The Reunion--Chapter 3
Date: 1/2/02 2:05:41  PM Central Standard Time
From: Peggy Boone  
When Amy got back from the Old House, David asked her where she had  been and 
she told him she had gone to the Old House. 
Adam was worried about Barnabas. He had been at his house for a couple  days 
since he found him laying outside in the rain. He had taken a cold.  He had 
woken Adam up that morning coughing and sneezing. Adam put his hand  against 
Barnabas' face and the hot flesh made him pull his hand away. 
He remembered when he had been at the Old House, Willie had gotten  sick, but 
he didn't remember what Julia had done to make him feel better.  He knew that 
if he didn't do something, Barnabas would die. He picked up  the car keys 
from where he had tossed them, got in the car and drove away.  He wondered if 
could remember how to get to the Old House. He knew that  he couldn't be gone 
too long because he didn't want to leave Barnabas by  himself. 
Adam drove until he arrived at the Old House. When he parked, he saw  two 
more cars parked in front of the Old House. He had never seen either  Willie's 
Julia's cars so he didn't know who was there. He opened the  door and got 
Inside the Old House, Julia's and Willie's conversation was interrupted  by a 
blaring car horn. Julia opened the door and peered out. She saw a  car, but 
she didn't recognize it. 
When Adam looked up, he saw Julia and Willie. He saw the rifle, being  held 
tightly in Willie's hands, was pointed at him. Finally, Julia  spoke. 
"How have you been, Adam?" 
"Is there something wrong?" 
"He needs your help. He's sick." 
"Who, Adam?" 
"Do you know where he is?" 
"At Nicholas' house by the sea." 
"Has he been hurt?" 
"I don't know. I found him laying outside in the rain." 
Willie stood off to the side watching Julia as she scurried here and  there 
as she gathered things to take with her. When Adam and Julia began  walking 
towatd the door, Willie picked up his jacket and began putting it  on. 
"Are you going somewhere?" 
"I'm going with you because I am not letting you go anywhere with him  
(at the house by the sea) 
Barnabas rested fitfully. He had never felt as badly as he felt at that  
moment. He wondered where Adam had gone. He had fallen asleep and when he  had 
woken up, Adam was gone. He began to sit up, but he weakly fell back  on the 
He heard a car pull up outside. As he laid in bed, he heard the door  open 
and he heard peoples' voices. He heard someone racing up the stairs.  When he 
turned to face the door, he saw Willie in the doorway. 
Downstairs, Julia heard Willie shouting. She went to the bottom of the  
stairs and called up to him. 
"Willie, what's wrong?" 
She saw him appear on the landing. She saw he was smiling. 
"I found him, Julia. He's alive." 
Julia seized her bag and hurried up the stairs to where Willie waited  for 
her. When she went into the bedroom, seeing Barnabas the way he was,  brought 
tears to her eyes. She went over to the bed and brushed her hand  over 
forehead. She was alarmed at how hot he was. She took a  thermometer out of 
her bag, shook it down and placed it under his tongue.  When she took it out 
and read it, she saw it was 102 degrees. She turned  to face Adam. 
"Can you bring me a pan of water and some rags?"  
She watched him leave the room, before she turned to Willie. 
"Barnabas is too ill to be moved. I am staying here with him and I want  you 
to go back to the Old House." 
Willie opened his mouth to object, but Julia continued. 
"Adam won't hurt me. I will be all right here." 
Willie knew that it was useless to argue with Julia, so he got in his  car 
and drove back to the Old House. 
Julia heard a noise behind her. When she turned, she saw Adam had  returned 
with the pan of water and the rags. Julia dipped one of the rags  in the water, 
wrung it out and laid it across Barnabas' forehead. She  didn't hear Adam. 
When she looked she saw he was gone. Soon, she heard  footsteps and felt a hand 
on her shoulder. When she turned, Adam was  standing behind her, holding a cup 
of coffee out to her. She took a sip  and set the cup  down.

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