Hi wonghang,
    I am trying to develop a batched version of both GpuCholesky and 
I was confused about what to do in L_op with the extra batch dimension, but 
carefully reading the docs again, I now understand it.  L_op is just a 
and transposed version of Op, so the input of L_op has the same shape and 
form as
the output of Op, and vice-versa.  Now I got it.  These attached functions 
tested and work on batches. Let 'nb' be the batch size, so  Cll is 
dimensioned (nb,n,n) ,
and dl is the RHS, dimensioned (nb,n). Then to solve  er = Cll  * dl, for 
dl, I use:

          R = theano.gpuarray.linalg.GpuCholeskyBatch(lower=True)(Cll) 

This does the classical Cholesky followed by back-substitution. This code 
runs in 4.0 seconds.
When I use the scan on the non-batched versions, it runs in 10.3 sec. So it 
is 2.5 times faster!
That makes a big difference to me as I can get a result before I go home.


On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 4:22:20 AM UTC+1, Wong Hang wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I am not quite sure what you are going to do. 
> If you want a batch version of Cholesky and TriangularSolve, then you will 
> end up with a "nb" copy of gradients.
> What are you going to do with that "nb" copy of gradients? 
> AFAIK, theano.grad only accept scalar input. If you need a Jacobian, you 
> can only implement it by theano.scan and I know theano.scan is inefficient.
> You may be interested in this thread: 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/theano-users/Rg8ZIru-pgo/DgvwY57RBwAJ
> Best,
> wonghang
> Paul Baggenstoss <p.m.ba...@ieee.org <javascript:>> 於 2020年2月10日 週一 
> 下午8:46寫道:
>> Hi Wonghang,
>>     So I am working toward making the Cholesky problem faster, and by 
>> that I include triangular 
>> solvers like GpuCublasTriangularSolve().  We typically do the Cholesky 
>> decomp, then solve 
>> linear systems involving the Cholesky matrix that has an upper or lower 
>> triangular form.
>> So I have started with GpuCublasTriangularSolve(). It has a lot of 
>> overhead from
>> all the gpu array matrix copying and creation, which adds to the overhead 
>> of
>> theano.scan, which is necessary to work with batches.  So I thought it 
>> would be much
>> better to have a batched version of Cholesky() and 
>> GpuCublasTriangularSolve(). I have
>> created working versions of these batched routines (attached).  It's 
>> actually pretty simple,
>> I just index into the data by batch, then call the gpu solver,  potrf() 
>> for Cholesky
>> and trsv() for the solver.  I loop over the batch like this:
>>     if theano.config.floatX=='float32':
>>                 wordlen=4
>>             else:
>>                 wordlet=8
>>      for ib in range(nb):
>>                 trsv(ctx.cublas_handle, uplo, trans, diag, n,
>>                      A_ptr+ib*n*n*wordlen, lda, b_ptr+ib*n*m*wordlen, 1)
>> There are a few small gotchas, such as that the GPU routines expect 
>> F-ordered data, but
>> to index like I did above, it has to be C-ordered. So the data has to be
>> C-ordered by batch, but F-ordered within the batch!
>>  The problem I have, where I will need help, is in the gradients.
>> Although I can compute the gradient in L_op correctly (I think), 
>> theano.gradient is not
>> happy with the shape of the matrices that L_op returns. This is probably
>> because gradient does not understand that the data is bacthed.
>>    Do you think you can help in this matter? I think this is over my head.
>> Paul
>> -- 
>> --- 
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/theano-users/b1336e9d-9601-48e9-9665-58740618a861%40googlegroups.com
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings

import pkg_resources
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError

import theano
from theano import Op, config, tensor
from theano.scalar import bool as bool_t
from theano.gof import COp, ParamsType
from theano.gpuarray import GpuArrayType

from .basic_ops import (CGpuKernelBase, as_gpuarray_variable, gpu_contiguous, gpuarray_helper_inc_dir,
from .type import gpu_context_type

    import pygpu
    from pygpu.basic import triu, tril
    pygpu_available = True
except ImportError:
    pygpu_available = False

cusolver_available = False
    import skcuda
    from skcuda import cusolver
    cusolver_available = True
except (ImportError, OSError, RuntimeError, pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound):

cublas_available = False
    from skcuda import cublas
    cublas_available = True
except (ImportError, OSError, RuntimeError, pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound):

if cusolver_available:
    # Add cusolver call as it is missing in skcuda
    # SPOTRS
    cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnSpotrs.restype = int
    cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnSpotrs.argtypes = [cusolver.ctypes.c_void_p,

    def cusolverDnSpotrs(handle, uplo, n, nrhs, A, lda,
                         B, ldb, devInfo):
        Solve real single precision linear system for hermitian matrices.
        `cusolverDn<t>potrs <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cusolver/index.html#cuds-lt-t-gt-potrs>`_

        status = cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnSpotrs(handle, uplo, n, nrhs,
                                                        int(A), lda, int(B),
                                                        ldb, int(devInfo))

    # DPOTRS
    # TODO: Are they still missing in skucda?
    cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnDpotrs.restype = int
    cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnDpotrs.argtypes = [cusolver.ctypes.c_void_p,

    def cusolverDnDpotrs(handle, uplo, n, nrhs, A, lda,
                         B, ldb, devInfo):
        status = cusolver._libcusolver.cusolverDnDpotrs(handle, uplo, n, nrhs,
                                                        int(A), lda, int(B),
                                                        ldb, int(devInfo))

def attach_cusolver_handle_to_context(ctx):
    handle = getattr(ctx, 'cusolver_handle', None)
    if handle is None:
        with ctx:
            ctx.cusolver_handle = cusolver.cusolverDnCreate()

def attach_cublas_handle_to_context(ctx):
    handle = getattr(ctx, 'cublas_handle', None)
    if handle is None:
        with ctx:
            ctx.cublas_handle = cublas.cublasCreate()

# it is a subset of all cases available in slinalg's MATRIX_STRUCTURE

class GpuCusolverSolve(Op):
    CUSOLVER GPU solver OP.

