Dear all,

I have the following problem: When I want to differentiate a row of an 
input matrix w.r.t. a row of an output matrix, I get a 
DisconnectedInputError. The minimum scenario is in the attached file. I 
suspect theano does not consider theta and theta[i] to be the same 
variable, rather take theta[i] to be a different variable depending on 

Long story:
I have a neural network, using M-dimensional input and N-dimensional output 
and having batch size B. Input matrix for my net is then (B,M) dimensional 
and the output matrix is (B,N) dimensional. For every batch element I want 
to compute the jacobbian of the network, that is, M*N matrix with gradients 
of element outputs depending on the element inputs. In the scan function I 
can compute jacobbians of individual rows wrt. whole input (thus having B 
matrices of size (B*M, N) but when I try computing the jacobbian only wrt a 
row of the input, I get the DisconnectedInputError.

The question is:
Is there a way to differentiate w.r.t. a subtensor?

Best regards,


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import theano
from theano import tensor as T
import numpy as np

n_samples = 10
theta_single = T.as_tensor_variable([0.2, 0.15, 0.4, 0.05, 0.2])
theta = T.tile(theta_single,(n_samples, 1))
print theta_single.eval().shape
print theta.eval().shape

# differentiating with the original theta_single
J1, _ = theano.scan(lambda i, theta, theta_single : theano.gradient.jacobian(theta[i,:], theta_single),
                    non_sequences=[theta, theta_single])

# same as before, just differentiating wrt to single row of theta taken from that same array\n",
J2, _ = theano.scan(lambda i, theta, theta_single : theano.gradient.jacobian(theta[i,:], theta[i,:]),
                    non_sequences=[theta, theta_single])

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