Disclaimers, disclaimers: The characters mentioned herein  were created by 
Anne Rice, and later marketed and abused, turning  them into slaves rather than 
friendly nightly visitors. All hail  America. I have hereby liberated them for 
a few moments because I'm  just not talented enough to create my own 
characters in a universe  of my own. So here I am, and here is the story. The 
background of  the story... jeez. Okay. Bunches of people I know have been  
at me to write a PWP. Cecilia wanted a Lestat/Santino  story, so this is *a* 
Lestat/Santino story, but not *the*  Lestat/Santino story. Claudel wanted a 
story with two vampires doing  the vampire wild thing, and Heather: The Black 
Rose did a picture  for us Spec writers to write a Spec to, ignoring, of 
the  fact that she too should write a Spec to the picture since she too  is a 
Spec writer. Are you following still? Oh, and Cindy just wanted  me to write. 
*g* So. I just went and combined all of these things by  sheer chance and 
luck, and here I am, writing this disclaimer.  Sheesh. NC-17.  Hope that 
everyone's attention. *Please* feedback me. I  thrive on feedback. And I've 
been known to write more just because  somebody wrote to me and said that they 
liked and want more.  Anyhoo... On with the story... 

Lestat hadn't seen him since they had parted from Night Island.  No words, no 
thoughts, no visits. No letters or e-mails or telephone  calls or even a 
postcard. Nothing. He may as well have been killed  when Akasha wiped out the 
vampiric community when she rose over a  decade ago, for all Lestat was 
There had been no glimmer of recognition when Lestat had walked  through the 
doors of the Sonoma compound with Akasha. Not a word  spoken after her events, 
and all Lestat had of him to remember those  horrific days had been memories 
from Jesse and Khayman and Marius.  
So Santino hadn't felt it necessary to renew their acquaintance.  Fine. 
Lestat had Louis, and Armand, and Marius, and Gabrielle...  Only Gabrielle had 
disappeared shortly after Lestat had left to  fetch Louis from New Orleans, and 
vanished completely, she had.  Marius had finally lost his temper with Lestat, 
and they no longer  spoke to one another; Armand had disappeared someplace, 
presumably  with Daniel and Night Island was now dark rather than a shining  
beacon in the middle of the blackness. David had come into his life,  only to 
disappear shortly thereafter, breaking out on his own to  explore his new 
existence by himself. And Louis... Louis was  someplace in the world. Of that 
was certain.  
The wind was powerful, whipping his hair frenetically about as  two forces 
collided where he sat, at the edge of a cliff. Winds  skimming the black ocean 
beneath him to the land pushed against  those winds tracing the hills and lines 
of the earth in a desperate  attempt to find the empty void above the ocean 
where they could play  without disruption. Where he sat these two forces were 
met,  buffeting against him harmlessly, lifting his hair and trying to  carry 
it away. Would that he could follow forever...  
Behind him, someone approached. Nothing could be heard above the  crashing 
surface of the sea, but the unmistakable power of another  was close. What did 
he want? Fifteen years of ignoring him  and now he decides it is time for a 
"Why are you here?" Lestat's voice would have been surly if it  was possible 
for a vampire's voice to be so.  
"A visit," came the response, a breath of dark satin,  unconsciously 
seductive as it cut through the howling wind and  wrapped around his body and 
Chills encased his spine, took  control of his body, and all the heat rushed to 
his limbs as he felt  the body crouch down behind him, not touching, only 
threatening...  teasing. "Why are you here?"  
"The view, the sound, the solitude. Take your choice." Don't  look at him. 
Don't. Don't.  
Lestat heard the amused inflections and could picture one finely  sculpted, 
black eyebrow rising, the ever sarcastic smile growing  just a bit bigger...  
"You mean you weren't sitting here, thinking of challenging the  morning sun 
once again?" He tensed as he felt a cold finger trail  down his bared spine to 
the small of his back, the sensation going  straight into the heart of his 
body and lingering there. "Just to  see if you could?"  
"What do you want, Santino?" he asked. Go away. Go away. Go  away. Santino 
folded himself down to the earth, legs underneath  him, but still splayed on 
either side of Lestat's hips. He leaned in  close, molding chest to back for a 
brief moment as he settled, then  pulled back so that the cold air swirled 
between them once more.  
