Psychic Vampires
Chapter I: A Story
In the middle of the night she woke up. There was someone in her room.  There 
was no voice, no sound that could have woke her up, just the sheer  knowledge 
that someone, something was there. She tried to turn her head  but realised 
in horror that she was unable to move or even to cry. There  she lay, totally 
paralysed while this "someone" came nearer. The pressure  in her head got 
stronger and stronger and she felt as if she was going to  faint out of fear. 
go away!" was all she could think of and suddenly  it was gone. This suddenly 
was a little bit too much for a 8year old and  mercifully she finally fainted. 
Chapter II: My Thoughts on Psychic Vampirism
What sounds like the beginning of a bad horror book is indeed a real  story. 
How do I know? Well, because it happened to me! It's so long ago  but I will 
never ever forget the horror I experienced that night. "Just a  horrible 
nightmare, something the fantasy of a young girl made up.."  That's what you'll 
probably say next. But it wasn't, believe me. It took  me more than twenty 
to discover this. Back than I had a terrible  time afterwards since I couldn't 
bear to sleep in the dark anymore, but  after about half a year I forced 
myself to forget about the whole  thing. 
About two years ago I stumbled across a book about nightly phenomenons  and 
there I finally found the explanation of my nightly encounter. The  medical 
term for what I experienced is a "Hack-Attack". This phenomenon  has been 
reported as far back as the 11th century and it happened to  people of all ages 
almost anywhere in the world. People, who made such  an experience reported the 
following "symptoms": waking up in the night  without any obvious reason; the 
presence of someone/something (many people  who where (un-)fortunate enough 
to sleep on their back even saw a  silhouette of a person); sudden pressure on 
the chest, increasing with  every minute (often described as the feeling of 
someone lying on top of  oneself); finally fainting. 
After a little research I even found some people claiming they saw a  being 
with red glowing eyes and reported that they had been bitten by this  creature. 
What you make of this additional reports I leave it to yourself,  but 
personally I don't believe them. The symptoms I wrote before are what  you will 
in any good, trustworthy medical or psychological book about  this topic. 
So, what's the reason for this phenomenon? Sorry, but it has never been  
found. Of course there are a lot of "reasonable" explanations, choose one  
according your personal believes: just a nightmare (that happens to people  of 
ages and everywhere), probably a little bit fatty food the night  before (might 
happen sometimes), a ghost/vampire-attack... 
I don't claim to know the truth, I just thought this to be a good  opener 
about this essay on psychic vampirism. Why? Because there are  people (quite a 
lot, indeed) who say, that a Hack-Attack is nothing but an  attack by a psychic 
Well, what's that? I have to admit, that I am not that much into this  
subject. So I have to tell you that everything I write in this chapter  (except 
I wrote above) is not based on scientific literature (It's my  personal 
believe, that modern books about vampirism are not written with  any scientific 
approach. In old literature I couldn't find the term  "psychic vampire".) So is 
this whole thing about Psy-Vampires just made up  by some esoteric US-guys who 
aren't that much into blood? In my taste  that's not THAT unlikely, since you 
guys over there seem to have quite a  lot of imagination... 
Anyway, this certainly is an "IN"-topic and since a lot of people have  asked 
me for advice or information on this I will write, what I have heard  so far. 
There are other, more explicit sites about psychic vampirism,  please refer 
to my link list for more information. 
