All characters are the sole property of Anne Rice. This piece  of speculative 
fiction is not meant to infringe upon, sidle up to,  nor slip in on top of 
the rights of ANNE RICE (She who must be  worshiped), Knopf Publishing or it's 
subsidiaries, Kith and Kin,  Geffen Pictures, Warner Home Video, Tom Cruise, 
Brad Pitt, The  Estate of Pointe du Lac, L'etat d'Auvergne, The Talamasca,  
Pointedulac Renovation and Construction, The Lion Court - Bar and  Strip Club, 
Dulac Real Estate - New Orleans, LA, Melmoth  Prophylactics Company, L&L Gazebo 
and Porch Swing Manufacturing,  Amadeo World Enterprises, Molloy Bourbon 
Distillery, any other SPEC  Authors, any SPEC readers, their pets, close 
or  chiropractors. Thank you. 

My Dear SPECtators,  
I began writing this in 1996 when I first  discovered the Archive. I want you 
all to know that if any of the  statements below directly or indirectly 
oppose or contradict  anything that has been written in your or any other SPEC, 
this is  unintentional, and I am sorry. Conversely if anything contained  below 
has already been stated in your or any other SPEC, this is  also unintentional 
and again I am sorry. It is just for fun, which  is why I made it a SILLY 
SPEC, though it does not contain nearly  enough humor to qualify. One vampire's 
view. Please enjoy.  

Little Known Facts About Louis And  Lestat  
By  DarkAngel 
as SPEC Writer Alix Thomas-Jones 
with generous  suggestions from 
as SPEC Co-Writer Casey  Michael Thomas-Jones

I am a vampire. One who is known to you from the writings of the  
aforementioned. I do not wish to identify myself further than this,  as I am 
possessed of the need for fame. I have read the "Anne  Rice" books as well as 
literature which has been appearing in _alt.books.anne.rice_ 
(news:alt.books.anne-rice) . These are  very interesting. Some are so close to 
reality that I feel 
convinced  that I am not the first one of our little family to submit writings 
 here. The portrayal of Louis and Lestat, in the books and these  specs , 
compels me to reveal a few of these facts (personal traits,  mortal 
abilities, likes and dislikes) which may give  everyone a clearer image of 
them. Even in their own writings, they  fail to describe themselves or each 
the way that I see them to  actually be. I do know them personally. I have 
lived with them. I am  extremely fond of them both, this is why I feel the need 
to dispel  the images of a weak, whining Louis and violent self-centered  
Lestat. These are stereotypes which emphasize the very worst (notice  I don't 
actually say non-existent) qualities of these two very  charming and 
gentlemen quite out of proportion . 

Lestat de  Lioncourt
-loves puns. The worse the better.  
-plays radio and CDs extremely loud. Has been made aware that  this is quite 
annoying to every one else, but seems to revel in  causing others to yell at 
-often breaks into to song with little or no provocation, usually  
accompanied by dancing. Has actually danced on tables.  
-being the last surviving member of his family, is technically  the Marquis. 
He sometimes mentions this , as in "is this any way to  treat le Marquis 
-is very sweet, often presents a member of the family with a  single flower, 
for no reason at all.  
-is terrible at video games and has very little patience for  them, though he 
loves new technology and is very knowledgeable about  computers. He can take 
them apart and put them together, though if  he is asked to fix one, he is 
more likely to appear with a brand new  one instead.  
-writes poetry incessantly, some of it is very good, and a few  are truly 
beautiful, but with the volume he produces, invariably  most are going to be 
quite bad. This is also true for lyrics and  music which any passerby is 
unfortunately subjected to.  
-whenever he sees Tom Cruise, in magazines, videos or on  television , has 
taken to exclaiming "There I am!" This started with  the film and has now 
progressed, everyone has now picked it up,  "There you are, Lestat!"  
-still occasionally buys dolls, I am not sure what he does with  them.  
-will do nearly anything , including acrobatics, to make someone  laugh. 
(this is usually practiced upon Louis)  
-loves riddles.  
-seems to know an infinite number of songs which he plays on the  piano, he 
is a virtuoso. Plays more ragtime than classical, however.   
-is a very tactile person. Hugs everyone as often as possible.  
-takes an intense dislike to certain media (personalities,  programs, movies, 
bands, songs, etc.) and will go on long tirades  about these people or 
whatever it is, each and every time they  appear, to the point where many of us 
offer to just go and kill them  if this will in some way placate him.  