        Whether to take the transpose of the input matrix or not.


    __props__ = ('A_structure', 'trans', 'inplace')

    def __init__(self, A_structure='general', trans='N', inplace=False):
        self.trans = trans
        self.inplace = inplace
        self.A_structure = A_structure
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}
        assert A_structure in MATRIX_STRUCTURES_SOLVE
        super(GpuCusolverSolve, self).__init__()

    def make_node(self, inp1, inp2):
        if not cusolver_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUSOLVER is not available and '
                               'GpuCusolverSolve Op can not be constructed.')
        if skcuda.__version__ <= '0.5.1':
            warnings.warn('The GpuSolve op requires scikit-cuda > 0.5.1 to work with CUDA 8')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp1, inp2)

        inp1 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp1, context_name)
        inp2 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp2, context_name)

        inp1 = gpu_contiguous(inp1)
        inp2 = gpu_contiguous(inp2)

        assert inp1.ndim == 2
        assert inp2.ndim == 2
        assert inp1.dtype == inp2.dtype

        return theano.Apply(
            self, [inp1, inp2],

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def check_dev_info(self, dev_info):
        val = np.asarray(dev_info)[0]
        if val > 0:
            raise LinAlgError('A is singular')

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        context = inputs[0][0].context

        # Size of the matrices to invert.
        z = outputs[0]

        # Matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        # Solution vectors.
        b = inputs[1]

        assert(len(A.shape) == 2)
        assert(len(b.shape) == 2)

        if self.trans in ['T', 'C']:
            trans = 1
            l, n = A.shape
            k, m = b.shape
        elif self.trans == 'N':
            trans = 0
            n, l = A.shape
            k, m = b.shape
            raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')
        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')
        if n != k:
            raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')

        lda = max(1, n)
        ldb = max(1, k)

        # We copy A and b as cusolver operates inplace
        b = pygpu.array(b, copy=True, order='F')
        if not self.inplace:
            A = pygpu.array(A, copy=True)
        A_ptr = A.gpudata
        b_ptr = b.gpudata

        # cusolver expects a F ordered matrix, but A is not explicitly
        # converted between C and F order, instead we switch the
        # "transpose" flag.
        if A.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            trans = 1 - trans

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf
            potrs = cusolverDnSpotrs
            getrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrf_bufferSize
            getrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrf
            getrs = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrs
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf
            potrs = cusolverDnDpotrs
            getrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrf_bufferSize
            getrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrf
            getrs = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrs
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")

        if self.A_structure == 'symmetric':
            with context:
                workspace_size = potrf_bufferSize(
                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, A_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            with context:
                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, A_ptr, lda, workspace_ptr,
                    workspace_size, dev_info_ptr)

                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, m, A_ptr, lda,
                    b_ptr, ldb, dev_info_ptr)

            # general case for A
            with context:
                workspace_size = getrf_bufferSize(
                    context.cusolver_handle, n, n, A_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            pivots = pygpu.zeros(n, dtype='int32', context=context)

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            pivots_ptr = pivots.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            with context:
                    context.cusolver_handle, n, n, A_ptr, lda, workspace_ptr,
                    pivots_ptr, dev_info_ptr)

                    context.cusolver_handle, trans, n, m, A_ptr, lda,
                    pivots_ptr, b_ptr, ldb, dev_info_ptr)

        z[0] = b

    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        A, b = inputs
        c = outputs[0]
        c_bar = output_gradients[0]
        # FIXME: triangular structure would use GpuCublasTriangularsolve?
        # no need to handle A_structure like slinalg.py?
        trans_solve_op = GpuCusolverSolve('general')
        b_bar = trans_solve_op(A.T, c_bar)
        A_bar = -tensor.outer(b_bar, c) if c.ndim == 1 else -b_bar.dot(c.T)
        return [A_bar, b_bar]

class GpuCublasTriangularSolve(Op):
    CUBLAS GPU Triangular Solve Op.

        Whether system is lower-triangular (True) or upper-triangular (False).
        Whether to take the transpose of the input matrix or not.
    __props__ = ('trans', 'lower')

    def __init__(self, lower=True, trans='N'):
        self.trans = trans
        self.lower = lower
        super(GpuCublasTriangularSolve, self).__init__()

    def make_node(self, inp1, inp2):
        if not cublas_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUBLAS is not available and '
                               'GpuCublasTriangularSolve Op '
                               'can not be constructed.')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp1, inp2)

        inp1 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp1, context_name)
        inp2 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp2, context_name)

        inp1 = gpu_contiguous(inp1)
        inp2 = gpu_contiguous(inp2)

        assert inp1.ndim == 2
        assert inp2.ndim in [1, 2]
        assert inp1.dtype == inp2.dtype

        return theano.Apply(self, [inp1, inp2],

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

        # Solution set
        x = outputs[0]

        # Matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        # right hand side
        b = inputs[1]

        assert(len(A.shape) == 2)
        assert(len(b.shape) in [1, 2])