Let's start with some questions on ethic. What makes a living being?  Oh, no, 
I am not going to pull you into some boring discussions. I will  tell you my 
own opinion. Everything that consumes energy, whether it is  light, food, 
water, touch ... and turns it into something ... growth,  light, movement, 
... is living. Life is made of energy, energy we  need to keep on living, and 
energy we loose in order to do this. So  sometimes we have to "refill" a little 
bit. The average person takes some  food, drink or even a good night of 
sleep. What are your personal  energy-sources? The ones I mentioned before, of 
course. But for some  people filling up the battery can be done through other 
things. Some  people take a stroll through nature, have a bath in the sea or 
some  music. The energy we get from such "other" sources is usually nothing 
that  can be seen, measured or felt. But it is there, isn't it? If you found  
yourself in this description, well, than - congratulations- you are a  
psy-vampire! A psy-vampire is plainly someone who is able to drain energy  from 
sources than food and drink. You did not know that? Well,  that's not a 
surprise to me. A lot of people recharge their batteries that  way. There's 
wrong with it, isn't it..? Well, under certain  circumstances there indeed is 
something wrong with this method! There are  people, who don't take their 
energy from "dead (?)" things like trees and  sunlight; they use human beings 
Don't be upset since I am one of them. I prefer blood, not because I  like 
the taste or I am a SM-person. My batteries get discharged a little  bit faster 
than yours, so I need more energy than food could give me.  That's what makes 
ME a vampire. But that's not the topic here. 
A Psy-Vampire is someone who is able to take the life-energy (sometimes  
called pranic energy, psy, chi....etc.) of human beings. A lot of them  don't 
know what they are doing, that's the most dangerous kind. They  are unaware 
of their harmful nature. 
Have you ever met someone who made you feel exhausted, tired etc?  Chances 
are you met a Psy-Vamp. Their methods are various: some push your  emotions on 
high, so that you feel wonderful, but after they leave you,  you just feel 
tired. Others go the other way and try to make you upset.  They feed on your 
negative emotions. A lot of people think that there are  individuals 
sophisticated enough to feed on someone without the need to be  in his 
presence. The 
"Hack-Attack" I described above is some variation of  doing this. Is that 
the explanation? I don't know and I will never  know (unless this "someone" who 
turned up in my bedroom finally comes out  and explains himself to me). 
Feeding methods are described in hundreds of  ways. 
There are too many ways to list them here, the thing is: Psy-Vamps take  
something without your agreement! Not that fair, isn't it? 
To "feed on energy" is something that can be (and is often) done by  humans. 
So the idea that someone could use this technique to feed on  humans is not 
that far from being possible. I personally met a lot of  people claiming to be 
Psy-Vamps but nobody was ever able to feed on me..  But those people might 
exist. The ideas certainly is worth a second  thought. 
So you found yourself in one of the described situations? You think  that 
someone you know is/or might be a Psy-Vampire? You think you are  under attack? 
There are ways to protect yourself. How? 
Chapter III: Protection
The following chapter deals on methods on self-defense against an  attack by 
a Psy-Vampire. There have been quite many books written on this  and I took a 
look into one or the other. My personal believe is that you  don't need a 
"professional" wiccan or a sorcerer to perform any magic  spells. It's much 
simpler. Why should you spends tons of money on  something that might probably 
work on you. The emphasis lies on "on  you", which means that protection 
methods are very individual and may  depend even on the vampire you encounter. 
So if 
you are not in any  life-threatening situation than try to start with what I 
can offer  you. 
The trick is simple: Choose something, that you feel COMFORTABLE with!  If 
you don't think that it works or if you feel this is not like yourself  don't 
waste your time. If what I tell you is not YOUR method, than find  your own. 
What I give here is just an idea of what is necessary. So judge  for yourself. 
What we are going to do is not a magic ritual. (If you think you need  one 
and are a little bit into things like wicca etc. than add your own  spells to 
this). Before you start you have to concentrate on yourself, to  calm down and 
relax. If this would be a ritual than the procedure you are  going to undertake 
would be called a ritual cleaning. But don't forget:  It's all about 
concentrating, finding to your inner-self, RELAXING. 
