Vampire Q & A 
 ( Hey, you all kept asking me questions, so I'm 
posting the most common  ones with my answers. If you have a question, e-mail 
it to  
Q. Have you read Laurell K. Hamilton's books? You don't mention her  on your 
A. Of course I know Laurell! She's my hero... er... heroine. I'm  horribly 
behind on my book reviews or I would already have my reviews of  all of her 
books up. Something else I need to work on. Did you know that  her 9th book is 
out in hardback? I believe it is called Obsidian  Butterfly. I'm cheap, so 
I'm waiting to get it paperback. I read some  other reviews for it online and 
they were mixed. The main problem with it,  it seems, is that Richard and 
Jean-Claude get pushed to the background (as  they did in Bloody Bones) and it 
centers solely on Anita and Edward. I  think Edward kicks ass, so I'll probably 
enjoy it, though I didn't like  Bloody Bones as much as the others. But alas 
poor Jean-Claude, whom we  haven't seen since before Blue Moon. Being a 
vampire fan, of course he's  my favorite intriguing character.  
Q. Do you know where I can find some vampire pictures and/ or gothic  music? 
A. I don't know much about vampire pictures and gothic art, but I would  
guess the best place to look would be on a web ring or gothic search  engine. 
should look at; I know they have a section  on gothic art, 
and have sites within their vampire listings that have  vampire art and 
pictures. If you also go to my "End" page you will find  three or four vampire 
gothic web rings that I belong to that you can  search for vampire art. As for 
gothic music, I know nothing about it.  Strangely enough, to be the queen of 
general vampire knowledge, I am not a  gothic person. My hair's it's natural 
blonde color, I am wearing a yellow  shirt as we speak and I listen to 80's 
music while I make my web page, or,  at most, techno off of my Blade CD (which 
a really good CD, if you  liked the music on the movie).  
Q. Do you know any vampires (or are you one)? Where can I find  them? 
A. As for you finding "living" vampires, I myself am not a vampire, nor  do I 
drink blood. Not in this lifetime, at any rate. If you've been  looking 
through websites, certainly you have found numerous sites for  people who claim 
that they are. Claiming you are a vampire and being one  are two different 
things. Personally, I think they existed, but I am not  too sure that they 
still do. 
Certainly I haven't met or talked to anyone  that has convinced me they are 
one. Drinking blood doesn't make you a  vampire; it makes you a person with a 
blood fetish. As the original  meaning of a "vampire" was an animated corpse, 
it's hard to be one and  still be alive. Being a vampire has now become 
something that is equated  with a religious experience.  
Other than web sites, another good place for finding "vampires" are  chat 
rooms. I have talked to a couple of people in an AOL chatroom about  their 
vampiric tendencies (I don't have their names, so I can't tell you  who they 
If you prefer to meet people in person and see them "in  action," then I 
suggest you go to gothic clubs or specifically vampire  clubs. I haven't been 
any myself, but I do know they exist in big  cities like New York, Miami, and 
throughout California. There is a  "Dracula's Ball," that I have also heard, 
that is a convention for  vampires and vampire lovers. I'm not sure if it has 
been held yet this  year or not, but I heard from a friend that it was being 
in  Philadelphia.  
I would guess that for every one person you find that wears black,  drives a 
hearse, lives in a ramshackle old house and sleeps in a coffin,  you will find 
hundreds of others who are just regular people with a  historical or literary 
interest in vampires, or people who act out a blood  fetish as part of their 
sexual nature. Too many people want to  sensationalize vampiric people and it 
gives legitimate scholars a bad  image. People look at me as if I was a devil 
worshipper or a strange  cultist just because I say that I study vampires. I 
like to study vampires  because I happen to like medieval and ancient history, 
where they are very  prevalent, and I like the freedom and sexual overtones 
that can be played  up when I write about them in my fiction. If I wanted the 
general public  to go away with anything , it would be that this isn't some 
of bad  thing, it's not necessarily related to cults and never (as far as I 
have  ever seen) related to devil worshipping. I myself was raised Christian 
and  still consider myself such and the two things have never run into  
Q. What do you know about the ancient vampire? 
A. The ones from Rome, the Mayans and Aztecs, and those in India are  all the 
oldest forms of vampires. For the most part "vampires" in the  ancient 
cultures were what I call demi-gods. In Greek mythology, deities  such as Pan, 
nymphs, and the Titans are all examples of demi-gods, or  lesser gods. They 
don't hold the full power of the gods and are much lower  on the chain of 
command. Most all of your blood-drinking entities were  these sorts of lesser 
because they were viewed as a type of demon or  wicked/ fearsome god. There are 
two exceptions of this that I have found;  one being the Indian goddess Kali 
(who is still worshipped today), and the  other being Camazotz of the Mayans. 