        # implicitly deal with the difference between C order
        # and fortran order by flipping the trans and lower flags
        lower = not self.lower
        trans = self.trans
        if trans in ['T', 'C']:
            trans = 'N'
            l, n = A.shape
        elif trans == 'N':
            trans = 'T'
            n, l = A.shape
            raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')

        if b.ndim == 2:
            k, m = b.shape
            k, = b.shape
            m = 1

        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')
        if n != k:
            raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')

        lda = max(1, n)
        ldb = max(1, k)

        # solution overwrites right hand side on exit
        b = pygpu.array(b, copy=True, order='F')

        A_ptr = A.gpudata
        b_ptr = b.gpudata

        # unit scalar used for multiplication
        alpha = 1.0
        # indicates matrix A is on left of B
        side = 'l'
        # set whether upper or lower part of matrix A stored
        uplo = 'l' if lower else 'u'
        # indicates elements on diagonal of matrix A may not be unity
        diag = 'n'

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            trsv = cublas.cublasStrsv
            trsm = cublas.cublasStrsm
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            trsv = cublas.cublasDtrsv
            trsm = cublas.cublasDtrsm
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")

        with ctx:
            if b.ndim == 1:
                # matrix vector solve
                trsv(ctx.cublas_handle, uplo, trans, diag, n,
                     A_ptr, lda, b_ptr, 1)
                trsm(ctx.cublas_handle, side, uplo, trans, diag,
                     n, m, alpha, A_ptr, lda, b_ptr, ldb)

        x[0] = b

    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        A, b = inputs
        c = outputs[0]
        c_bar = output_gradients[0]

        trans_solve_op = GpuCublasTriangularSolve(not self.lower)
        b_bar = trans_solve_op(A.T, c_bar)

        A_bar = -tensor.outer(b_bar, c) if c.ndim == 1 else -b_bar.dot(c.T)

        if self.lower:
            A_bar = tensor.tril(A_bar)
            A_bar = tensor.triu(A_bar)
        return [A_bar, b_bar]

def gpu_solve(A, b, A_structure='general', trans='N'):
    if A_structure == 'lower':
        return GpuCublasTriangularSolve(True, trans)(A, b)
    elif A_structure == 'upper':
        return GpuCublasTriangularSolve(False, trans)(A, b)

    return GpuCusolverSolve(A_structure, trans)(A, b)

def gpu_solve_lower_triangular(A, b, trans='N'):
    return GpuCublasTriangularSolve(True, trans)(A, b)

def gpu_solve_upper_triangular(A, b, trans='N'):
    return GpuCublasTriangularSolve(False, trans)(A, b)

class GpuCholesky(Op):
    CUSOLVER GPU Cholesky Op.

    Given a real positive definite matrix `A` returns either a lower
    triangular matrix `L` such that `A == dot(L, L.T)` if `lower == True`
    else returns an upper triangular matrix `U` such that `A == dot(U.T, U)`
    if `lower == False`.

        Whether to return a lower rather than upper triangular decomposition.


    __props__ = ('lower', 'inplace')

    def __init__(self, lower=True, inplace=False):
        self.lower = lower
        self.inplace = inplace
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}
        super(GpuCholesky, self).__init__()

    def clone_inplace(self):
        return self.__class__(lower=self.lower, inplace=True)

    def make_node(self, inp):
        if not cusolver_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUSOLVER is not available and '
                               'GpuCholesky Op can not be constructed.')
        if skcuda.__version__ <= '0.5.1':
            warnings.warn('The GpuCholesky op requires scikit-cuda > '
                          '0.5.1 to work with CUDA 8')
        if not pygpu_available:
            raise RuntimeError('Missing pygpu or triu/tril functions.'
                               'Install or update libgpuarray.')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp)

        inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, context_name)

        inp = gpu_contiguous(inp)

        assert inp.ndim == 2

        return theano.Apply(self, [inp], [inp.type()])

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        context = inputs[0][0].context

        # Input matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        l, n = A.shape
        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')

        lda = max(1, n)

        # cusolver operates on F ordered matrices, but A is expected
        # to be symmetric so it does not matter.
        # We copy A if needed
        if self.inplace:
            L = A
            L = pygpu.array(A, copy=True)

        # The output matrix will contain only the upper or lower
        # triangular factorization of A. If L is C ordered (it
        # probably is as it is the default in Theano) we just switch
        # the fill mode parameter of cusolver
        l_parameter = 0 if self.lower else 1
        if L.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            l_parameter = 1 - l_parameter

        L_ptr = L.gpudata

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")
        with context:
            workspace_size = potrf_bufferSize(
                context.cusolver_handle, l_parameter, n, L_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            potrf(context.cusolver_handle, l_parameter, n, L_ptr,
                  lda, workspace_ptr, workspace_size, dev_info_ptr)

            val_dev_info = np.asarray(dev_info)[0]
            if val_dev_info > 0:
                raise LinAlgError('Cholesky decomposition failed (is A SPD?)')

