A Parody by Father of Lies
Based upon "A Visit  From St. Nicholas" 
by Clement C. Moore

'Twas the night before Christmas in the land of the  Yat 
Not a creature was stirring, not even a rat.
The  fledglings were tucked up all safe in their beds.
While visions  of arteries danced in their heads.  
Dear Louis in tatters and I in my vest
Had just  settled in for a nice winter's rest
When out on the gallery came  such a clatter
I sprang from my coffin to see what was the  matter.  
The bedroom was shuttered against old man sun
So  to the next room now I went at a run.
The moon over Royal Street  gave such a glow
That it seemed like daylight on the courtyard  below.  
And what with my vampire eyes did I see
But a  miniature sleigh in the old live oak tree.
And the driver, a  plump little elf I knew well.
Sacré! Think of that! It was Papa  Nöel.  
As dry leaves that before mean old Earl might  fly
When they meet with a streetcar mount up to the sky
So up  to the rooftop the little sleigh flew
With a bag full of loot and  Papa Nöel too.  
Quick as a flash I turned off the alarm.
(That  electric-shock system could cause him some harm).
As I sighed  with relief and was turning around
Down the chimney Papa Nöel  came with a bound.  
He was dressed all in red, just the color of blood -  
But this was no time to be thinking of food!
He looked jolly  and plump, a right tasty old elf
and I slurped when I saw him in  spite of myself.  
A wink of my eye and a shake of my head
Soon gave  him to know he had nothing to dread.
"Lestat, you know better,"  he chuckled with glee.
"Now be a good boy and come here and help  me."  
So I leapt to his side and we made ourselves  busy
Filling stockings with gifts at a pace that was dizzy.
We  spoke very little but kept to the work.
He filled up the last and  then turned with a jerk.  
He held in his hand a box done up in red.
"I  almost forgot, this is for you," he said.
He reached out with one  mitten and tickled my nose
And giving a laugh, up the chimney he  rose.  
He dashed to his sleigh, to his team gave a  yell
And away they all flew like a bat out of hell.
But I  heard him call as he flew up and away
"Merry Christmas to all,  and to all a good day!" 


**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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