by Lara
September  2002 
Do not archive, translate or otherwise use this fic without  permission. You 
are welcome to link to this page. 
This is a piece of amateur fiction and not intended to infringe on the  
copyrights of Anne Rice or her publishers.Thank you to CC for beta  reading. 
The sound of the cars in the streets below was muted. It could not get  up so 
high, to the top of the buildings. What was noticeable of them were  only 
their lights, red and white following each other in flowing lines.   
It was beautiful to Pandora, though there had been times when she would  have 
despised this display of light and vitality. The streets were  pulsating with 
activity, and at the moment she wanted to take part in it.  But she could not 
abandon her vantage point; she had promised to stand  guard, and promises had 
to be kept. 
She sensed the approaching being long before he could get anywhere  close to 
the place she was protecting. A silent warning went out, telling  him to stay 
away. But after a moment she relaxed again. His mind was  familiar to her, and 
there was no danger coming from him. She sent out an  invitation to join her. 
"Still up here?" Lestat asked a moment later as he sat down next to her  
right at the brink of the roof, letting his legs dangle over the edge.  
"Still up here," she confirmed.  
"I wonder how long you will insist on this." Smoothing his blond her,  
slightly ruffled from the flight, Lestat studied her.  
Pandora shrugged. "As long as it takes. I will not leave him  unprotected." 
Lestat nodded, looking down at the small cars below. "The threats have  been 
dealt with," he said. "You know that he is safe." 
"As safe as he can ever be with that creature still alive." Pandora  turned 
away and stared across the city. She did not want to listen to  those words. 
They were too seductive; she too wanted to believe that there  was no longer a 
reason to worry, but she had thought so before, and it had  almost ended in 
disaster. When immortality was involved, things were never  over.  
"I could solve that little problem easily if you all would just let  me." 
Sighing with what probably was frustration, Lestat lay back. "It  would be so 
easy, don't you know? You could do it too, in the blink of an  eye. But you 
insist on staying passive and defend instead of attack. I  really wonder why." 
Pandora closed her eyes. She had been thinking about this a lot before  
making her decision, and she still was not sure that it had been the right  
one. It 
would truly be no effort at all to find Thorne and do away with  him before 
he tried again to fulfill Marius' wish. She had grown strong  over the 
centuries, and he would not have been a match to her.  
But still an inner voice told her that she had no right to take his  life. It 
was a decision only the Queen could make; they all had agreed on  this. Even 
Marius had bowed to that law, though he had made no move either  to stop 
Thorne. If she now killed that creature without permission, then  she would not 
better than him. She was not going to descend to that  moral level. 
"The imp is still with him?" Lestat asked at a sudden. It was an  obvious 
attempt to fill the silence; he could have easily scanned the  building below 
find out. Hiding from his mental powers would have been  impossible.  
Pandora exhaled slowly, then lay back too, resting her head next to  his. "He 
is. He has not left ever since we have come here." 
"I wonder why..." 
Turning her head a little, Pandora looked into his eyes. "You know  why," she 
said calmly. "He thinks that it is his fault." 
Lestat laughed softly. "That has never made him hover around me," he  
returned. But there was understanding in his eyes, so Pandora refrained  from 
pointing out that while Armand had in the past wanted to hurt Lestat  and had 
done so several times, he had not wished for Santino to die.  Maybe Marius had 
meant well when after Thorne had been locked away he had  told Armand that this 
punishment of Santino had also been for his sake.  But Armand had no longer 
wanted revenge at that point; he had come to  understand that Santino had done 
what he had because of his belief that it  was for the best. They had gone 
through similar things before ending up in  the covens, and both of them had 
out to rule in order to survive.  Pandora also suspected that Santino had 
sought out Armand after the  younger vampire had so miraculously survived the 
escapade into the sun.  She knew that Santino had long been carrying that 
particular guilt of  ripping Armand out of his life and plunging him into the 
world of the  covens. And Armand's attempt at suicide had served to remind him 
that if  he ever wanted to ask for forgiveness or at least understanding, he 
should  better not wait. They had also been speaking a lot during the last few  
days, ever since Armand had joined Pandora in her task of guarding Santino  
until he recovered. 
She was not quite sure why he was doing this, despite what she had told  
Lestat. In her case the reasons were obvious; abandoning Santino to his  fate 
would have been impossible to do. She had been with him for a decade,  and 
they both had been too stubborn to really become lovers, they  had been 
friends. Pandora had no reason to wish him anything bad. He had  harmed Marius 
gravely, but that was something so long past that it had to  be forsaken 
Immortality would be unbearable if feuds and  grudges were kept forever.  
"Who is the third vampire in the building?" Lestat asked at a sudden.  "I 
don't recognize him." 
Pandora had frozen at his words and immediately scanned their  surroundings, 
but after a moment of anxiety she relaxed again. "It is  Daniel," she said. 
Lestat frowned. "He feels... different somehow." 
"That is because he is different from the Daniel you knew on the Night  
Island," Pandora explained. "His mind is... wandering, not focused on the  here 
now. Life has become too difficult for him, so he has detached  himself from 
the surreality it is to him." 