        # cusolver leaves the elements in the matrix outside the considered
        # upper or lower triangle unchanged, so we need to put zeros outside
        # the triangle
        if self.lower:

        outputs[0][0] = L

    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        # No handling for on_error = 'nan'
        dz = gradients[0]
        chol_x = outputs[0]

        # this is for nan mode
        # ok = ~tensor.any(tensor.isnan(chol_x))
        # chol_x = tensor.switch(ok, chol_x, 1)
        # dz = tensor.switch(ok, dz, 1)

        # deal with upper triangular by converting to lower triangular
        if not self.lower:
            chol_x = chol_x.T
            dz = dz.T

        def tril_and_halve_diagonal(mtx):
            """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal."""
            return tensor.tril(mtx) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(mtx) / 2.)

        def conjugate_solve_triangular(outer, inner):
            """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L."""
            return gpu_solve_upper_triangular(
                outer.T, gpu_solve_upper_triangular(outer.T, inner.T).T)

        s = conjugate_solve_triangular(
            chol_x, tril_and_halve_diagonal(chol_x.T.dot(dz)))

        if self.lower:
            grad = tensor.tril(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s))
            grad = tensor.triu(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s))

        return [grad]

def gpu_cholesky(A, lower=True): 
    return GpuCholesky(lower)(A) 

# TODO: add support for float64
class GpuMagmaBase(COp):
    """Base class for magma related operations. Add the necessary headers,
    libraries and optionally the location of headers and library.
    def c_headers(self):
        return ['gpuarray/types.h', 'gpuarray/array.h', 'gpuarray/ext_cuda.h',
                'gpuarray_helper.h', 'magma.h']

    def c_header_dirs(self):
        dirs = [gpuarray_helper_inc_dir(), pygpu.get_include(),
        if config.magma.include_path:
        return dirs

    def c_libraries(self):
        return ['magma']

    def c_lib_dirs(self):
        if config.magma.library_path:
            return [config.magma.library_path]
        return []

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        from skcuda.magma import magma_init
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context
        if not getattr(ctx, 'is_magma_initialized', False):
            with ctx:
                ctx.is_magma_initialized = True

class GpuMagmaSVD(GpuMagmaBase):
    """Computes the svd of a matrix :math:`A` using magma library.

    .. warning::

        Because of implementation constraints, this Op returns outputs
        in order ``S, U, VT``. Use :func:`theano.gpuarray.linalg.gpu_svd`
        to get them in expected order ``U, S, VT``.

    __props__ = ('full_matrices', 'compute_uv')
    _cop_num_inputs = 1
    _cop_num_outputs = 3
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(full_matrices=bool_t, context=gpu_context_type)

    def __init__(self, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True):
        self.full_matrices = full_matrices
        self.compute_uv = compute_uv
        COp.__init__(self, ['c_code/magma_svd.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(magma_svd)')

    def make_node(self, A):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(A)
        A = as_gpuarray_variable(A, ctx_name)
        A = gpu_contiguous(A)
        if A.ndim != 2:
            raise LinAlgError("Matrix rank error")
        if A.dtype != 'float32':
            raise TypeError("only `float32` is supported for now")
        if self.compute_uv:
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return S, U, VT
                                [GpuArrayType(A.dtype, broadcastable=[False],
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return only S
                                [GpuArrayType(A.dtype, broadcastable=[False],

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        super(GpuMagmaSVD, self).prepare_node(node, storage_map, compute_map, impl)
        # Check node to prevent eventual errors with old pickled nodes.
        if self.compute_uv:
            A, B, C = node.outputs
            # We expect order: S (vector), U (matrix), VT (matrix)
            assert A.type.ndim == 1 and B.type.ndim == C.type.ndim == 2, \
                "Due to implementation constraints, GpuMagmaSVD interface has changed and now returns (S, U, VT) " \
                "instead of (U, S, VT). Either update your code, or use gpu_svd() to get the expected (U, S, VT) order."

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context)

    def infer_shape(self, node, shapes):
        x_shape, = shapes
        M, N = x_shape
        K = tensor.minimum(M, N)
        s_shape = (K, )
        if self.compute_uv:
            u_shape = (M, M) if self.full_matrices else (M, K)
            vt_shape = (N, N) if self.full_matrices else (K, N)
            return [s_shape, u_shape, vt_shape]
            return [s_shape]

def gpu_svd(a, full_matrices=1, compute_uv=1):
    This function performs the SVD on GPU.

    full_matrices : bool, optional
        If True (default), u and v have the shapes (M, M) and (N, N),
        Otherwise, the shapes are (M, K) and (K, N), respectively,
        where K = min(M, N).
    compute_uv : bool, optional
        Whether or not to compute u and v in addition to s.
        True by default.

    U, V,  D : matrices

    out = GpuMagmaSVD(full_matrices, compute_uv)(a)
    if compute_uv:
        S, U, VT = out
        out = [U, S, VT]
    return out

class GpuMagmaMatrixInverse(GpuMagmaBase):
    """Computes the inverse of a matrix :math:`A` using magma library.
    __props__ = ('inplace', )
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(inplace=bool_t, context=gpu_context_type)

    def __init__(self, inplace=False):
        COp.__init__(self, ['c_code/magma_inv.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(magma_inv)')
        self.inplace = inplace
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}

    def clone_inplace(self):
        return self.__class__(inplace=True)

    def make_node(self, A):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(A)
        A = as_gpuarray_variable(A, ctx_name)
        A = gpu_contiguous(A)
        if A.ndim != 2:
            raise LinAlgError("Matrix rank error")
        if A.dtype != 'float32':
            raise TypeError("only `float32` is supported for now")
        return theano.Apply(self, [A], [A.type()])

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context)

    def infer_shape(self, node, shapes):
        return shapes

def gpu_matrix_inverse(a):
    This function performs the matrix inverse on GPU.

    a_inv: matrix

    return GpuMagmaMatrixInverse()(a)

class GpuMagmaCholesky(GpuMagmaBase, CGpuKernelBase):
    """Computes the cholesky decomposition of a matrix :math:`A` using magma