-is still enamored with the Shakespearean play, "Macbeth", to the  point of 
obsession. He has seen it countless times and purchases  copies of it in print, 
on video and even on CD ROM. It is due to  this obsession that the rest of us 
have been treated to :  "Macbeth-the one man show", "MACBETH!-the musical", 
and even "Lady  Macbeth-an all-drag revue" (the specifics of which I do not 
care to  go into, and how he convinced the others to participate, I'll never  
know) All have been delightful!  
-is still deep in mourning over the seeming demise of the heavy  metal music 
scene. You would think it was a close relative. Now he  has closets full of 
black leather clothing which he claims he can't  wear anywhere.  
-is terrible at spelling, but loves to work crosswords and  cryptograms.  
-would do anything, at any time, to help a member of the family.  
-pouts often, over trivial things mostly, but this is usually  short-lived.  
-has sent the entire coven personalized autographed copies of all  of his 
books, with his dialogue printed in red, of course.  
-loves fresh flowers and has new bouquets delivered every night.  
-has an intense dislike of insects.  
-is much more generous and adorable than he has been described.  Is 
constantly buying things for someone, or giving things away.  
-is actually very paternal. He likes to take care of people and  animals, and 
can be very gentle and comforting. Often teases his  fledglings by referring 
to them as a father would "this is my  youngest, David", or "Well, Louis is a 
middle child, so we must  expect these things", "tell Papa what's wrong", or 
even "Bedtime for  you, young man" and "Go to your Room!"  
-loves books, has stacks of them everywhere, including at other  vampire's 
-his nicknames among us are "Trouble" and "Brat" (shortened from  "Brat 
Prince" of which you are all aware). Once, at Night Island,  several of us were 
sitting quietly together (reading, playing games  etc.) when Lestat appeared 
suddenly in the middle of the room,  striking a rather affected pose. "Who am 
he demanded, trying to  start a game of charades. Louis looked up from his 
book and said  quietly, "The Nyades Road ghost?" Lestat has been The Nyades 
ghost ever since, as in, "Telephone call for the Nyades Road ghost",  "Who do 
these boots belong to? " "The Nyades Road ghost" "Of course  I didn't do 
that, what do I look like, the Nyades Road ghost?"  Daniel has taken to calling 
him NRG (energy).  
-loves to play hide and seek in its many different variations.  
-loves pseudonyms and uses them as often as possible. Often they  are names 
of established characters, such as Clarence Oddbody. Has  also used: Timothy 
Cratchit, Samuel Spade, Nick Charles, Dorian Gray  and Rick Blaine. He also 
other people's pseudonym's, such as  Oscar Wilde's Sebastien Melmoth, has 
also used: Richard Bachman  (Stephen King), Alan Smithee (any director who does 
not want to be  associated with a film he or she made), Max Schreck (Name given 
for  actor who portrayed Nosferatu, but strangely no records of a Max  
Schreck can be found), Apollo C. Vermouth (Paul McCartney) Dr.  Winston 
(John Lennon) and even Pandora Spocks (Elizabeth  Montgomery as Serena). Also 
likes Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Mark  Twain, David Banner, Peter Parker, Thomas 
Mapother and Howard  O'Brien.  
When making reservations or holding tickets for himself and  Louis, loves to 
put them under some variation of Louis' name, ie.  Louis Lioncourt, Louis 
Armstrong, Lancelot DuLac, Joe Louis, Ludwig  Loch, Luigi Punta Lago, 
Lewis or of course, Brad Pitt.  And then makes Louis pick them up.  
- is a dog person, as you have probably guessed. Talks more to  Mojo than 
anyone else. Bathes and brushes him often. Takes those  disgustingly cute 
pictures of him - Mojo on the couch, Mojo at the  table, Mojo reading a book, 
Mojo in 
front of the Christmas Tree,  Mojo at the computer, Mojo calling his broker, 
Mojo fixing the VCR,  Mojo kicking back having a beer.  
-is not particularly fond of cats, even as a meal.  
- when they are living together, almost constantly messes with  Louis' hair, 
to the point where Louis threatens to smack him, and I  believe actually has 
on occasion. Frets over it more than his own,  even. HATES it short. Would only 
cut his own hair if it were somehow  unavoidable.  
- loves shopping, for himself or others.  
