Quick reply. The problem is that you are having 0 iteration in your
recurence and we do not support that. So check why in your code you could
end up with just 0 iteration.


On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 3:12 AM jau94 <ijaur...@cmcrc.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Theano == 1.0.1 for the Sequential Matching Network
> <https://github.com/MarkWuNLP/MultiTurnResponseSelection>. I have tested
> their code and it works well
> But now, I want to modify their *predict method* in *SMN_last.py. *I want
> to be able to provide the test data at each time to the theano.function,
> instead of  only giving the index (line 195) of a fixed test data:
> val_model = theano.function([*index*], [y,predict,cost,error], givens=val_dic,
>> on_unused_input='ignore')
> What if the test data can vary each time I want to call to the
> theano.function method. I don't want to be restricted to only select from
> the batches of a fixed test data.
> Thefore, I have done the following change to the *predict method *in
> *SMN_last.py*. I called this method *load_graph*.
> def load_graph(U,batch_size=20,max_l =
>>> 100,hidden_size=100,word_embedding_size=100,session_hidden_size=50,session_input_size
>>> =50, model_name = 'SMN_last.bin',save_file_pred=None, max_turn=10):
>>>   # for optimization
>>     hiddensize = hidden_size
>>     U = U.astype(dtype=theano.config.floatX) #Cast the embedding matrix
>>> to a floatX tensor (THIS IS STILL A NUMPY ARRAY)
>>     rng = np.random.RandomState(3435)  #A single random number is
>>> generated and returned
>>     lsize, rsize = max_l,max_l
>>     test_set = T.matrix(dtype='int32')  #Creates a tensor matrix
>>     sessionmask = T.matrix()  #Creates a tensor matrix
>>     lx = []
>>     lxmask = []
>>     for i in range(max_turn): #For max_turn (default=10), generate as
>>> many tensor matrices
>>         lx.append(T.matrix())
>>         lxmask.append(T.matrix())
>>     index = T.lscalar()     #Declare a tensor scalar
>>     rx = T.matrix('rx')     #Declare a tensor matrix with a name. I think
>>> this will be the response!
>>     rxmask = T.matrix()     #Mask for the response as a tensor matrix
>>     y = T.ivector('y')      #Declare a tensor scalar
>>     Words = theano.shared(value = U, name = "Words") #Declare a shared
>>> variable with the embeddings
>>>     llayer0_input = []
>>     for i in range(max_turn):
>>         llayer0_input.append(Words[T.cast(lx[i].flatten(),dtype="int32")]
>>             .reshape((lx[i].shape[0],lx[i].shape[1],Words.shape[1])))
>>>     rlayer0_input =
>>> Words[T.cast(rx.flatten(),dtype="int32")].reshape((rx.shape[0],rx.shape[1],Words.shape[1]))
>>>    # input: word embeddings of the mini batch
>>>     # # #Why is divided in train, dev, test when we are predicting?
>>     # # #test_set = datasets
>>>     q_embedding = []
>>     offset = 2 * lsize
>>>     test_set_lx = []
>>     test_set_lx_mask = []
>>     for i in range(max_turn):
>>         test_set_lx.append(T.cast(test_set[:,offset*i:offset*i +
>>> lsize],dtype=theano.config.floatX))
>>         test_set_lx_mask.append(T.cast(test_set[:,offset*i +
>>> lsize:offset*i + 2*lsize],dtype=theano.config.floatX))
>>>     test_set_rx = T.cast(test_set[:,offset*max_turn:offset*max_turn +
>>> lsize],dtype=theano.config.floatX)
>>     test_set_rx_mask = T.cast(test_set[:,offset*max_turn
>>> +lsize:offset*max_turn +2 *lsize],dtype=theano.config.floatX)
>>     test_set_session_mask =
>>> T.cast(test_set[:,-max_turn-1:-1],dtype=theano.config.floatX)
>>     test_set_y =T.cast(test_set[:,-1],dtype='int32') #somehow put int32
>>> here
>>>     test_dic = {}
>>     for i in range(max_turn):
>>         test_dic[lx[i]] =
>>> test_set_lx[i][index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>         test_dic[lxmask[i]] =
>>> test_set_lx_mask[i][index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>     test_dic[rx] = test_set_rx[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>     test_dic[sessionmask] =
>>> test_set_session_mask[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>     test_dic[rxmask] =
>>> test_set_rx_mask[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>     test_dic[y] = test_set_y[index*batch_size:(index+1)*batch_size]
>>>     sentence2vec =
>>> GRU(n_in=word_embedding_size,n_hidden=hiddensize,n_out=hiddensize)
>>>     for i in range(max_turn):
>>         q_embedding.append(sentence2vec(llayer0_input[i],lxmask[i],True))
>>     r_embedding = sentence2vec(rlayer0_input,rxmask,True)
>>>     pooling_layer =
>>> ConvSim(rng,max_l,session_input_size,hidden_size=hiddensize)
>>>     poolingoutput = []
>>     #test =
>>> theano.function([index],pooling_layer(llayer0_input[-4],rlayer0_input,q_embedding[i],r_embedding),givens=test_dic,on_unused_input='ignore')
>>>     for i in range(max_turn):
>>         poolingoutput.append(pooling_layer(llayer0_input[i],rlayer0_input,
>>                                            q_embedding[i],r_embedding))
>>>     session2vec =
>>> GRU(n_in=session_input_size,n_hidden=session_hidden_size,n_out=session_hidden_size)
>>     res = session2vec(T.stack(poolingoutput,1),sessionmask)
>>     classifier = LogisticRegression(res, session_hidden_size ,2,rng)
>>>     #cost = classifier.negative_log_likelihood(y)
>>     #error = classifier.errors(y)
>>     #opt = Adam()
>>     params = classifier.params
>>     params += sentence2vec.params
>>     params += session2vec.params
>>     params += pooling_layer.params
>>     params += [Words]
>>>     load_params(params,model_name)
>>>     predict = classifier.predict_prob
>>>     #test_model = theano.function([test_set,index],
>>> [y,predict,cost,error], givens=test_dic,on_unused_input='ignore')
>>     test_model = theano.function([test_set, index], [predict],
>>> givens=test_dic,  on_unused_input='ignore', allow_input_downcast=True)
>>>     return test_model
> Note that the main changes are:
> 1. Addition of tensor *test_set=T.matrix(dtype='int32') *: The tensor
> that will store the new input test
> 2. Delete of the shared tensors, as test is already a tensor and not a
> numpy array.