    __props__ = ('lower', 'inplace')
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(lower=bool_t, inplace=bool_t, context=gpu_context_type)

    def __init__(self, lower=True, inplace=False):
        self.lower = lower
        COp.__init__(self, ['c_code/magma_cholesky.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(magma_cholesky)')
        self.inplace = inplace
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}

    def clone_inplace(self):
        return self.__class__(lower=self.lower, inplace=True)

    def make_node(self, A):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(A)
        A = as_gpuarray_variable(A, ctx_name)
        A = gpu_contiguous(A)
        if A.ndim != 2:
            raise LinAlgError("Matrix rank error")
        #if A.dtype != 'float32': # PMB removed this check
        #    raise TypeError("only `float32` is supported for now")
        return theano.Apply(self, [A], [A.type()])

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context)

    def infer_shape(self, node, shapes):
        return [shapes[0]]

    # Note to self - L_op is just the linearized and transposed Op.
    # trivial case when Op is y = A * x, then L_op is x_bar = A.T * y_bar
    # y_bar = "output_gradients" and is same shape and form as y,
    # x_bar = "input_gradients" (output of L_op) and is same shape and form as x,
    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        # No handling for on_error = 'nan'
        dz = output_gradients[0]
        nb,n,l = dz.shape
        chol_x = outputs[0]

        # deal with upper triangular by converting to lower triangular
        if not self.lower:

        def tril_and_halve_diagonal(mtx):
            """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal."""
            return tensor.tril(mtx) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(mtx) / 2.)

        def tril_and_halve_diagonal_batch(mtx):
            """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal."""
            out = mtx*T-I*mtx/2
            return out

        def conjugate_solve_triangular(outer, inner):
            """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L."""
            return gpu_solve_upper_triangular(
                outer.T, gpu_solve_upper_triangular(outer.T, inner.T).T)

        def conjugate_solve_triangular_batch(outer, inner):
            """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L."""
            if True:
               out,_ = theano.scan(fn=lambda outer,inner : \
                  solve_upper_triangular( outer.T, solve_upper_triangular(outer.T, inner.T).T) ,  \
                sequences=[outer,inner], non_sequences=[])
               return out
               outer_T = outer.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
               inner_T = inner.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
               # important note: gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch works for
               # matrix RHS, but  matrix RHS is transpose RHS!
               # for this reason, we don't need to transpose 'inner'
               tmp = gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch(outer_T, inner_T)
               tmp_T = tmp.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
               return gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch( outer_T, tmp_T)

        if False:
           #tmp1 = chol_x.T.dot(dz)
           tmp1 = tensor.sum( chol_x.dimshuffle(0,2,1,'x') * dz.dimshuffle(0,'x',1,2), axis=2).reshape((nb,n,n))
           tmp2 = tril_and_halve_diagonal_batch(tmp1)
           s = conjugate_solve_triangular_batch( chol_x, tmp2)
           s,_ = theano.scan(fn=lambda chol_x,dz : \
                 conjugate_solve_triangular(chol_x,tril_and_halve_diagonal(chol_x.T.dot(dz))), \
                 sequences=[chol_x,dz], non_sequences=[])

        if True:
            if self.lower:
                grad,_ = theano.scan(fn=lambda s :  tensor.tril(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s)), \
                     sequences=[s], non_sequences=[])
                grad,_ = theano.scan(fn=lambda s :  tensor.triu(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s)), \
                     sequences=[s], non_sequences=[])
           if self.lower:

        return [grad]

    def L_op_(self, inputs, outputs, gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        # No handling for on_error = 'nan'
        dz = gradients[0]
        chol_x = outputs[0]

        # this is for nan mode
        # ok = ~tensor.any(tensor.isnan(chol_x))
        # chol_x = tensor.switch(ok, chol_x, 1)
        # dz = tensor.switch(ok, dz, 1)

        # deal with upper triangular by converting to lower triangular
        if not self.lower:
            chol_x = chol_x.T
            dz = dz.T

        def tril_and_halve_diagonal(mtx):
            """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal."""
            return tensor.tril(mtx) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(mtx) / 2.)

        def conjugate_solve_triangular(outer, inner):
            """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L."""
            return gpu_solve_upper_triangular(
                outer.T, gpu_solve_upper_triangular(outer.T, inner.T).T)

        s = conjugate_solve_triangular(
            chol_x, tril_and_halve_diagonal(chol_x.T.dot(dz)))

        if self.lower:
            grad = tensor.tril(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s))
            grad = tensor.triu(s + s.T) - tensor.diag(tensor.diagonal(s))

        return [grad]

class GpuMagmaQR(GpuMagmaBase, CGpuKernelBase):
    """Computes the qr decomposition of a matrix :math:`A` using magma


        complete : If False, returns only ``R``.

    .. warning::

        Because of implementation constraints, this Op returns outputs
        in order ``R, Q``. Use :func:`theano.gpuarray.linalg.gpu_qr`
        to get them in expected order ``Q, R``.
    __props__ = ('complete', )
    _cop_num_inputs = 1
    _cop_num_outputs = 2
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(complete=bool_t, context=gpu_context_type)

    def __init__(self, complete=True):
        self.complete = complete
        COp.__init__(self, ['c_code/magma_qr.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(magma_qr)')

    def make_node(self, A):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(A)
        A = as_gpuarray_variable(A, ctx_name)
        A = gpu_contiguous(A)
        if A.ndim != 2:
            raise LinAlgError("Matrix rank error")
        if A.dtype != 'float32':
            raise TypeError("only `float32` is supported for now")
        if self.complete:
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return R, Q
                                [A.type(), A.type()])
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return R

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context)

def gpu_qr(a, complete=True):
    This function performs the QR on GPU.

    complete : bool, optional
        If `False`, returns only r.