- calls Louis "Precious Darling" if he thinks no one can hear  him. It always 
makes Louis smile a little embarrassed smile. Louis  almost certainly has 
little private names for Lestat, but he is far  more discreet about them. I 
suspect, on the basis of some very  circumstantial evidence, that one of them 
be "Tomcat".  
-would secretly love to have the entire existing coven living all  together 

Louis de Pointe du  Lac
-has a beautiful voice. Sang in the choir of his parish cathedral  as a 
child. Still sings softly to himself. Will sing with Lestat if  cajoled long 
-loves the smell of grapes. It reminds him of his youth, there  was a grape 
arbor at Pointe du Lac.  
-often becomes enamored of certain television shows and will not  miss them. 
Uses the VCR more than anyone else in the family, to the  extent that he has 
worn out several machines. Has closets filled  with shelf after shelf of tapes. 
-often asks Lestat to play the piano for him.  
-though they do argue and fight, even physically, Louis does have  the best 
rapport with Lestat, and is often asked by others in the  coven to "ask Lestat 
something for me, won't you?". Which Louis  always does.  
-plays practical jokes, like sending Armand a series of tapes  entitled, "How 
To Speak With A Spanish Accent", or sending boxes of  cheap plastic fangs to 
any one of us. Since the film has come out,  he always makes certain that a 
crimping iron is prominently  displayed in their bathroom whenever they have 
guests. He has even  had it engraved with Lestat's initials.  
-is a very good story teller.  
-has a subtle, yet very lively, sense of humor. His standard  greetings to 
Daniel include, "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to talk  to you" and "I never 
give interviews, monsieur". He had a fake book  jacket with the title Daniel 
Molloy-Boy Reporter by Anne Rice made  up, put it around a copy of their book 
(IWTV) and sent it to Night  Island.  
-is the "family" photographer.  
-has an iron will, matched with a vicious temper. Though he is  very slow to 
anger, and does tend more toward depression, when he is  finally provoked, he 
is intimidating to us all, strength, age, and  powers notwithstanding.  
All of us who have witnessed, or even heard about one of Louis'  rages (which 
have been few, four in over two hundred years) do all  we can to avoid him 
during one of them. I can say with confidence  that we would all fear to be the 
focus of one. You have certainly  read about one, recorded in IWTV, in which 
he burns down the Theatre  des Vampires. Another occurred during the time that 
we were all  together, while Lestat was with Akasha. It was so upsetting to  
everyone that even Lestat, with his well known penchant for  publishing even 
the most disturbing things about all of us, declined  to include it in his 
-keeps a record of everyone's "birthdays"(some significant date  in their 
lives if they don't know their actual birthdate) and sends  gifts.  
-is an excellent speller and mathematician. He was trained early  to keep the 
books and the plantation journal at Pointe du Lac. He  has proof-read all of 
Lestat's books, is the only one Lestat trusts  to read his proofs without 
taking anything out, or changing  anything. Has often been asked to check up on 
various mortal  accountants retained by one or the other of us, to be certain 
that  our investments are being handled wisely and honestly.  
-usually pays little attention to his surroundings, allowing  Lestat to 
decorate as he pleases when they are together, and doing  nothing when he is 
but enjoys the traditional holidays very  much and loves to drape the entire 
house in greenery and ribbons and  fruit for Christmas, as was done when he 
was a child at Pointe du  Lac. Lestat loves to counteract this by buying the 
brightest,  cheapest tackiest decorations (huge plastic lighted Santa with  
reindeer for the roof, brightly colored elves everywhere,  Fake-snow-in-a-can 
the windows, lights that play Christmas carols  and blink in time to the music, 
welcome mat that says "Ho Ho Ho"  when stepped on, silver icicles strewn 
everywhere, mistletoe in  every doorway, all kinds of automatons, such as are 
usually seen in  store windows - Santas, Little Drummer Boys, Elves working,  
Christmas trees that fall over, ect. Shiny red and green garlands  everywhere, 
even one of those cardboard fireplaces, next to the  real one) and putting 
them up before Louis wakes, or while Louis is  out.  
-loves candlelight. He often turns off the lights in his room and  lights 
several candles instead. He has been lectured about the  danger of this, but he 
persists in secret. When he is discovered he  will blow them out and use 
electric light for a few nights. He has  had his candles confiscated after 
off the smoke alarm.  
-knows how to drive and usually has a car, but prefers  motorcycles and 
nearly always has one. Says it is closer to  horseback riding.  