> 3. Don't do any prediction. The method returns the created computational
> graph *test_model*
> 4. The theano.function now has two inputs: test_set and index
> Then, I want to run the model with. I have the same samples of a single
> batch 200. The input looks like:
> test_set-> (200,1111)
> Test set is a numpy array, with dtype='int32'. I call to the forward pass
> only for the first batch (index=0):
> predictions=test_model(test_set, 0)
> In this part, I get the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "main_predict_single_batch.py", line 295, in <module>
>>     predict=model(test,0)
>>   File
>>> "/data/ijauregi/Desktop/MyPythons/py27_theano_tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/compile/function_module.py",
>>> line 917, in __call__
>>     storage_map=getattr(self.fn, 'storage_map', None))
>>   File
>>> "/data/ijauregi/Desktop/MyPythons/py27_theano_tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/gof/link.py",
>>> line 325, in raise_with_op
>>     reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace)
>>   File
>>> "/data/ijauregi/Desktop/MyPythons/py27_theano_tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/compile/function_module.py",
>>> line 903, in __call__
>>     self.fn() if output_subset is None else\
>>   File
>>> "/data/ijauregi/Desktop/MyPythons/py27_theano_tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/scan_module/scan_op.py",
>>> line 963, in rval
>>     r = p(n, [x[0] for x in i], o)
>>   File
>>> "/data/ijauregi/Desktop/MyPythons/py27_theano_tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/theano/scan_module/scan_op.py",
>>> line 952, in p
>>     self, node)
>>   File "theano/scan_module/scan_perform.pyx", line 215, in
>>> theano.scan_module.scan_perform.perform
>>> (/home/ijauregi/.theano/compiledir_Linux-3.10-el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-redhat-7.3-Maipo-x86_64-2.7.13-64/scan_perform/mod.cpp:2628)
>> NotImplementedError: We didn't implemented yet the case where scan do 0
>>> iteration
>> Apply node that caused the error:
>>> forall_inplace,cpu,scan_fn}(Elemwise{minimum,no_inplace}.0,
>>> Elemwise{sub,no_inplace}.0, Subtensor{int64:int64:int8}.0,
>>> Elemwise{Cast{float32}}.0, IncSubtensor{InplaceSet;:int64:}.0,
>>> <TensorType(float32, matrix)>, <TensorType(float32, matrix)>,
>>> <TensorType(float32, matrix)>, <TensorType(float32, matrix)>,
>>> <TensorType(float32, matrix)>, <TensorType(float32, matrix)>,
>>> InplaceDimShuffle{x,0}.0, InplaceDimShuffle{x,0}.0,
>>> InplaceDimShuffle{x,0}.0)
>> Toposort index: 1122
>> Inputs types: [TensorType(int64, scalar), TensorType(float32, (False,
>>> False, True)), TensorType(float32, 3D), TensorType(float32, (False, False,
>>> True)), TensorType(float32, 3D), TensorType(float32, matrix),
>>> TensorType(float32, matrix), TensorType(float32, matrix),
>>> TensorType(float32, matrix), TensorType(float32, matrix),
>>> TensorType(float32, matrix), TensorType(float32, row), TensorType(float32,
>>> row), TensorType(float32, row)]
>> Inputs shapes: [(), (0, 200, 1), (0, 200, 300), (0, 200, 1), (2, 200,
>>> 100), (300, 100), (100, 100), (300, 100), (300, 100), (100, 100), (100,
>>> 100), (1, 100), (1, 100), (1, 100)]
>> Inputs strides: [(), (800, 4, 4), (1200, 1200, 4), (800, 4, 4), (80000,
>>> 400, 4), (400, 4), (400, 4), (400, 4), (400, 4), (400, 4), (400, 4), (400,
>>> 4), (400, 4), (400, 4)]
>> Inputs values: [array(0), array([], shape=(0, 200, 1), dtype=float32),
>>> array([], shape=(0, 200, 300), dtype=float32), array([], shape=(0, 200, 1),
>>> dtype=float32), 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not
>>> shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown', 'not shown']
>> Outputs clients:
>>> [[Subtensor{int64:int64:int8}(forall_inplace,cpu,scan_fn}.0,
>>> ScalarFromTensor.0, ScalarFromTensor.0, Constant{1})]]
>>> HINT: Re-running with most Theano optimization disabled could give you a
>>> back-trace of when this node was created. This can be done with by setting
>>> the Theano flag 'optimizer=fast_compile'. If that does not work, Theano
>>> optimizations can be disabled with 'optimizer=None'.
>> HINT: Use the Theano flag 'exception_verbosity=high' for a debugprint and
>>> storage map footprint of this apply node.
> Could someone help me discover what is wrong? What is this error message
> indicating to me? I couldn't find any good explanation.
> The same input data works well in *SMN_last.py*.
> --
> ---
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