Both of these beings were (are)  full-fledged gods in that they are fully 
worshipped and are included in  the high ranking pantheon.  
Rome only had one instance of a vampire, that I have found, but it  seems 
like there are several different vampire-like entities in Greece.  Most of 
like the lamia, are blood drinking spirits, and not animated  corpses, which 
is the truest sense of the word "vampire." They did,  however, have a vampire 
that was born from a dead body, and it was called  a vrykolaka. Past that, 
there are few other instances, that I have found,  of vampires in ancient 
I'm going to be looking more into this specific time period for my own  
research paper this fall. As for now, I suggest that anyone trying to  research 
write a paper on the ancient vampire-- unless you have a lot  of time and 
energy to spend on it-- broaden their topic. You might want to  go into 
non-European vampires, which are very interesting because they are  pretty 
varied from 
country to country, whereas European vampires were all  interchanged and are 
almost constant from country to country. On my Step  3, I have listings of 
vampires in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. That  would direct to less to the 
ancient vampires and more of the rural ones.  Or, you could go right into the 
vampires of the middle ages. There's heaps  of information on those kinds of 
vampires. Step 2 is nothing but the  makings and killings and preventings of 
vampires during the middle ages in  Europe. One thing that interests me is how 
believed that vampires  spread the plague. This old superstition is evident in 
the movie  "Nosferatu," where Orelock (or Count Dracula) brings with him 
thousands of  rats which infect the whole city with plague and death. Sorry I 
tell  you more about the ancient vampire, but there just aren't that many 
cases  of them and I haven't done any serious digging into them yet.  
Q. Can I link your site to mine and/ or use it as a  reference? 
A. Certainly! That's what it's there for. Anyone using my site as a  
reference for school work should be sure to include the footnotes that I  have 
for my information. Teachers are still pretty picky/ skeptical  when it comes 
to research done on the web, so be sure to add on my  footnotes to yours. 
(Something like "From: The Encyclopedia of the  Undead, J. Gordon Melton, etc., 
found on the web site,  Everything You Need to Know About Vampires,") If I don't have a footnote  listed 
at all, 
(such as on Step 1) then that's directly from me and my own  interpretations 
of vampire study, and no one singular book. (Then you  would just footnote my 
Q. Do you believe vampires exist?  
A. Well, I'm not too sure if real vampires still exist. I certainly  haven't 
met one, and, I would think, they're not the kinds of people to be  quick to 
jump on the Sally show and prove themselves. As soon as I hear  anyone say they 
are a vampire, I disbelieve them. If they were really a  vampire they 
wouldn't tell the likes of me unless they knew me very well,  and then they 
have to tell me because they could show me. I'm not  sure what constitutes a 
vampire nowadays-- certainly they aren't walking  dead bodies-- but they aren't 
just people who drink blood. That's a person  with a blood fetish and a 
romantic notion living out fictional fantasies.  All I know is that I would 
know a 
vampire if I was friends with one.  
I do believe, however, that vampires once existed. I think that  vampires 
were just a different species of human... an evolutionary track.  That's why 
not too sure if there still are some out in hiding. In many  ways I wish I was 
a vampire, but in many ways being immortal is a great  burden; it would be 
very hard to outlive family and friends. I'm preparing  to write an essay on 
this crux of immortality and I hope to have it up by  May. But, by the time you 
and I are getting to be middle aged it won't  matter any because they will be 
able to sustain the human body for 150-200  years, or more. We will all be 
vampires, feeing off our own science to  keep ourselves alive past our normal 
life-spans. Gene manipulation will be  our elixir of life. 
Q. Why are vampires always so good looking and sexy? 
A. Vampires have a history of being glamourous. Originally, only female  
vampires were especially beautiful. Lamias and other such spirit-like  vampires 
were always ugly in their true form, but had the ability to shift  their 
appearance to that of a beautiful maiden, in order to lure men to  them. 
Possibly the 
earliest record of this is of the Lilith figure (that  the Hebrews borrowed 
from an even earlier culture- I think the Sumerians).  Although I haven't found 
any reference to Lilith herself being especially  beautiful, her demoness 
were (or must have been) because it was they who  visited wet dreams upon young 
men. It seems that men liked to use  beautiful women as an excuse for anything 
they might have done.  
Men weren't mentioned as being handsome in the early vampire texts.  However, 
they had the sexual appetite that any incubus had. Men were  especially 
notorious for rising from the grave and heading back to their  wives and 
them from exhaustion. So even before the Victorian Age,  were vampire fiction 
comes into being, you have the setting for beautiful,  sexual vampires.  
With the coming of the Victorian age, both the male and female vampire  
became beautiful and both exhibited a sexual appetite (though this was  subtle 
to the confines of the society on such a topic), though both  vampire and 
vampiress retained the beauty as only a facade. In anger or  distress the 
still revealed its ugly, more corpse-like side.  
