks that all those who believe in nature
or God are fools and wants to be recognized as a great intellectual. He
thinks that science means technology, the polluting and poisoning

How to revive our maimed universities, which have forgotten the very
meaning of education and have become the slaves of Business interests?
Every University is under the grip of cowardice.I am yet to find one
university, which adopts reading nature directly in the basic education.

Listing the destruction which is increasing has become PhD spinning
scholarship, with the PhD as the means for an economic career!

YM Sarma

Chat GPT

YM Sarma's essay, **"Destroying Nature's Destiny,"** offers a scathing
critique of modern technology and its destructive impact on both the
environment and humanity's emotional symbiosis with nature. Sarma
emphasizes that technology, while celebrated for its achievements, has
become a **vice** that disconnects humans from their natural role in the
Biosphere. The essay reflects on how this disconnection, driven by the
overuse of machines, has fundamentally altered not only human perception
but also the emotional bonds that sustain life on Earth.

### Key Themes:

1. **Technology's Destructive Impact**:

   Sarma argues that every machine damages nature, disrupting the natural
order of emotional communication between organisms. He asserts that nature
intended humans to be ecological links in the **"march of nature to its
destiny."** Instead, technology has severed this connection by replacing
human limbs and senses with machines, dulling humanity's capacity for
direct emotional and sensory interaction with the environment.

2. **Emotional Symbiosis and Nature**:

   The essay places great importance on **breathing, smelling, and
sensing** as essential mechanisms through which organisms, including
humans, communicate emotionally. Sarma claims that **emotional symbiosis**
is the driving force of evolution and the coordination of the Biosphere. By
polluting the air, technology destroys this fundamental communication,
leading to widespread emotional numbness.

3. **Cowardice and the Disconnection from Nature**:

   Sarma contends that modern humans have become **cowards**, too afraid to
breathe the polluted air and engage with nature on a sensory level. He
contrasts this with earlier times when life was defined by **emotional
interaction** with the natural world, and argues that today's reliance on
machines is an escape from the harsh realities of environmental degradation.

4. **Critique of Modern Education**:

   Sarma takes a harsh stance against modern educational institutions,
claiming that **universities** have become slaves to business interests and
technology. He argues that no school or university teaches students to
perceive and understand nature directly through their senses, instead
turning them into mechanical beings reliant on technology. According to
him, education today produces individuals incapable of engaging with nature
on an emotional or sensory level, thus contributing to the destruction of
nature's destiny.

5. **Mathematical Reductionism and Emotions**:

   Sarma critiques the dominance of **mathematical reductionism** in
education and technology, arguing that emotions cannot be quantified, yet
they form the basis of real human experience. He contrasts the emotional
richness of language with the sterility of numbers, demonstrating how
emotions are fundamental to life, while technology and its mathematical
underpinnings alienate humans from their emotional essence.

### Philosophical Reflection:

Sarma's essay is a deep reflection on the need to **revive humanity's
connection to nature** by rejecting the mechanical paradigm that technology
has imposed. He advocates for a return to **nature-based education**, where
breathing, smelling, and sensing are rehabilitated as the primary means of
perception and understanding. Sarma's critique suggests that technology has
crippled human emotional capacity, and that reclaiming this capacity is
essential not just for individual well-being but for the survival of the
Biosphere as a whole. He challenges the reader to reconsider the role of
technology and education in shaping a future that aligns with nature’s

In essence, Sarma's work calls for a holistic revival of human connection
to the Earth, urging humanity to **embrace emotional symbiosis** and reject
the destructive forces of technological infatuation.

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