Take a scented bath and try to relax. Close your eyes and try to FEEL  your 
body. Start with your toes, go up your legs and so on.. Concentrate,  try to 
feel yourself. If you feel totally aware of yourself you might  notice 
disturbing. The vampire who attacked you might have left  a hole in your 
energy-level. Probably you just don't feel well. Don't be  upset. Concentrate 
this negative feeling. Try to visualise it. Probably  as a dark knot in your 
stomach etc. Now feel the cleanliness of the water  around you. The warmth, how 
it touches your body.. Wash yourself, and  visualise, how the clean water 
washes away the darkness. It's all about,  that YOU make it happen. You have 
power to do this. As soon as you  feel clean step out of the bath and let the 
water drain away. Dress in  something you feel good and protected in and 
proceed to the next step. 
Recharging your battery
Find a warm place, where you are left alone, somewhere quite. It might  be 
your bedroom, a favourite place in the woods, the finally  doesn't 
matter. Sit down and relax. Light a candle. Concentrate on the  flame, the 
warmth, the light, the energy radiating from it. Breathe that  energy. Try to 
inhale it. Visualise how this energy fills up the gap that  has been left after 
cleaned yourself from the darkness. Continue until  you feel well and healthy 
again. If you are in the nature, concentrate on  the sun (or the moon). Take 
all the energy you can get, feel the energy  inside of you, how it makes you 
strong. When you feel relaxed and strong  again proceed to the next step. 
Saying NO
This step depends on the kind of attack you are under. Let's start with  a 
nocturnal attack, which may seem like a nightmare. 
Do you like your bedroom? Sorry I have to say it again, but this is all  
about feeling relaxed. So if you always wanted to change something do it  now! 
a few cushions, light a candle (careful if you might fall  asleep), burn some 
scented sticks whatever you like. Sit on your bed. This  is YOUR place, your 
home, your heaven. Think of a way to protect it. Even  if it appears stupid to 
you, do what your heart tells you to. Place a  cactus, a knife, a cross 
beside your bed. Something YOU think has positive  power. It might be the 
bible, it 
might even be a picture of your best  friend. Surround yourself with things 
you like. When you go to bed think  about what you did to recharge. Visualise 
the energy inside you, how  strong you are. If you are afraid concentrate on 
the good things around  you. If you think you can, remember your last attack. 
Develop an  alternative scenario where things are a little bit different. When 
the  attack starts, think yourself sitting upright in your bed and shouting  
"NO!" to the intruder. Probably you will have to practice a little bit  during 
daytime. But if YOU make yourself protected, if YOU are able to say  NO, than 
you ARE protected. In most cases the Psy-Vamp will find a more  frightened 
prey. A Psy-Vamp is locking for innocent victims, not someone  who is willing 
fight, therefore he will most likely leave you  alone. 
The case is not that different if your Psy-Vamp is operating during  daytime. 
Most of the work you have already done, which is to unmask  him/her. If you 
don't think it appropriate to confront him/her than better  leave it. One the 
one hand it simply isn't necessary, on the other think  of the embarrassment if 
you are wrong. Most daytime Psy-Vamps will try to  upset you in any way. Even 
if it feels good in the beginning think of the  negative side-effects. Say to 
yourself: "I don't want that any more.". But  more important, tell the other 
person. Say: "I don't want you to make me  upset again. I don't feel good with 
this and I don't want it anymore."  Stay calm, that's essential, even if 
he/she plays his/her old tricks  again. Just walk away. Sorry, if that sounds 
simple. IT IS! Even if you  are not under attack by a Psy-Vamp, the ability to 
NO is something  that can never do any harm to you. Even if it means loosing 
someone you  regarded as a good friend, think of what you are loosing know! If 
you are  not sure about someone being the cause of your lack of energy than 
try to  avoid this person for a while. A week will usually do. If you feel 
better  afterward - snap! You found your Vampire. 
As I said before: This is my own version and you should try to find  
something, that feels good (and sane) to YOU. What I've described here are  
to relax and concentrate which will never do any harm. Find out  for 
By the way: It never hurts to consult a doctor first.  Probably the reason 
for your feeling drained are far more easy to find, or  have a completely 
different  cause!

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