Part 2 of A Vamp Chron Saga  

Author's notes and jazz like that:  
*Any* suggestions for a title would be greatly appreciated.  *sigh*  
My overwhelming thanks must go out to Claudel. It is she who has  pestered me 
nearly *daily*, and without a doubt weekly to write this  damned thing. If 
you are looking forward to reading this (for some strange  reason...) thank 
ONPF people: If you want a new member, look up  Claudel. She has gone over 
and above the call of duty. *g* Don't listen to  her protestations that she is 
shy, sweet, and innocent. I know better. ;-)  I must also thank Del for her 
work on beta-ing my spec, giving me  suggestions on where to make improvements 
and such. She's done a great  job. Thanks babe! 

Deep thanks also to Cindy who helped me out with Coda. A lot.  Thanks Cin!! 

Official Disclaimers and stuff:
Characters of the  Vampire Chronicles (Louis, Lestat, David, Santino, etc.) 
are  creations of Anne Rice and are her property and I think Random House's  
too. Not quite certain about that, but I am just letting you guys know.  I'm 
actually borrowing these characters. See, I'm playing a game that  students 
and teachers play, called "What If". What if these things had  happen? So, it 
isn't an actual infringement. Think of it as a poetical  theory. :-) I'm 
expanding my mind, testing my abilities. Future  generations shall groan 
because of 
Let's see. I've got some Immortals, Highlander style in here  too. Methos is 
a creation of folks over the yonder way towards the  Highlander: The Series 
crew. William Panzer created the concept,  Rysher does a horrendous job 
marketing the series, but I can't really  complain, since I got to meet Methos. 
All that because I mention  his picture! Maybe I need to put a 2nd mention 
in...) Aja and  her ensuing madness and personality are my creation, but she's 
Immortal.  Her name is pronounced: AH-shjah. Like the 'g' in the French rouge.  
Imogen is solely, completely, totally and without doubt her own  property. I 
would love to lay claim to her, but I really sometimes think  that if I did so 
she'd jump out at me and smite me. She tells me about her  life sometimes, 
and I write it down sometimes. It's a pretty good deal,  actually. Imogen is 
pronounced: Ihm-MO-jenn. Im is pronounced: Ihm. 

Yes, we *are* getting closer to the actual writing. I've had a much  harder 
time piecing this part together than I did with the 1st  one, because it does a 
couple of time jumps forward by a few months, here  and there. Sorry if it 
gets annoying, but I think what I am going to do is  for every time jump there 
will be a new section, and for every major  change in perspective (you should 
understand *that* when you get to the  section). (Oh, and if anyone gets the 
insane desire to download this  monster, it is set up so that if you download 
this page and the individual  sections, and keep them in the same folder then 
you can hop back and forth  on your hard drive. I aim to be pleasant.) 

A little warning here, some of these sections may approach an "R"  rating. 
Please be mature minded. Running With the Light and  Perchance are both right 
there. Take this warning seriously.  Running has vampiric situations between 
consenting vampires and  with Perchance I was going for disturbing. Claudel 
tells me that  I managed it. Possible rape warnings for that one. 

So to give a bit of the background as to what has been going on in the  
story. We pick up again four months after the first part left off. Louis  and 
Lestat have returned to New Orleans, but their lives are "back to  normal" as 
were. Translate that to mean that they have been fighting  and arguing again. 
(After all, *nobody* is saintly enough to live with  Lestat for an extended 
amount of time without yelling at him.) Is that  enough? If it isn't, just 
me... things haven't been going well, and  the fights *have* been building up. 
(Please observe the dates to  understand why there might be personality 
changes in the characters!) On  with the show... thanks for tuning in, LP.  

July 1998  
    *   _Crazy Maze_ (   
    *   _Crazy Maze 2_ (   

September 1998  
    *   _Coda_ (   
    *   _Demons In the  Road_ (   
    *   _Journal_ (  

October 1998  
    *   _Procopian  Lines_ (   
    *   _Running with the  Light_ ( 

December 1998  
    *   _Perchance_ (   
    *   _Sense of  Self_ (   
    *   _Two Imps In  Where the Dolphins Dance_ 
    *   _Wing-flutters_ (  

February 1999  
    *   _Titans_ (  

End of A Vamp Chron Saga: Book 2.  
Yes, A Book 3 is planned. I'm in negotiations with a Muse at the  moment. 


**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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