Treason: Chapter 7 - Sub Terram 
"It's okay to let yourself go, just as long as you can find your way  back."
- Mick Jagger 
The earth was damp, did not crumble but turned into mud as fingers were  
slowly moved. Hadn't it been dry before, and hot? Now it was cold, and wet,  
full of substances stinking of laboratories. No longer was it comforting;  the 
poison fluids hurt the sensitive skin. Escape them, that was important,  but 
how? Upwards there would only be more of them, the water was seeping down  to 
reach him. Downwards there would be nothing but clear earth, not polluted  with 
chemicals. But going there would make it harder to return to the world  
above; the question remained if he wanted to be part of it again when he felt  
secure and comforted down here. 
It had been his savior, this earth; when the flames had hurt him, burnt his  
skin, it had opened its cool arms to him to welcome his body. Covering him,  
the earth had swallowed him, had wrapped him into protection. Deep inside he  
knew that this was where he belonged, where he should have gone so long ago;  
this embrace was what he had unconsciously craved for so long. Peace he found  
here, and consolation; he did not have to think of anything, could forget  
where he was, what he was, who he was. Nothing mattered. There was only the  
feeling of comfort. Sleep would come, a warm, soft blackness to sink into;  
were going to dance through his mind, fantastic sculptures of thoughts  
unheard of. Like Sleeping Beauty he would lie, no prince would come to fight  
way through the wild roses. The roses would protect him, they would not  allow 
it that somebody found him, lest disturb his sleep. Beautiful flowers of  the 
deepest red, crimson petals that hid the thorns. Smell would surround him,  
the scent of those ethereal florets. 
Something moved over his face; something cool and strangely soft. He could  
feel its movements, its body wriggling when it touched his skin. One of the  
creatures he shared the earth with, a friend, a brother. They would keep him  
company here, would make sure that he was never alone. Silent companions in  
voluntary solitude. 
The dreams were coming; voices began to fill his head, talking of love and  
hate, hope and despair, beauty and destruction. They were cruel, too intense;  
he tried to slowly shake his head to make them go away, but they were too  
strong already. He had waited for too long, the voices had found him, they  
never let him go. What if he thought himself invisible, would they still  be 
able to find him? A noise from above told him that the effort would be  
futile, they had discovered his hiding place. 
Around him the earth seemed to move at a sudden, a weight was lifted from  
his head. Cool night air brushed over his forehead, carrying the smell of fire  
and ashes. He did not want to go back there, desperately he tried to bury  
himself again, to go down into the ground. But hands on his arms prevented  
he was yanked upwards. The earth tried to hold him back, wrapped itself  
around his legs, but it was not strong enough; he was ripped from its grip and  
lifted into the air. 
Somebody was touching his face, much like the worm had done before. A  
gentle, cool touch; he felt imself being held tightly, so close that it began  
hurt a little. Hands stroking his hair, telling him that everything was  
alright, that there was nothing to be afraid of. He wanted to trust those  
they were familiar, he knew their touch. Knew their name. 
"Lestat," he whispered, struggling to open his eyes. He was kissed softly,  
then a voice told him what he needed to hear, the confirmation that he had not  
lost himself. 
"Louis..." Arms came around him, he was carried away. Other voices could be  
heard, speaking of rest and safety and sunrise. The air suddenly ruffled his  
hair, and he clung to his carrier to protect his face from the stinging wind.  
He must have fallen asleep, the next thing he was aware of was being laid  
onto a soft surface, a wet cloth dabbing on his skin, washing the dirt and the  
mud away.  
"Sleep, beloved," somebody whispered. And sleep he  did.

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