-when annoyed or irritated with Lestat will call him "Lestat  Christophe 
Marie!". No one knows if this was Lestat's actual name.  When asked, Gabrielle 
claims she doesn't remember, Lestat claims  that it was not, Louis made it up. 
Louis will say only, "It is  Lestat's name."  
-often disappears without warning. For instance, once, in 1990  when he was 
living with Lestat, he was sitting on the floor,  watching a video in the 
living room, Lestat was in a chair behind  him. Louis got up, turned to Lestat 
said, "I'll be back." Went  into the kitchen, apparently out the window and 
was gone for three  weeks. Lestat has threatened to put his face on a milk 
-according to Talamasca files, the name on Louis' baptismal  certificate was 
"Louis Michel Rene Antoine".  
-loves to gamble. He generally stays away from casinos, but has  cleaned 
every one of us out during card games. Always has a bet  going somewhere. His 
nicknames among us are "Lucky" and "Ace" (we  can't all call him "beautiful 
Loves to play Pool or  Billiards. Has been known to hustle other players.  
-is still somewhat claustrophobic and suffers from vivid  nightmares often.  
-loves film and video. Avoids quoting them very much, but can  identify 
nearly any quote that is put to him.  
-adores video games, although he owns none himself. Becomes  immersed in them 
for hours and loses all track of time. Has had to  be literally dragged to 
safety at dawn.  
-is the most avid and interested listener of all the vampires.  Will sit for 
hours and listen to Maharet, Khayman or any of the  others describe their 
lives as mortals or vampires. Has asked Daniel  to tell him of all of the other 
stories he had collected before they  met. Loves to listen to David's 
-has very refined manners. Still stands when a lady enters a  room, opens 
doors, pulls out chairs, sends thank you notes, etc.  
-is a very graceful dancer. Had lessons as a child.  
-periodically puts great sums of money in church poor boxes.  
-often uses the French pronunciation of our names, such as,  Davide, Erique, 
-can discuss philosophy and religion at length.  
-draws and paints but doesn't want anyone else to ever see his  work. He 
often burns it once it is completed. Lestat has stolen some  of the sketches 
Louis was out hunting, and he says they are  quite good.  
-loves jigsaw puzzles and board games, especially chess.  
-was a cat person in his mortal life, and was always making pets  of the cats 
at Pointe du Lac. Now however, he avoids pets mostly,  but since he has had 
Mojo foisted upon him, takes very good care of  him, and I believe, loves him 
very much. Mojo has formed a very  close attachment to Louis, taking any 
opportunity to lay on his lap.  If Lestat is gone, Mojo will follow Louis and 
leave his side.  Is somewhat opposed to all the picture taking, but only as 
much as  to say, "Lestat, leave poor Mojo alone." Speaks to Mojo in French,  
claims that Mojo is bilingual.  
-hates to shop for himself, but will shop for nights and nights  to find just 
the right gift for Lestat.  
-has no particular attachment to his hair, if not with Lestat,  will cut it 
very short as soon as he wakes, but does not burn it,  because he believes the 
odor would attract attention. As a result,  has garbage bags full of hair that 
he regularly disposes of. Lestat  likes to take them and give them to 
wig-makers and doll makers. This  distresses Louis, but he cannot quite explain 
-knows much more about Voodoo than you would ever believe. Not  that he 
practices it . . .as far as I know.  
-still uses his real name as much as possible, though Lestat  advises against 
it. As forms and registrations have evolved, has  changed it to Louis 
DePointeDuLac, then Louis Depointdulac, now it  is usually Louis Pointedulac, 
or if 
the name space is especially  short, Louis Dulac. When Lestat does prevail in 
forcing him to use a  pseudonym, always uses something as far from his own name 
as  possible, which results in Louis' mail and phone messages coming for  : 
Giovanni Martelli, Ciaran O'Shea, Bobby Lee James, Alexei  Andropov, Angel 
Martinez, Dmitri Stadopolous, Biff Weatherington,  Ping Chang Lee, Casimir 
Pulaski, DaShawn Lincoln, Ingmar  Thorvaldson, Kefentse Unika, Israel Goldberg 
Trinity Lovechild  Smith.  
Lestat gets great joy out of this, and if he happens to retrieve  the mail, 
or take a phone call, will often call Louis by whatever  pseudonym it came 
under, for the rest of the night.  
-has never, ever gone underground. There are other unsaid  explanations for 
his disappearances. 



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