    Q, R : matrices

    out = GpuMagmaQR(complete)(a)
    if complete:
        R, Q = out
        out = [Q, R]
    return out

class GpuMagmaEigh(GpuMagmaBase):
    """Computes the eigen decomposition of a symmetric matrix :math:`A` using magma

    UPLO : Specifies whether the calculation is done with the lower triangular
           part of matrix (`L`, default) or the upper triangular part (`U`).
    compute_v : If `True`, computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors (`True`,
                default). If `False`, computes only eigenvalues of matrix.
    __props__ = ('lower', 'compute_v')
    _cop_num_inputs = 1
    _cop_num_outputs = 2
    check_input = False
    params_type = ParamsType(lower=bool_t, compute_v=bool_t,

    def __init__(self, UPLO='L', compute_v=True):
        assert UPLO in ['L', 'U']
        self.lower = UPLO == 'L'
        self.compute_v = compute_v
        COp.__init__(self, ['c_code/magma_eigh.c'], 'APPLY_SPECIFIC(magma_eigh)')

    def make_node(self, A):
        ctx_name = infer_context_name(A)
        A = as_gpuarray_variable(A, ctx_name)
        A = gpu_contiguous(A)
        if A.ndim != 2:
            raise LinAlgError("Matrix rank error")
        if A.dtype != 'float32':
            raise TypeError("only `float32` is supported for now")
        if self.compute_v:
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return D, V
                                [GpuArrayType(A.dtype, broadcastable=[False],
            return theano.Apply(self, [A],
                                # return D
                                [GpuArrayType(A.dtype, broadcastable=[False],

    def get_params(self, node):
        return self.params_type.get_params(self, context=node.inputs[0].type.context)

class GpuCholeskyBatch(Op):
    CUSOLVER GPU Cholesky Op.

    Given a real positive definite matrix `A` returns either a lower
    triangular matrix `L` such that `A == dot(L, L.T)` if `lower == True`
    else returns an upper triangular matrix `U` such that `A == dot(U.T, U)`
    if `lower == False`.

        Whether to return a lower rather than upper triangular decomposition.


    __props__ = ('lower', 'inplace')

    def __init__(self, lower=True, inplace=False):
        self.lower = lower
        self.inplace = inplace
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}
        super(GpuCholeskyBatch, self).__init__()

    def clone_inplace(self):
        return self.__class__(lower=self.lower, inplace=True)

    def make_node(self, inp):
        if not cusolver_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUSOLVER is not available and '
                               'GpuCholesky Op can not be constructed.')
        if skcuda.__version__ <= '0.5.1':
            warnings.warn('The GpuCholesky op requires scikit-cuda > '
                          '0.5.1 to work with CUDA 8')
        if not pygpu_available:
            raise RuntimeError('Missing pygpu or triu/tril functions.'
                               'Install or update libgpuarray.')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp)

        inp = as_gpuarray_variable(inp, context_name)

        inp = gpu_contiguous(inp)

        assert inp.ndim == 3

        return theano.Apply(self, [inp], [inp.type()])

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        context = inputs[0][0].context

        # Input matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        nb, l, n = A.shape
        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')

        lda = max(1, n)

        # cusolver operates on F ordered matrices, but A is expected
        # to be symmetric so it does not matter.
        # We copy A if needed
        if self.inplace:
            L = A
            L = pygpu.array(A, copy=True)

        # The output matrix will contain only the upper or lower
        # triangular factorization of A. If L is C ordered (it
        # probably is as it is the default in Theano) we just switch
        # the fill mode parameter of cusolver
        l_parameter = 0 if self.lower else 1
        if L.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            l_parameter = 1 - l_parameter

        L_ptr = L.gpudata

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf
            wordlen = 4
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf
            wordlen = 8
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")
        with context:
            workspace_size = potrf_bufferSize(
                context.cusolver_handle, l_parameter, n, L_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            for ibatch in range(nb):
               L_ptr_batch = L.gpudata+ibatch*n*n*wordlen
               potrf(context.cusolver_handle, l_parameter, n, L_ptr_batch,
                  lda, workspace_ptr, workspace_size, dev_info_ptr)
               val_dev_info = np.asarray(dev_info)[0]
               if val_dev_info > 0:
                   raise LinAlgError('Cholesky decomposition failed (is A SPD?)')

               # cusolver leaves the elements in the matrix outside the considered
               # upper or lower triangle unchanged, so we need to put zeros outside
               # the triangle
               if self.lower:

        outputs[0][0] = L

    # Note to self - L_op is just the linearized and transposed Op.
    # trivial case when Op is y = A * x, then L_op is x_bar = A.T * y_bar
    # y_bar = "output_gradients" and is same shape and form as y,
    # x_bar = "input_gradients" (output of L_op) and is same shape and form as x,
    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        # No handling for on_error = 'nan'
        dz = output_gradients[0]
        nb,n,l = dz.shape
        chol_x = outputs[0]

        # deal with upper triangular by converting to lower triangular
        if not self.lower:

        def tril_and_halve_diagonal_batch(mtx):
            """Extracts lower triangle of square matrix and halves diagonal."""
            out = mtx*T-I*mtx/2
            return out

        def conjugate_solve_triangular_batch(outer, inner):
            """Computes L^{-T} P L^{-1} for lower-triangular L."""
            outer_T = outer.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
            #inner_T = inner.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
            # gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch works for matrix RHS, 
            # but  matrix RHS should be transpose due to using C ordering
            # for this reason, we don't need to transpose 'tmp' or 'inner',
            # even though it was done in slinalg.Cholesky.L_op
            tmp = gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch(outer_T, inner)
            #tmp_T = tmp.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
            return gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch( outer_T, tmp)

