Treason: Chapter 3 - Purgatorio 
Confutatis maledictis, 
flammis acribus addictis, 
voca me cum  benedictis. 
Oro supplex et acclinis, 
cor contritum quasi cinis,  
gere curam mei finis. 
-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,  Requiem 
The first thing Maharet realized when she looked down was that the  big 
colonial-style house was afire. Flames were everywhere, she could  feel the 
heat though she was still flying far above the burning  building. Where were 
the others, had they been able to escape?  Frantically she scanned for Mael, 
found him almost immediately, his mind  full of confused thoughts and images. 
She tried to contact him, but he  did not answer, he was concentrating on 
something else and maybe did not  hear her call. Quickly she flew towards him, 
needed to know that  Eric and Jesse were alright, that they were not hurt. He 
could call  them, could hear them as she could not. And what about her sister? 
She  should be safe in the refuge deep below the house, but what if the heat  
and the roaring of the flames had woken her? No, that would be nearly  
impossible. Mekare had not moved for fifteen years, there was no reason  for 
her to 
awake just now. 
She finally spotted Mael, he was kneeling in the grass, a safe  distance from 
the house, bent over a small figure. Maharet knew that it  was Jesse even 
before she saw the face, the red hair. Where was Eric  then? Certainly he had 
stayed inside the house, he was too strong to  be trapped there. And even if 
he were, the fire could not hurt him  anymore. Her blood had made him 
powerful, strong enough to withstand the  heat of the flames without any major 
injuries. Had he left for a trip to  one of the small towns that were close? He 
sometimes did that, maybe he  was not here right now. 
Descending quickly, Maharet landed next to Mael, who spun around when  he 
felt her presence, a fierce expression on his face. He seemed ready  to defend 
himself, appeared to be prepared for whatever attacker might  come. Strange 
he did not recognize her at first, he had already  raised his fist to attack 
her when realization dawned on him. What had  happened here to make him that 
nervous? Mael was not somebody who had  his temper under control all the time, 
but never before had he been  about to lash out at her. It was as if he had 
not known who she was. 
A low moan made him turn his attention to the body that was lying  behind 
him. He knelt down at Jesse's head, and Maharet flinched when she  saw what had 
happened to her fledgling. Her clothes were torn, her hair  disheveled and full 
of clumps of dried blood. The back of her head was  one sole wound; Maharet 
was painfully reminded of the night she had  created Jesse. The frail woman had 
looked the same back then, having  been thrown against a wall by a reckless 
"Mael, what happened here?" she asked, tearing off the sleeve of her  dress 
in her frenzy to expose her wrist. "What happened to Jesse?" She  raised her 
hand to her mouth to make a wound, to offer Jesse her  blood. 
Mael shook his head, and caught Maharet's wrist in his hands. 
"I have tried already, but she would not drink." 
"What do you mean, she won't drink?" Maharet placed her wrist at  Jesse's 
mouth, and watched with growing horror as the blood flowed down  her 
chin without any reaction. 
"She must be in a coma, she was awake when I found her, but she has  neither 
talked nor moved since then." Plain worry in Mael's voice;  Maharet knew how 
much Jesse meant to him. 
"Can you hear her thoughts? Talk to her, tell her that she is not  alone, 
maybe that will wake her." 
"There is only silence, she is unconscious. Maharet," Mael looked at  her 
directly, a more serious expression on his face than ever before.  "She said 
something before she became... silent." 
"What? Mael, what did she say?" 
"That Mekare has risen, and that they should not have done what they  did and 
will now pay the price." 
"Who? What does this mean? Did she say anything else?" 
"Yes..." It was clear that Mael was reluctant to tell her about  this. 
"What? You have to tell me." Mael took her hand before he spoke. 
"She said that Eric is dead, that your sister killed him." 
Maharet fell silent, she could not believe what she just heard. It  simply 
could not be true, Eric was too strong to be killed that easily,  her blood had 
been powerful enough to protect him. No, this had to be a  lie, Mael had to be 
making this up. There was no possibility that Eric  was dead. It could not 
But why should Mael be lying to her? 
She scanned his mind, tried to find any evidence for what he had  said, 
wanted to see through his eyes what had happened when Jesse had  been awake. As 
soon as she found the memories, she wished she had not  done this. It hurt so 
much to see this, to see her daughter, her  fledgling lying on the ground in 
own blood, weakly attempting to get  up while murmuring incoherent phrases. 
Mekare risen... should not have done this... not right... will pay  the 
price... Eric dead... by Mekare's hand... 
Maharet could not guess what this meant, and why Mekare had done  this. Jesse 
and Eric had never hurt her, why had she attacked them? Why  had she killed 
Eric, her sister's fledgling? Had she not known that  Maharet loved him? Or had 
she done it just because of that? Perhaps  Mekare had wanted to hurt her 
sister, to punish her for something... but  Maharet could not think of any 
she might have made. She had  always taken care of her sister, had washed 
her, dressed her, even  brought victims down into the refuge though Mekare 
touched them.  Maharet had offered her sister a home, a safe place to hide. 
She had  protected her against the others who might come to take her blood, or 
to  destroy her. Was this the reward? Hadn't Maharet always made sure that  all 
the others of their kind were well, that they observed the  rules? 
No. She had not. The rules had been broken, not once but several  times. 
Lestat had violated them in making David Talbot a vampire, Marius  had even 
created two fledglings though they had all agreed that no more  vampires were 
to be 
made. Armand and Pandora had written books that  further exposed their kind to 
the prying mortals. Was Mekare angry  because of this? Did she think that 
Maharet was not worthy to rule in  her name? But she could not have killed Eric 
and hurt Jesse just to  punish her... Then again, who knew how Mekare thought, 
how she reasoned.  She had been lost to the world for so long, she could have 
lost all  sense of reality; the attack could have been a way for her to show 
her  disapproval. 
Again Maharet tried to feed Jesse, tried to force her to take the  blood. At 
first there was no reaction, then Jesse just pressed her lips  together 
tightly, she refused to drink and began to toss her head to  escape the blood, 
as if 
she were frightened of it. She began to panic,  tried to get to her feet only 
to fall to the ground again. Maharet  attempted to soothe her, but her words 
did not reach her. Whatever had  happened to Jesse, it had left her in a state 
of shock, and Maharet  could only hope to get her out of it. 

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