"What do I want? Interesting question." Santino's breath tickled  Lestat's 
ear and suddenly a hand was moving his flying hair to his  left side, and the 
breath was now on his right ear, warm and moist,  sending shivers through him. 
"I want silver bullion. That sounds  nice right now."  
Lestat choked on a bit of laughter, trying not to feel the  anticipation of 
what Santino might do next, which part of Lestat's  body would next be 
subjected to his attentions. Santino took  advantage of the small fracture in 
wall, breathing out  deeply, teasing the small loose hairs behind his ear. 
With a small  nuzzle he breathed in Lestat's scent, an invisible marker to the  
participants. Bringing his hands up to Lestat's shoulders he began a  rhythmic 
squeezing, loosening knotted and tensed muscles. A small  feather kiss to the 
nape of his neck and Lestat leaned closer to  him.  
"And what about you Lestat? What do you want? Do you want me to  stop, 
A low moan was the only response Santino heard, causing him to  chuckle as he 
continued to manipulate Lestat's muscles, working both  his hands and mouth 
down Lestat's spine. Time passed and he became  more relaxed, swaying to the 
press and clench and pressure of  Santino's hands. Santino raised himself up as 
he massaged Lestat  lower back, and leaned into the blond man once again, 
dominating  him.  
"Take your time deciding, of course," he whispered into an ear.  
The mocking cadences in his voice roused Lestat to action,  twisting him 
around, and he pushed Santino backwards so he lay  supine on the ground. In an 
instant Lestat lay over him, bracing  himself on his arms as they devoured each 
others' mouths. The subtle  games for domination began again between them. 
Santino began by  trying for mastery of Lestat's body while he was held prone 
his  own arms. He moved lower, nipping with sharp teeth at Lestat's  pectoral, 
drawing two dark drops of blood which he quickly licked  away. He laved 
Lestat's chest with his tongue, tracing muscles,  tweaking the hypersensitive 
as Lestat's frame shuddered with  the sensations.  
Bending his head Santino bit right *there* just to the side of  Lestat's 
navel, and when Lestat arched, the muscles of his arms  bunching and straining 
the moonlight, Santino dug his nails  deeply into his shoulders, cutting ten 
burning trails as he dragged  his hands down Lestat's back. A shout echoed into 
the night, the  voice of pleasure and torment.  
"Enjoying yourself?" Lestat gritted out between pants.  
"Immensely," Santino replied immediately. "Have you forgotten  already how to 
play rough, Lestat? Perhaps it was trained out of  you... Armand perhaps? He 
never did like it hard." In a surprising  move Lestat grappled Santino with 
his legs and flipped them twice,  landing Santino once more on his back, 
slightly stunned, with Lestat  kneeling over him, a knee on either side of his 
"Nice try. But I know you never bedded Armand." Lestat grabbed a  fistful of 
Santino's shirt and pulled, the fabric tearing easily  along the seams with 
his strength. He trailed a finger slowly down  the center of Santino's chest. 
When Santino attempted to move Lestat  struck with blinding speed, trapping 
of Santino's hands in one  of his own. "Guess who isn't a fledgling anymore," 
he said when he  felt Santino tense somewhat at the ensnarement. "I haven't." 
His  hand gave a quick swipe across Santino's right side, drawing blood.  
Santino sucked in a deep breath and Lestat watched as his eyes  dilated, 
his fingers to Santino's lips to clean.  
Still holding Santino prone Lestat began his assault of bites,  nips and 
scratches, remembering every old way that made Santino arch  his back seeking 
of the pain/pleasure, finding a few more. He  lapped spilled blood from the 
tiny wounds he had created, and  reveled in every tensing of the hands and arms 
still caught in his  grasp. Then without warning Santino was free and they 
were wrestling  once more, rolling over the grassy ground. Lestat paused for a  
moment when he managed to pin Santino's shoulders down.  
"Well, if that didn't prove it, nothing will," Lestat said when  Santino 
flipped them over.  
"Prove what?" he asked as he bit down hard on Lestat's arm,  scoring a vein 
which bled just long enough for Santino to gain a  swallow of thick, overly 
rich blood.  
"You and Eric being lovers," Lestat replied, just as Santino was  about to 
cut another incision centimeters away from his nipple.  Santino froze and 
at Lestat.  