        #tmp1 = chol_x.T.dot(dz)
        tmp1 = tensor.sum( chol_x.dimshuffle(0,2,1,'x') * dz.dimshuffle(0,'x',1,2), axis=2).reshape((nb,n,n))
        tmp2 = tril_and_halve_diagonal_batch(tmp1)
        s = conjugate_solve_triangular_batch( chol_x, tmp2)

        if self.lower:

        return [grad]

# Batched version of GpuCublasTriangularSolve. Note: this Op works when 
# RHS is a matrix, bu this is intended for use within an L_op and
# works only when b is (batchsize,n,n) and is transposed!
class GpuCublasTriangularSolveBatch(Op):
    CUBLAS GPU Triangular Solve Op - Batched.

        Whether system is lower-triangular (True) or upper-triangular (False).
        Whether to take the transpose of the input matrix or not.
    __props__ = ('trans', 'lower')

    def __init__(self, lower=True, trans='N'):
        self.trans = trans
        self.lower = lower
        super(GpuCublasTriangularSolveBatch, self).__init__()

    def make_node(self, inp1, inp2):
        if not cublas_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUBLAS is not available and '
                               'GpuCublasTriangularSolve Op '
                               'can not be constructed.')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp1, inp2)

        inp1 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp1, context_name)
        inp2 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp2, context_name)

        inp1 = gpu_contiguous(inp1)
        inp2 = gpu_contiguous(inp2)

        assert inp1.ndim == 3
        assert inp2.ndim in [2,3]
        assert inp1.dtype == inp2.dtype

        return theano.Apply(self, [inp1, inp2],

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

        # Solution set
        x = outputs[0]

        # Matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        # right hand side
        b = inputs[1]

        assert(len(A.shape) == 3) # nb, n, n
        assert(len(b.shape) in [2,3]) # (nb, n)  or (nb,n,m)

        # implicitly deal with the difference between C order
        # and fortran order in A by flipping the trans and lower flags
        lower = not self.lower
        trans = self.trans
        if trans in ['T', 'C']:
            trans = 'N'
            nb, l, n = A.shape
        elif trans == 'N':
            trans = 'T'
            nb, n, l = A.shape
            raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')

        if len(b.shape) == 3:
           nb2, k , m = b.shape
           nb2, k = b.shape

        if nb != nb2:
            raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')
        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')
        if n != k:
            raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')

        lda = max(1, n)
        ldb = max(1, k)

        # solution overwrites right hand side on exit

        # PMB: GPU wants F ordering, but input from Python is C ordered 
        # and we need C - ordering to indexing the batch.
        # this only works id b is a vector (times batch length)
        # the only time m>1 is when this Op is called from with an L_op
        # and there, the data must be transposed
        b = pygpu.array(b, copy=True, order='C') # PMB changed to C ordered

        A_ptr = A.gpudata
        b_ptr = b.gpudata

        # unit scalar used for multiplication
        alpha = 1.0
        # indicates matrix A is on left of B
        side = 'l'
        # set whether upper or lower part of matrix A stored
        uplo = 'l' if lower else 'u'
        # indicates elements on diagonal of matrix A may not be unity
        diag = 'n'

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            trsv = cublas.cublasStrsv
            trsm = cublas.cublasStrsm
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            trsv = cublas.cublasDtrsv
            trsm = cublas.cublasDtrsm
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")

        with ctx:
            for ib in range(nb):
                # matrix vector solve
                trsv(ctx.cublas_handle, uplo, trans, diag, n,
                     A_ptr+ib*n*n*wordlen, lda, b_ptr+ib*n*m*wordlen, 1)

        if m>1:
           x[0] = b.reshape((nb,n,m))
           x[0] = b.reshape((nb,n,))

    # Note to self - L_op is just the linearized and transposed Op.
    # trivial case when Op is y = A * x, then L_op is x_bar = A.T * y_bar
    # y_bar = "output_gradients" and is same shape and form as y,
    # x_bar = "input_gradients" (outpit of L_op) and is same shape and form as x,
    # Note: L_op will only work for m=1 (b is a batched vector)
    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        A, b = inputs
        nb, n, l = A.shape
        nb2, k = b.shape

        # reshape variables with batch as first dimension
        c = outputs[0]   # c is of shape (nb,n)

        # get the dimension of the gradients
        c_bar = output_gradients[0] #  c_bar is of shape (nb,n)

        trans_solve_op = GpuCublasTriangularSolveBatch(not self.lower)

        # Operation for non-batched version:  b_bar = trans_solve_op(A.T, c_bar)
        A_T = A.dimshuffle(0,2,1)
        b_bar = trans_solve_op(A_T, c_bar) # b_bar is shape (nb,n)

        # Operation for non-batched version:  A_bar = -tensor.outer(b_bar, c) 
        A_bar = - b_bar.dimshuffle(0,1,'x') * c.dimshuffle(0,'x',1) 

        # non-batched operation:
        #if self.lower:
        #    A_bar=: tensor.tril(A_bar)
        #    A_bar= tensor.triu(A_bar)

        # batched operation:
        if self.lower:
        A_bar = A_bar * I.dimshuffle('x',0,1)

        return [A_bar, b_bar]

def gpu_solve_upper_triangular_batch(A, b, trans='N'):
    return GpuCublasTriangularSolveBatch(False, trans)(A, b)

class GpuCusolverSolveBatch(Op):
    CUSOLVER GPU solver OP.

