I would like to elaborate a bit on the *reach* variable cause it might also 
be related to the issue. 

I initialise *reach *variable as a numpy array of ones 
    outputs[case] = CreateTree('', case, np.array(1.0, dtype=np.float32), 
utils, cases)

Then *reach *variable is passed recursively down
def CreateTree(node, group, reach, util, cases):

where at each step it gets multiplied by *probs*
new_reach = reach * probs[idx]
and *probs* is derived from shared variables. 

Basically reach variable just is a cumulative product which is initialised 
with 1. I was not sure how to initialize with 1, so just used numpy array 
for that. Could this approach be at fault? 

On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 08:16:20 UTC+1, Šarūnas S. wrote:
> Sorry for late reply. Thanks for having a look into that. 
> By type do you mean dimensions or what? 
> cases is a square matrix (eg. with shape (32,32) stored as a shared 
> variable
> reach is a column vector (eg. with shape (32,1)) which is a resulg of the 
> graph creation where a numpy vector is multiplied with tensors.  
> I am slighly unsure but how would you do this with broadcasting? I need to 
> multiply each row of cases with reach column.
> On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 23:44:42 UTC+1, nouiz wrote:
>> I discussed this with @lamblin. We could do an optimization to fix this, 
>> but it would be a very narrow special case. We won't do it in the short 
>> term. But you can manually do it yourself. Instead of calling tile, you can 
>> reshape cases[group] and reach to 3d tensor with the right dimensions set 
>> as broadcastable. This would allow you to do what you want efficently 
>> without having alloc in the graph. This is a very good use of broadcasting.
>> Frédéric
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:16 PM Frédéric Bastien <frederic...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> tile generate alloc. To help you about the broadcasting I need more 
>>> information.
>>> what is:
>>> cases.type?
>>> reach.type?
>>> Fred
>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 4:51 PM Frédéric Bastien <frederic...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> There is a high quantity of GpuAlloc. What you have shown don't tell us 
>>>> what need it in Theano. Can you run the theano function with profiling, 
>>>> and 
>>>> before the script end call theano.debugprint(your_theano_function) and 
>>>> send 
>>>> this output? It will tell us what need it in the graph.
>>>> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:22 AM Šarūnas S. <shar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I wrote a script in theano and started profiling it. What I noticed is 
>>>>> GPU spends most of the time in GpuAlloc . 
>>>>> Could somebody explain me why this is happening and how I could reduce 
>>>>> it?
>>>>> In C or C++ I would preallocate it, but not sure how to do this in 
>>>>> theano.   
>>>>> I am running on Windows 8.1 with Nvidia GTX 1070 with Theano 
>>>>> @ 0.9.0dev4.dev-3c0be3d94102ac6864b2e5ab52ae96d07c6375c6 
>>>>> I am attaching extensive profile result below:
>>>>> Function profiling
>>>>> ==================
>>>>>   Message: Sum of all(2) printed profiles at exit excluding Scan op 
>>>>> profile.
>>>>>   Time in 200 calls to Function.__call__: 3.463001e+00s
>>>>>   Time in Function.fn.__call__: 3.451001e+00s (99.653%)
>>>>>   Time in thunks: 3.425293e+00s (98.911%)
>>>>>   Total compile time: 1.413800e+01s
>>>>>     Number of Apply nodes: 590
>>>>>     Theano Optimizer time: 1.158200e+01s
>>>>>        Theano validate time: 9.390018e-01s
>>>>>     Theano Linker time (includes C, CUDA code generation/compiling): 
>>>>> 2.107000e+00s
>>>>>        Import time 3.500128e-02s
>>>>>        Node make_thunk time 2.042000e+00s
>>>>>            Node GpuCAReduce{add}{0,1}(GpuElemwise{Composite{(i0 * (i1 