"But why does he not go to ground then? That would be the natural thing  to 
do." Lestat shot her a wary look. "Are you denying him that  option?" 
Pandora shook her head. "No," she said. "If he wishes, he can go to  sleep. 
But he is not weary enough for that. He feels like I did when the  Mother rose. 
Going to ground held no temptation then." 
"I see... We were wondering what had happened to him." 
"Louis and I. You know he has always had a soft spot for the boy."  Lestat 
smiled, rolling onto his side and supporting his head on his elbow  as he faced 
Pandora. "Daniel should have been his fledgling, not Armand's.  It would have 
been better for all of them." 
Pandora couldn't help agreeing with this. Armand was not the best of  makers; 
he had been struggling too much to gain stability for himself.  There had not 
been enough time for a fledgling. And Daniel had in the  beginning been too 
full of energy, something that had grated on Armand's  nerves. Louis, on the 
other hand, might have had the patience necessary to  deal with such an 
exuberant fledgling. And it would have kept him from  sinking so far into his 
comfortably withdrawn world of books and solitude.   
"Daniel is going to last," she said to the world in general. "He is too  
strong to fade away. He just needs a rest." 
"And you are giving that to him?" 
She nodded. "I am offering. I understand how he feels, and that makes  it 
easier. Marius meant well, but he has never been in that particular  state of 
mind. He couldn't give Daniel what he needs." She didn't voice  her other 
- that she no longer trusted Marius to take care of the  young one.  
"Just don't fall back into that state yourself. I like you far better  awake 
than sleepwalking." 
Pandora smiled a little. "Me, too. But things were difficult then, and  it 
seemed a good way to escape them. I don't want to be like that again  right 
but I know that it was just too tempting not to give in." 
"Well, if you are ever tempted again, tell me and I'll find something  else 
to catch your interest." 
The way Lestat said this made Pandora hesitate. It was an invitation,  but 
she was not entirely sure for what. He had almost sounded as if he  wanted her 
to let him keep her interested in the world right now.  
By now the whole coven knew about the disaster called Merrick. David  and 
Louis were still smitten with the woman, and gossip had it that she  was 
Lestat and Louis apart. Fledglings had a way to get between  maker and lover. 
Pandora had experienced it herself when she had made  Flavius. He had been the 
reason why she and Marius had separated, and a  later fledgling had been the 
reason why they had stayed apart. Similar  things had also happened to Eric 
and Mael, and in a way also to Lestat. A  fledgling demanded attention, as did 
lover. Both at the same time was  simply too much.  
But was this what Lestat was implying? That Louis had no time for him  and 
that he wanted to occupy himself somehow? 
"Thank you for the offer," she said a little cautiously. "I will keep  it in 
"Good. It's a shame when you are so quiet. It suits you far better to  be 
active. You are beautiful then." 
Pandora blinked. It had been a few centuries since the last time  someone had 
flirted with her who was not supposed to become her prey a  moment later. But 
even if it had been millennia ago, Lestat was obvious  enough that she would 
have had to be blind not to notice. 
"Just what do you want?" she asked, looking at him and trying to figure  out 
what was going on here.  
Lestat held her gaze for a moment, and then she suddenly felt herself  being 
drawn close to him, his arms tight around her. 
"Company," he said. 
Pandora had stiffened out of reflex when he had reached for her, but  now 
told herself to relax. He didn't seem to be about to either bite or  kiss her, 
and that was a soothing thought. 
"Why me?" It was the first question that came to her mind.  
He looked at her. "Because you are here. Because you don't look at me  and 
think that I will only cause trouble. Because I mean it when I say  that I like 
you when you are awake." His voice was inside her head after a  moment, and 
she did not immediately slam her shields into place. You  mustn't get so 
depressed again, chere. But if all you can think of to do  is standing guard 
then just let me keep you occupied. You, my dear  Pandora, are meant to be 
You're convinced of your abilities, she shot back, finding it  hard not to 
smile at the confident expression on his face.  
"Always. So..." 
"So what? Am I going to play with you?" 
Lestat nodded. "Well, are you?" he asked, shooting her an expectant  look. 
Play with him? Lestat, with his talent for mischief and problems? Eric  would 
have said that he was too young for her, that she should be a little  more 
dignified and at least try to act her age. The others would think  that she had 
lost her mind if she went with him now. In their eyes, Lestat  might be a 
charming brat, but a brat nevertheless. Too exuberant, too  reckless. Pandora 
struggled to find stability in her life lately. She  had been adrift for too 
long. Right now she needed to feel alive, but at  the same time she was also 
trying to get back to comforting routines.  
Saying yes to Lestat would ruin those attempts. She could not picture  him 
having a routine, not even for boring nights when there was nothing to  do.  
And yet it was tempting, if only to have company again. She wouldn't  have 
said that she was feeling lonely - she had company whenever she  wanted it, and 
she knew that others cared. But that was it, wasn't it?  They cared. They were 
nice. Because they knew that she needed them  sometimes, and that it would be 
kind to make her feel comfortable. In a  way, Lestat was doing the same. Only 
that he had admitted that he wanted  company too. He was not doing it solely 
for her sake. And 
somehow that  made it seem more sincere. There was no charity involved here.  
It was worth a try. 

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