        Whether to take the transpose of the input matrix or not.


    __props__ = ('A_structure', 'trans', 'inplace')

    def __init__(self, A_structure='general', trans='N', inplace=False):
        self.trans = trans
        self.inplace = inplace
        self.A_structure = A_structure
        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [0]}
        assert A_structure in MATRIX_STRUCTURES_SOLVE
        super(GpuCusolverSolveBatch, self).__init__()

    def make_node(self, inp1, inp2):
        if not cusolver_available:
            raise RuntimeError('CUSOLVER is not available and '
                               'GpuCusolverSolve Op can not be constructed.')
        if skcuda.__version__ <= '0.5.1':
            warnings.warn('The GpuSolve op requires scikit-cuda > 0.5.1 to work with CUDA 8')
        context_name = infer_context_name(inp1, inp2)

        inp1 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp1, context_name)
        inp2 = as_gpuarray_variable(inp2, context_name)

        inp1 = gpu_contiguous(inp1)
        inp2 = gpu_contiguous(inp2)

        assert inp1.ndim == 3
        assert inp2.ndim == 3
        assert inp1.dtype == inp2.dtype

        return theano.Apply(
            self, [inp1, inp2],

    def prepare_node(self, node, storage_map, compute_map, impl):
        ctx = node.inputs[0].type.context

    def check_dev_info(self, dev_info):
        val = np.asarray(dev_info)[0]
        if val > 0:
            raise LinAlgError('A is singular')

    def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
        context = inputs[0][0].context

        # Size of the matrices to invert.
        z = outputs[0]

        # Matrix.
        A = inputs[0]

        # Solution vectors.
        b = inputs[1]

        assert(len(A.shape) == 3)
        assert(len(b.shape) == 3)

        if self.trans in ['T', 'C']:
            trans = 1
            nb,l, n = A.shape
            nb2, k, m = b.shape
        elif self.trans == 'N':
            trans = 0
            nb, n, l = A.shape
            nb2, k, m = b.shape
            raise ValueError('Invalid value for trans')
        if nb != nb2:
            raise ValueError('A and b must have same batchlen')
        if l != n:
            raise ValueError('A must be a square matrix')
        if n != k:
            raise ValueError('A and b must be aligned.')

        lda = max(1, n)
        ldb = max(1, k)

        # We copy A and b as cusolver operates inplace
        b = pygpu.array(b, copy=True, order='C') # PMB, changed to need C ordring to index by batch
        print('PMB: inplace=', self.inplace)
        if not self.inplace:
            A = pygpu.array(A, copy=True)
            trans = 1 - trans
        A_ptr = A.gpudata
        b_ptr = b.gpudata

        # cusolver expects a F ordered matrix, but A is not explicitly
        # converted between C and F order, instead we switch the
        # "transpose" flag.
        print('PMB: trans=', trans)
        if A.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            trans = 1 - trans

        if A.dtype == 'float32':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSpotrf
            potrs = cusolverDnSpotrs
            getrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrf_bufferSize
            getrf = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrf
            getrs = cusolver.cusolverDnSgetrs
        elif A.dtype == 'float64':
            potrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf_bufferSize
            potrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDpotrf
            potrs = cusolverDnDpotrs
            getrf_bufferSize = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrf_bufferSize
            getrf = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrf
            getrs = cusolver.cusolverDnDgetrs
            raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype")

        print('PMB: struct=', self.A_structure)
        if self.A_structure == 'symmetric':
            with context:
                workspace_size = potrf_bufferSize(
                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, A_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            with context:
                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, A_ptr, lda, workspace_ptr,
                    workspace_size, dev_info_ptr)

                    context.cusolver_handle, 0, n, m, A_ptr, lda,
                    b_ptr, ldb, dev_info_ptr)

            print('PMB: general case')
            # general case for A
            with context:
                workspace_size = getrf_bufferSize(
                    context.cusolver_handle, n, n, A_ptr, lda)

            workspace = pygpu.zeros(workspace_size, dtype=A.dtype,

            pivots = pygpu.zeros(n, dtype='int32', context=context)

            dev_info = pygpu.zeros((1,), dtype='int32', context=context)

            workspace_ptr = workspace.gpudata
            pivots_ptr = pivots.gpudata
            dev_info_ptr = dev_info.gpudata

            with context:
               for ib in range(nb):
               #for ib in range(1):
                    context.cusolver_handle, n, n, A_ptr+ib*n*n, lda, workspace_ptr,
                    pivots_ptr, dev_info_ptr)

                       context.cusolver_handle, trans, n, m, A_ptr+ib*n*n, lda,
                       pivots_ptr, b_ptr+ib*n*m, ldb, dev_info_ptr)

        #z[0] = b.reshape((nb*n,m))
        z[0] = b

    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, output_gradients):
        # Modified from theano/tensor/slinalg.py
        A, b = inputs
        nb,n,l =A.shape
        nb2,n,m =b.shape
        c = outputs[0] 
        c=c.reshape((nb,n)) # c is (nb*n,m), but grad should only be used when m=1
        c_bar = output_gradients[0]
        ndrv = cdim//nb//n
        # FIXME: triangular structure would use GpuCublasTriangularsolve?
        # no need to handle A_structure like slinalg.py?
        trans_solve_op = GpuCusolverSolveBatch('general')
        b_bar = trans_solve_op(A_T, c_bar)

        #A_bar = -tensor.outer(b_bar, c) 
        A_bar = - b_bar.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x') * c.dimshuffle(0,'x','x',1) 

        return [A_bar, b_bar]

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