Today our vampires still retain those traits, played up even more. As  
Hollywood is big on having beautiful people in their movies, so too has  the 
gotten even more rich, powerful, glamourous and sexy. But  still the vampire 
can show that evil, ugly side. The vampire, while always  a nuisance and a 
evil to society, has grown even more callous in his  vanity, perhaps to show 
evil associated with pride and absolute power.   
I hope that's a sufficient answer to the question of beauty among  vampires. 
What started out as a good excuse for me to be sexually active,  or a reason 
for them to be so sexually minded all the time, has turned  into equality for 
the sexes in that both male and female vampire have a  sexual appetite. Now it 
is a given that sex is part of the vampire  package. It is so linked with 
them, that it's almost a second way of  feeding. A vampire without sex is like 
meal that consists only of the  drink. 
Q. Is there any one point in vampire history that is notable?  
A. The vampire (or it's earliest demon ancestor) has been apparent in  human 
history since history was recorded. And this creature has been all  over the 
world-- from Japan to India, Africa to Scotland, the Mayans and  Aztecs of 
Mexico and even to the Puritans in early America. However,  medieval Europe 
exhibited the largest showing of vampire outbreaks than  anywhere else in the 
(roughly from the 1100's-1700's). If you want a  more narrow time frame, 
vampire hysteria was often centered around all the  major outbreaks of plague 
the continent. Pick any major epidemic and  you're assured to find people in 
villages in a panic over vampires.  
Q. When did the myths, stories, and general fear of vampires  begin?  
A. That's a difficult question because the myth of vampires is so old  that 
it proceeds written history. That, and it's hard to draw the line  from where 
demons, gods and spirits end and animated corpses with  supernatural powers-- 
vampires-- begin. Certainly man has had religion  since he has had thought. And 
inherent in that is that for every good  being there is a malicious one. So 
vampires were born in those beliefs of  evil, malevolent spirits. As man 
progressed in his intelligence, blood  began to play an important factor, since 
was the life of a person. And  when evil is afoot, it can be concluded that the 
evil would want that  blood. Somewhere in there began a demon or demi-god or 
spirit that began  to drink and steal that blood.  
My hypothesis is that the coming of Christianity into pagan areas is  what 
drove the vampire demi-gods into a real form-- that of a dead corpse.  When 
Christianity pushed into an area and converted the locals, suddenly  the gods 
their ancestors were no more. But as I said before, evil must  be where there 
is good. And priests were only too happy to play up the  peasants fears, by 
telling them about demons and the devil. Suddenly those  pagan gods of evil 
out to get God-fearing people. Their beliefs were  intensifed when the church 
was only too glad to have them use religious  holidays and religious 
artifacts-- such as crucifix and communion wafers--  in battle against the 
Somewhere along the way those demons began to  take tangible form in dead human 
bodies (as the demons in the Bible  sometimes took form in pigs).  
Q. Are all vampires evil or can they have feelings and a free  will?  
A. As of yet, I have not seen a historical (or folkloric) vampire do  
anything but evil. Many vampires attacked their families first before  anyone, 
less out of revenge, it seems, and more because the body  recognized them and 
went to them first, though the demon part lead the  body to do evil against 
people they would normally not harm. (This is  evident in that loving husbands 
turned into vampires would seek out their  wives, yet exhaust them to death in 
Literary vampires, on the other hand, are a different breed. Though  many are 
callous with no regard for human life, many others live  symbiotically with 
mortals, if not are kind to them. In the book that I am  writing I have a 
mixture of both, though more good, or of lesser degrees  of bad, than those who 
very evil.  
Q. Do vampire stories and the view of vampires differ in each  country?  
A. Yes. You should read Step 3 on my web page. I have written there  many 
different kinds of vampires in all kinds of countries. In Europe  especially 
may find 3 different vampires in a country and 4 or 5  additional names that 
can be used interchangeably. This happened because  villages or provinces often 
had different vampire beliefs than the  neighboring area. Thus 1 country in 
Europe can have more different kinds  of vampires than the whole continent of 
Q. Does the physical appearance of a vampire change from the time of  death 
to when the person becomes a vampire?  
A. Again, there is a separation between vampires in history and  vampires in 
literature. In folklore, there is not much difference between  death and 
rising from the grave because the risen vampire looks (and often  smells) like 
corpse. The differences between when the person was alive  and the time when 
they became a vampire are the differences that any body  would undergo in 
either great pallor or a ruddiness of face (the  redness, in vampires, was 
attributed to their blood drinking, but this red  color is a very natural sign 
decay in a body), bloating (again thought  to be from blood, but really it 
too is a process of death), flexible  limbs, and longer nails and hair (again, 
same as before).  
