
I've been using theano through pymc3 a lot recently and came across a
hopefully realistic and useful optimization that theano does not seem
to do. Most theano graphs of models I've seen contain the combination
of an Elemwise Node and after that a Sum node. Often a lot of time
is spend in the Sum nodes (40% of the total run time in some of my real
world models). As far as I understand it, this means that theano stores
an array of the result of the Elemwise operation, and then computes the
sum of the elements in that array. It would save a lot of time and
memory bandwidth to compute the sum on the fly, possibly in parallel
with an openmp reduce operation.

This notebook illustrates the problem:

I did not find a way to do this faster as it is, did I miss something?

I thought about writing an op like SumElemwise (or more general
CAReduceElemwise) and an optimization that changes `Elemwise -> Sum`
into `SumElemwise`. I guess SumElemwise could be pretty similar to
Elemwise, at least for cases where we sum over all dimensions. But
while reading the code of Elemwise I realized that I really don't know
enough about the internals of theano to pull this off myself. If anyone
feels like spending time on this, they would have my eternal
gratitude. ;-)

-- Adrian


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