Throughout the centuries, Lestat has many aliases.  Most of it is used to 
open account in banks, some of it is used to book  hotel rooms. Pay special 
attention to his aliases, who knows, one day, you  might actually find Lestat.  

Lestat de Valois  
The alias the mortal Lestat uses when he goes to Paris to become  an actor.  
The actors didn’t know about my family, and in favor of the very  simple 
Lestat de Valois, which meant nothing actually, I’d dropped my real  name, de 
Lioncourt. (TVL)  

Sebastian Melmoth  
An alias Lestat uses to book a hotel room in London.  
I had almost no money with me, thanks to my recklessness and  madness, so I 
used my considerable powers of persuasion with the clerks of  venerable old 
Claridge’s so that they accepted the number of my credit  account, though I had 
no card to verify it, and upon my signature ---  Sebastian Melmoth, one of my 
favorite aliases. (TOBT)  

Baron Van Kindergarten  
An alias Lestat uses to book a room at the Ritz Hotel in Paris.  
Then I headed for the snow-covered Place Vendome, which contained  the very 
same palaces which it had in my day, and under the alias of Baron  Van 
Kindergarten, ensconced myself in a lavish suite at the Ritz. (TOBT)   

Standford Wilde  
One of the aliases that Lestat uses for legal purposes.  
All the remain assets of Mr. Gregor were now transferred to my other  name 
--- which by the way was Stanford Wilde, for all that it matters now.  (TOBT)  

Lestan Gregor  
With this name Lestat transfers ten million dollars to the  account of Raglan 
James. It was meant as a bribe to get James to return  Lestat’s body after 
the allotted time. James fails to return the body and  uses Lestat’s alias to 
acquire the money via computer after it reverts  back to Lestat’s account.  
The following evening I completed all the necessary papers for this  transfer 
of ten million in American dollars, and sent these papers by  messenger to 
the back in Washington, along with Raglan James’s  photo-identification card, 
and a full reiteration of instructions in my  own hand, and with the signature 
of Lestan Gregor, which for various  reasons, was best name to be used for the 
entire affair.(TOBT)  

Lionel Potter  

One of the aliases Lestat uses in France when he makes business  
A new credit card had been imprinted for me under one of my Paris  aliasaes, 
Lionel Potter, and a wallet of traveler’s checks had been  prepared. (TOBT)  

Sheridan Blackwood  
This is the alias Lestat uses to board the Queen Elizabeth 2  when in pursuit 
of Raglan James.  
We ourselves will go through the regular boarding process with out  new 
identification. Oh, I’ve selected our name already. Afraid I had to do  it. I 
hope you don’t mind. You’re an American named Sheridan  Blackwood.(TOBOT)  

Isaac Rummel  
One of Lestat’s aliases, which he uses to book a room in the  Manhattan hotel 
where he and David meet to discuss the Devil.  
My clothes. There’s a stash of them here under 

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