Darkness Falls by Eric  Peacock 
Evening falls in the city of lights bringing with it a stillness  which 
covers everything like a blanket. Following closely is the darkness,  filling 
crevasse with its subtle beauty. The dark and quiet weave  together in a 
complex ballet to remove all sin and all emotion save one:  Fear. As part of 
instincts he fears what he cannot control or  understand. Yet every night 
finds men looking with dread at the setting  sun. Into this land of nightmares 
fear of the dark strides the  ultimate predator. A being whose very existence 
is questioned. The final  evolution of man, the Vampyre.
Tearing the silence with talon and fang,  this perfect predator is completely 
at ease in the darkness. He welcomes  the night and awaits its coming with a 
cruel smile and a bitter  heart.

" I am the spawn of your fear. The cruel result of a  marriage betwixt order 
and chaos. This is what happens when you realize  that God has has forgotten 
about us but Satan has not nor will he  ever."

" I stalk you with careful precision. I am the whisper in  the shadows, the 
breeze that chills your soul. Your fear to me is an  appetizer. I can hear your 
heart begin to beat faster, the adrenaline  coursing through your veins in a 
torrent. Your thoughts are mine to know.  Memories flash through your mind 
like a strobe. You can remember the name  of your first grade teacher, a teddy 
bear, christmas. Then all begins to  fade. I have you in my grasp and all that 
remains is a husk. Drained of  life, you lay there. I could crush you, had I 
the inclination. Perhaps a  strong wind will scatter your remains like so many 
leaves on a blustery  autumn day. The end of your life signals the continuance 
of mine. A  neverending cycle of life and death. You have created the 
personification  of that which you most fear."

Eric P. , 1993  

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