Lestat's  transformation: 

Shortly after being engaged at  Renaud's theater (which would soon become the 
Theatre of the Vampires run  by Armand), Lestat was kidnapped by Magnus, an 
old vampire who wanted to  find an heir before putting an end to his life. 
Magnus was charmed by  Lestat, by his courage and his beauty, and in spite of 
Lestat's forceful  refusal, Magnus forced him to accept his gift, i.e 
eternal  youth, supernatural strength and powers, but also the unquenchable 
thirst  for blood, the darkness of the night, the loneliness and the doubts. So 
he  turned Lestat into a vampire, without his consent, and then he left him 
to  throw himself in the blaze. 

His personnality:

Being  immortal, Lestat continues to love mortals and finds them fascinating 
; he  feels deep emotions towards them (in spite of what Louis says in  
'Interview with the Vampire', who regards him more or less as a  bloodthirsty 
that cannot feel anything.) 
Of course, it doesn't prevent him from killing people,  because he is above 
all a supernatural being, a bloodthirsty vampire. It  leads him to compare the 
world with a 'Savage Garden in which only the  aesthetic principles are 
ruling' : he sees the world as a jungle, where  the weaker is killed by the 
stronger, where the most beautiful is chosen  to the detriment of the least 
; the world is governed by  strength and beauty. But because of the love he 
feels for mortals, he  wants to become one of them again: paradoxically, while 
loving what he is,  he is tortured by his vampire state, by his obligation to 
be evil in order  to survive. However, when the opportunity to become mortal 
again arises,  he realizes that he had deluded himself about the mortal 
and that  he prefers by far to be a vampire. So, even if he hates himself 
sometimes,  and hates the evil he can do, he loves his vampire state and 
want  to give it up. 

Nicknamed  'the Brat Prince' or 'the James Bond of the vampires' by his 
equals,  Lestat remains very impulsive and refuses to submit to the various 
laid down by the likes of him. Lestat has always been wild and never  wanted 
to obey anyone. He always rebelled against the established order:  During the 
first years of his vampire life, he starts by  transgressing, without knowing 
it, the rules laid down by the vampires of  the 'Theatre of the Vampires' in 
Paris, by strolling among mortals, going  into churches, and creating a child 

  Theatre of the  Vampires 
Transgressing the rules  doesn't make Lestat feel remorse; in the contrary, 
he even takes pride in  it. He will again transgress the rules laid down by his 
like when  revealing himself to mortals during his rock star experience, also 
when  publishing his story and the story of all vampires in his autobiography 
 'The Vampire Lestat', and in his other books 'The Queen of the Damned',  
'The Tale of the Body Thief' and 'Memnoch the Devil'. (However, all these  
were published under the pseudonym of Anne Rice to try to hide the  truth and 
present it as fiction.) 

His 'Children': 

Lestat doesn't  like to feel lonely. Like most of the vampires, he tries to 
find mortals  who can become his eternal companions. These relationships are 
more or  less successful according to the mortals he chooses. And as Armand 
says,  'children' often turn against their maker, for sooner or later, they 
him for their vampire state, for the fact that they must kill to survive,  or 
for the fact that they can't die.  
At the present time, Lestat has made five  vampires: Gabrielle (1780), his 
mortal mother who likes to be alone and  who eventually left him; Nicolas 
, his best friend when he was a  mortal, who went mad and put an end to his 
life; Louis (1791), the young  master of a plantation in Louisiana, cynical and 
distressed; Claudia  (1794), the child who turned against him, tried to kill 
him and for this  act was sentenced to death by the vampires of the 'Theatre 
of the  Vampires'; and finally David, the Superior General of the Talamasca, 
the  organization of 'Psychic Detectives' whose mission is to watch and record  
the paranormal phenomena. Lestat loved each one of these persons and goes  on 
loving them today. 

Source : The Vampire Chronicles -  "The Vampire Lestat" - Anne  Rice

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