What  in the world am I doing here in New Orleans?  I have no 
desire to be  here, in fact, the idea of coming here has always been repellent 
to  me.  So why am I walking up and down the streets of this ancient  city?    
Oh,  please forgive me. To use the words of a song, “Please allow me to  
introduce myself.”  My name is Jamie Stephens.  I am your  typical late-20th 
century girl.  I like cheeseburgers, pizza, rock  music, books, and TV.  I love 
sports (especially football).   Okay, that's enough about me.  You aren't 
this to read about  me.   
Somehow, and I still haven't figured out how yet, I found myself in New  
Orleans.  I was supposed to meet someone here, but he backed out at  the last 
minute.  I didn't discover this though until I had already  checked into my 
My plane had left Dallas in the late afternoon, and  I had arrived at my 
hotel shortly after sunset.  As soon as I checked  into the hotel, I was told 
friend wasn't meeting me.  I was  briefly furious, but it quickly passed into 
something resembling  relief.    
Well,  anyway, I went to my room and looked around.  The furnishings were  
Early American and very quaint.  The bed was a giant four-poster  bed.  It 
looked quite comfortable, and, for a brief second, I was  tempted to crawl into 
 I quickly nixed that idea; after all, it  was only 7pm.  There was still 
plenty of night left before  bedtime.  I unpacked by bags, and then went in to 
take a  shower.  The water felt good on my skin, and I was reluctant for it  to 
end.  I quickly put on some fresh clothes, and exited my  room.  I wasn't 
hungry yet, so I just decided to walk and see where  the city took me.    
Looking back now, I see that it was foolish, but, like they say, it seemed  
like a good idea at the time.  If I just would have stayed in my room  that 
night, I could have enjoyed my vacation in New Orleans.  I  located a 
carriage that offered tours around the scenic parts  of the city, so I 
flagged one down. As I was about to board the carriage,  an old man accosted 
me. He 
reeked of whiskey, and I recoiled as he drew  closer to me.    
“Beware of vampires, Miss,” he said, “they're everywhere.  Leave this  city 
I couldn't  help it myself, but I laughed. Oh, not to his face, of course.  
That  would have been unconscionably rude.  But I was doubled over with  
laughter on the inside.  As calmly as I could, I asked, “Oh, and what  makes 
you say 
He looked over  his shoulder as if the Hounds of Hell were after him.  He 
looked at  me, and it seemed that he was no longer drunk.  There was a deadly  
earnestness in his eye.  
“Just do as I  say, Miss.  Beware of the vampires,” he said, before walking  
A  chill ran through me, as if someone were walking on my grave.  His  words 
struck a chord in me.  It was in a place deep within me that I  didn't even 
know was there.  Instinctively I knew that I didn't want  to delve into that 
place, so I pushed his words back to the farthest  reaches of my mind.    
With  my mind occupied, I climbed onto the carriage.  I paid the driver to  
take me around the city.  I sat back and looked at the sights of the  city.  So 
deeply engrossed was I that I took no notice at all of the  auburn-haired boy 
that had taken an interest in  me.         
(http://www.glorianon.com/tygereyez/chapter02.html)      A special thank you to 
Anne Rice 
and her novels. The images on this site  are from Interview With The Vampire, A 
 Warner Bros.  Production.  This site is for entertainment purposes  only. No 
copyright infringement  is intended.  

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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