In the literary vampire, the death-like appearance has generally been  lost. 
Vampires now usually have very pale skin, and elongated canines, but  are very 
beautiful, ever much more so than in life. They also gain added  strength. 
Other attributes that the vampire gains is left up to the  author. For 
my vampires not only grow fangs and become pale, but  their eye color 
changes-- either intensifying it's natural color or  turning another one all 
Q. I was wondering if vampirism is curse that can be put on by  jealous 
ex-lovers, enemies, etc., and, if so, could it be  reversed? 
A. Folkloric vampirism is not a curse, but damnation. People who sin  are the 
ones cursed to be vampires. The victims of vampires can also  become 
vampires, as if the taint were transferable. Step 2 lists many  types of people 
to rise from the dead as vampires, including  witches, excommunicated (people 
thrown out of the church), suicides and  murderers. Some things, like a nun 
stepping over a body, cause people to  rise from the grave. This superstition 
seems a little far fetched-- how  does a nun stepping over a body damn it?-- 
but I do not know where it  comes from. Only a "curse" from the church-- 
excommunication, no last  rites, no baptism-- could "cause" a vampire. If a 
were to curse  another person, a restless afterlife might be a possible option, 
though it  is far more likely a witch would trap the soul on earth-- making 
the  person a ghost-- or enslave the reanimated body-- a zombie-- than make the 
person a vampire, who was generally uncontrollable and caused more harm to  
the local people than he did to himself. As of yet, I have heard of no one  
becoming a vampire because some individual put a curse on them. However,  with 
literary vampires, anything is possible. 
As for reversing vampirism, there is no hope for the person who is  already a 
vampire. Precautions can be taken in life, but once someone rise  as a 
vampire, they're stuck as one until someone takes care of the  problem. The 
specifics of this are covered on Step 2, and include staking,  decapitation, 
cremation. As for those who have been bitten by a  vampire, they can avoid 
from the grave as a vampire by any number  of ways (also on Step 2), including, 
but not limited to: drinking the  blood of a slain vampire (or making the 
blood into bread or gruel to be  eaten), eating of the earth of the vampire's 
grave, or being blessed by a  priest.  
Q. I was wondering, has anyone studied why people become vampires?   
A. This question requires a lengthy explanation. Unfortunately, it's a  bit 
beyond my expertise, as of yet. To know why some people were slated to  rise as 
vampires is to know why people believed dead bodies could rise in  the first 
place. Man has always feared death and the dead in some way or  another. 
Indian tribes in South America put their dead in caves and rock  shelves on 
inaccessible rock faces, well away from their village.  Some peoples in Africa 
buried their dead family under their hut floors,  but were very careful not to 
spill blood in the houses or near them, for  fear that the dead would want to 
feed on it. Throughout Asia people have  engaged in ancestor worship, which 
was originally done so that the  ancestors would stay happy with the family and 
not send sickness or grief  upon them. So across the world there has been a 
fear of the dead coming  back, in one form or another, to hurt the surviving 
family members. So to  the question of why people were believed to become 
vampires, one must  study why people feared the dead in the first place.  
I plan on investigating the history of vampires in pre-Christian Europe  (0 
C.E.) up through the middle ages (1700's) this fall, when I do my  history 
thesis. So whenever I find a better answer for that, I'll be sure  to post 
Why are vampires staked through the heart? If they  are dead, aren't the organs 
as well?  
A. A very good question. And though I have seen no specific answer for  it, I 
can offer my own interpretation. The historical vampire is believed  to be 
either 1, a dead body possessed by a demon, or 2, a soul still  trapped in a 
body-- either through its own volition, or through a curse,  such as 
excommunication. The reason why the vampire is staked through the  heart 
probably lies 
with the very ancient notion that the heart is the  seat of the soul. Dating 
to the ancient Egyptians (or before), the  heart was held with reverence 
because that is where the soul was believed  to reside in the body, as well as 
emotions and intellegence (that's  why Egpytians preserved the heart during 
mumification, but not the brain--  they didn't know the brain was the organ of 
intelligence). So removing the  heart or staking it frees the soul that is 
trapped inside the organ. I can  only assume that they stake the heart more 
than cut it out and burn  it because it is less messy that way. In the case 
of cursed people, it  seems that only a priest could relieve their soul trapped 
in the body,  though for others who were vampires, staking worked... most of 
the time.  Cremation of the body was the only sure-fire way to stop a vampire, 
though  this was often a last resort, probably due to religious reasons and  
respect for the dead (Early Christians especially thought that the body  had 
to be whole in order to rise on Judgement Day, and cremation destroyed  the 
body, keeping that person forever lifeless, whereas a body saved from  
through a simple heart staking could rise to be judged.)  

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