"What??" he asked, confusion marring his features.  
"Eric is that forgettable? No wonder you are here with me."  
"Lestat, where in seven Hells did you come up with that idea!"  
Lestat laughed, throwing back his head, feeling a weight lift for  the first 
time since Santino had arrived.  
Santino looked even more confused, causing Lestat to laugh even  harder, his 
uncontrollable howling carrying into the night, joining  with the wind.  
"And where did he get that idea?"  
Santino was oblivious to the fact that his defense was now wide  open, and 
Lestat took advantage, rolling them over and moving his  mouth down the line of 
chest hair which died out only to reappear,  arrowing into Santino's jeans. He 
trailed his tongue in circles  around his navel, his mouth immediately 
seizing the hand that tried  to gain his attention once again. He bit deeply 
the arteries  running along the muscle sheathed bones of Santino's wrist. One  
swallow, two. Delicious. He could taste pleasure and pain  and worry and 
arousal. Affection and carnal hunger vied with concern  and annoyance for 
"Oh, stop worrying. Only four of us know." Santino's other arm  came up fast, 
grasping Lestat's head, making him feel the  seriousness involved.  
"Lestat, if this ever gets out..."  
"Relax. If it hasn't gone in a book by now--"  
"At all, Lestat..."  
"What are yo... Mon Dieu. Maharet doesn't know!" Lestat  stopped what he was 
doing to see the confirmation written into  Santino's features.  
"She's been busy ever since Mekare came back. Can you imagine  what she might 
do if she found out I've been playing with her  "beloved" Eric? She's not as 
nice as she seems." Lestat nodded and  went back to his task, speeding up his 
progress, which happened to  be unbuttoning Santino's pants. The small amounts 
of powerful blood  he had already swallowed, the heavy scent of blood in the 
air  surrounding them, the thoughts of events to come, had caused a  healthy 
erection to grow on Santino. Lestat pulled the jeans down  Santino's legs to 
his knees, nuzzling at the bushy, masculine hair  and crotch before him.  
"Remember when Gabrielle, Jesse and Maharet went into the  city..." A lick 
and nip. Bite to the hip. "Eric had been gone for a  few days..." Lestat paused 
to go down on the shaft standing at  attention, mouthing it for a few moments 
before continuing. "You  went hunting..." Lestat took one of the malleable 
sacs into his  mouth and then released it, taut and glistening. "And Khayman is 
awfully curious." He looked up, smiling wickedly and saw  Santino knock his 
head against the ground. Lestat prepared himself,  and as he heard Santino's 
muttered "Christ" he dove in for his  target, latching onto Santino's leg at 
juncture, instinctively  finding and biting deeply into the artery hidden so 
well behind the  flesh, at the same time raking his nails down Santino's sides. 
The  result was a breathless and surprised shout from the Italian beneath  
him, not expecting to need his voice again so quickly after having  just used 
Hot, hot blood came spurting into Lestat's mouth in fountain  gushes, filling 
his mouth again before he could swallow. Yes.  This was why Santino enjoyed 
his time with Lestat. Lestat  had never had any shame when it came to exploring 
another's body,  finding ways to pleasure it... to take his pleasure from the 
body.  And as a vampire he brought his mortal experiences with him, daring  
his lovers to challenge his style. To complain. Santino never did  either, 
giving him the level of brutality he craved and submitting  gracefully to the 
gentleness he was prone to. Lestat felt Santino  riding the waves of pleasure 
pain; this wasn't the utter lack of  pain when someone drank from the throat, 
and it wasn't the agony of  blood being drawn from the wrist, but a 
combination of the two.  
After several swallows Lestat cut off the blood flow with his  tongue, and 
felt the wound heal. He slowly cleaned away the blood  remaining on the inside 
of Santino's leg, and while he re-fastened  the jeans he moved mouth and tongue 
back up the broad rib-cage ,  smearing some of the trails left by the blood 
his nails uncovered  earlier. When he reached Santino's mouth they fell upon 
one another  again, tongues warring, swiping against each other, breathing only 
with air stolen in quick gasps without breaking apart.  
