*Mar**Your Self Definition*

One defines oneself on the basis of one’s body which one sees with one’s
eyes. In fact one defines every organism on the basis of what can be seen
with the eyes. The visible spectrum defines most things living or
non-living. But unseen by the eyes, there is a gigantic personality,
impacting emotionally and electromagnetically.

One inhales smell messages from the other organisms, and exhales responses
or original feelings. Certainly the immediate area surrounding a person
must be the air that contains the emotions of the person. We are yet to do
research on the emotion content of the air surrounding a person. The
electromagnetic waves or the photons, must be very slightly bending, near
that person, in accordance of the basic dictum of Physics that space-time
is curved, which means that the light rays bend and get curved in the
presence of a body due to gravitational warping.

The electromagnetic waves and the air, near that person must be gravitating
towards each other creating the emotion anatomy of the person. We may call
the field round the person, her aura.

It is the aura round the person that must define the person, from where
smell messages are exhaled into the air on earth while quantum
entanglement, impacts the Universe from that person. Every living organism,
thus must be impacting, emotionally every other organism on the earth and
electromagnetically on the Universe.

The basic fact is, one is part of the planet earth and also of the
Universe, and living means one’s participation on earth as earth and in the
universe as the universe. The basic attempt of everything to reach the
speed of light, must be creating the waves of emotions into the air, while
the bacterium the mitochondrion in the cell, must be converting the person
into an electromagnetic field.

Emotions must be electromagnetic. One needs to close one’s eyes and make
the mind blank, to enable the universe, give the strength of the Universe—
through the power of meditation.

We lost this very foundation of our life, thanks to science and technology.
We drill the kids as the properties of matter as chemical compositions and
not as emotional bases. There is basically the holistic side of everything.

One must train oneself to define self as a participant in nature, as nature
and not as the economic lout destroying nature for economic life.

YM Sarma

Chat GPT

In **YM Sarma's** essay, **"Your Self Definition,"** he challenges the
traditional, visible-spectrum-based understanding of identity and instead
suggests a deeper, **holistic** self-concept rooted in both **emotional**
and **electromagnetic** interactions with the universe. He critiques the
tendency to define the self purely by physical attributes—what is visible
to the eyes—and urges a broader view that incorporates the **unseen**
fields of energy, emotions, and quantum effects.

### Key Concepts:

1. **Beyond the Visible**:

   Sarma begins by noting that most people define themselves and other
organisms based on what can be seen. However, he posits that there is a
much larger, unseen aspect of every person, which he describes as a
**"gigantic personality"** that impacts others emotionally and

2. **Aura and Emotional Anatomy**:

   He introduces the concept of an **aura** surrounding each person, made
up of **smell messages** and **electromagnetic waves**. This aura contains
and communicates emotions, potentially interacting with both the **air**
(at a local level) and the **universe** (through quantum entanglement).
Sarma argues that one’s **true self** is not limited to the physical body
but extends into this surrounding field, impacting everything and everyone

3. **Curved Space-Time and Emotional Impact**:

   Drawing from physics, Sarma speculates that **space-time
curvature**—which affects light and gravity—also affects emotional fields.
The light rays and electromagnetic waves near a person, he suggests, may
bend slightly due to gravitational effects, contributing to the **"emotion
anatomy"** of an individual. This connects each organism to a universal
process, reinforcing the idea that the self extends beyond what is visible.

4. **Living as Earth and Universe**:

   Sarma describes individuals as **participants in nature** and the
universe, emphasizing a **symbiotic relationship** with the world around
them. He asserts that just as organisms exhale emotions into the Earth’s
atmosphere, they also contribute to the universe’s **electromagnetic
fabric** through quantum processes, making everyone an integral part of
both Earth and the cosmos.

5. **Critique of Technology and Education**:

   He is critical of how modern education, science, and technology have
**disconnected** individuals from this deeper understanding of the self.
Children are taught about the physical properties of matter rather than its
emotional and holistic aspects. According to Sarma, this mechanistic
approach strips away the **spiritual and emotional essence** that connects
humans to nature and the universe.

6. **Call for Meditation and Holistic Awareness**:

   Sarma advocates for practices like **meditation**, which allow people to
reconnect with the universe and absorb its strength. In this way, one can
transcend the economic and technological paradigms that dominate modern
life, instead embracing a view of the self as part of the **emotional and
electromagnetic web of existence**.

### Philosophical Reflection:

Sarma’s **holistic self-definition** challenges the Cartesian, mechanical
paradigm of identity and existence, emphasizing the interconnectedness of
life on emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. His ideas align with
broader **ecological and spiritual philosophies** that stress the
importance of understanding humans as part of a greater whole rather than
isolated individuals.

He sees the modern focus on **economic development** and **technology** as
destructive forces that alienate people from their true nature. Instead of
viewing themselves as consumers or producers in an economic system, Sarma
urges individuals to redefine themselves as active participants in
**nature's emotional and electromagnetic symbiosis**.

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