>>>>> * i2))}}[(0, 2)].0) time 9.000063e-03s
>>>>>            Node GpuCAReduce{add}{0,1}(GpuElemwise{Mul}[(0, 1)].0) 
>>>>> time 7.999897e-03s
>>>>>            Node GpuDimShuffle{0,x}(GpuCAReduce{add}{0,1}.0) time 
>>>>> 6.999969e-03s
>>>>>            Node Shape_i{1}(<CudaNdarrayType(float32, matrix)>) time 
>>>>> 4.999876e-03s
>>>>>            Node GpuElemwise{Mul}[(0, 1)](CudaNdarrayConstant{[[ 240.
>>>>> ]]}, GpuDimShuffle{0,x}.0) time 4.999876e-03s
>>>>> Time in all call to theano.grad() 0.000000e+00s
>>>>> Time since theano import 41.580s
>>>>> Class
>>>>> ---
>>>>> <% time> <sum %> <apply time> <time per call> <type> <#call> <#apply> 
>>>>> <Class name>
>>>>>   90.5%    90.5%       3.100s       3.37e-04s     C     9200      92 
>>>>>   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuAlloc
>>>>>    7.4%    97.9%       0.254s       4.19e-06s     C    60600     606 
>>>>>   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuElemwise
>>>>>    1.0%    98.9%       0.034s       2.77e-06s     C    12200     122 
>>>>>   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuCAReduce
>>>>>    0.5%    99.4%       0.017s       1.84e-06s     C     9200      92 
>>>>>   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuReshape
>>>>>    0.5%    99.9%       0.016s       7.45e-07s     C    21400     214 
>>>>>   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuDimShuffle
>>>>>    0.1%    99.9%       0.003s       1.57e-06s     C     1900      19 
>>>>>   theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise
>>>>>    0.1%   100.0%       0.002s       5.24e-07s     C     3800      38 
>>>>>   theano.compile.ops.Shape_i
>>>>>    0.0%   100.0%       0.000s       0.00e+00s     C     1900      19 
>>>>>   theano.tensor.opt.MakeVector
>>>>>    ... (remaining 0 Classes account for   0.00%(0.00s) of the runtime)
>>>>> Ops
>>>>> ---
>>>>> <% time> <sum %> <apply time> <time per call> <type> <#call> <#apply> 
>>>>> <Op name>
>>>>>   90.5%    90.5%       3.100s       3.37e-04s     C     9200       92 
>>>>>   GpuAlloc
>>>>>    1.7%    92.2%       0.058s       4.41e-06s     C     13100      131 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Mul}[(0, 1)]
>>>>>    1.0%    93.2%       0.034s       3.21e-06s     C     10600      106 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{maximum,no_inplace}
>>>>>    1.0%    94.2%       0.034s       2.77e-06s     C     12200      122 
>>>>>   GpuCAReduce{add}{0,1}
>>>>>    0.7%    94.8%       0.023s       3.54e-06s     C     6500       65 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Composite{maximum(((i0 + i1) - i2), i3)}}[(0, 0)]
>>>>>    0.5%    95.4%       0.018s       3.27e-06s     C     5500       55 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{mul,no_inplace}
>>>>>    0.5%    95.9%       0.018s       4.61e-06s     C     3900       39 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Composite{((i0 * i1) / i2)}}[(0, 1)]
>>>>>    0.5%    96.4%       0.017s       1.84e-06s     C     9200       92 
>>>>>   GpuReshape{2}
>>>>>    0.4%    96.8%       0.014s       4.33e-06s     C     3200       32 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Composite{(i0 * (i1 * i2))}}[(0, 2)]
>>>>>    0.2%    97.0%       0.008s       8.69e-07s     C     9200       92 
>>>>>   GpuDimShuffle{1,0}
>>>>>    0.2%    97.3%       0.008s       5.33e-06s     C     1500       15 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Composite{((i0 * i1) / i2)},no_inplace}
>>>>>    0.2%    97.5%       0.008s       6.52e-07s     C     12200      122 
>>>>>   GpuDimShuffle{0,x}
>>>>>    0.2%    97.7%       0.007s       4.38e-06s     C     1600       16 
>>>>>   GpuElemwise{Composite{(((i0 * i1 * maximum(i2, i3)) / (maximum(i2, 
>>>>> i3) + maximum(i4, i3))) + ((i5 * i6 * maximum(i4, i3


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