"What do you want, Lestat?" Santino's face was only inches away,  his voice a 
whisper of breath. Lestat forced his eyes away from  Santino's, tearing the 
connection that could happen. Santino had a  remarkable ability to read a 
person's soul, their innermost, most  private thoughts when allowed to look 
someone's eyes for too  long. It was how he managed to keep his coven together 
for so long,  that unnatural ability to know exactly what someone was thinking. 
 And perfectly unfair since Santino himself couldn't be read.  
Lestat pulled back and immediately one of Santino's hands was  holding him in 
place, refusing to let him go further.  
"What do you want Lestat? Hmm?" Santino's voice was both serious  and 
mocking, daring Lestat to answer, daring him not to. Santino  trailed his hands 
Lestat's shoulders, slowly down his chest,  dragging his nails lower with 
increasing pressure. The muscles of  Lestat's chest fluttered with the 
contact. Their eyes  locked again and this time Lestat couldn't look away. 
"Who is it you  want, Lestat?" Santino surged up, and Lestat landed on his back 
with  an "oomph" of breath. He scowled in annoyance at the smug black  haired 
"I want Louis."  
"Then why are you here?" Lestat rolled them again so he  was on top.  
"Because Louis is in France somewhere." Santino lay sprawled  beneath Lestat, 
breathing easily and his right hand glided up,  pulling him down with a 
strength that surprised Lestat. Santino  nuzzled the golden neck before he 
broke the skin. Lestat's  body froze at that first bite before it molded with 
the other's  body. Santino's arms moved to hold Lestat and they shifted against 
 one another, Santino moving to lie over Lestat. Lestat fell into the  void 
Santino offered him for a small period of time, where he had no  need to think 
about anything except the rhythmic contracting muscles  he felt as Santino 
swallowed mouthful after mouthful of his blood.  It was a peaceful sensation, 
like floating in the air but in a  wholly different way. Ecstacy to be like 
with another after so  long.  
Santino was talking again now, whispering something in his ear,  and the 
sensation was vanishing like a dream imagined. The wind  began to pick up once 
again and Santino fell silent, letting each of  them drift in their thoughts.  
"Louis is in New Orleans searching for you," Santino said,  speaking quietly. 
Lestat's head came up sharply.  
"What?" Santino's eyes were narrowed as he gazed out over the  black ocean.  
"He's just about to fall asleep... he wonders how long you will  be away... 
upset at not finding you, but neither is he surprised  that you are not in the 
city." Santino shook his head. "I don't  understand-- he's not even 
considering that you might have gone  underground again. Well, yes. At any 
rate, Louis 
is back in New  Orleans. And I should be leaving. Some of us still need 
shelter."  Santino stood and gathered a jacket which had been cast off before  
sat down with Lestat. Lestat watched as he shrugged into it and  came back, 
bending down and kissing his mouth voraciously. "Don't be  such a stranger this 
"Me? You are the one who hasn't spoken to me since I  rose!"  
"Lestat," Santino's voice was weary and was the tone of someone  explaining 
something to a child, "the moment you walked through that  door with Akasha and 
saw me, you eyed me as though I were the enemy.  At Night Island your mood 
wasn't any more receptive, and then you  jetted off after Louis, and then you 
decided it was time to  go globe-trotting. So when exactly was I supposed to 
catch up with  you and renew acquaintance under friendly circumstances? For all 
 knew, you decided Marius' story against me was better than my story  against 
him, and you were no longer my friend. Obviously you didn't  put everything 
in your book." He said the last with a smile. "Thank  you for that by the way." 
Lestat smiled back. "I wonder which of us Marius would be more  mad with." A 
pause and then Lestat began laughing. "First Marius,  now Maharet. Who am I 
going to have to protect your little secrets  from next?" Santino shrugged and 
smiled. As he turned to walk away  Lestat called his attention once more. 
"Santino, can you fly yet?"  
Santino turned back, his face inscrutable once more. "I don't  know. I've 
never tried."  
"For the love of heaven, why not?" A grin grew on Santino's face.   
"I like the feel of Eric carrying me." Lestat laughed and turned  away to 
face the ocean again. It was dark, and endless and violent  as it waited for 
approaching dawn. Lestat turned to look at the  eastern sky. So Louis was in 
New Orleans looking for him. Well, it  was time to go home then. 

The End, La Fin... 

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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