“Daniel,” Armand said, “something  has happened that will 
greatly affect you.”   
Daniel looked at Lestat and Louis  trying to understand.  When he received no 
response, he  returned his attention back to Armand.  
“What is  it?” he asked.   
Armand looked uncertain, and then looked to Lestat for  support.  Lestat 
nodded at this silent request and spoke up for  the first time since Daniel had 
“Daniel,” he said, “come here  to me.”  
Always when Lestat told Daniel to  do something, Daniel usually obeyed 
without question.  But this  time, something was terribly wrong.  He was 
to become  very concerned.  
“Why?”  he asked Lestat.  
“Just  come here,” Lestat ordered, “I'll show you everything you need to  
Daniel walked over to Lestat and  sat down next to him.  “What do I need to 
do?” he  asked.  
“Just open your mind to me,” Lestat  said, “And I'll do the rest.”   
Although he was extremely nervous about this, Daniel was satisfied  with 
Lestat's response, and he opened his mind to Lestat.   Lestat then proceeded to 
mentally inform Daniel of everything that  had happened over the past few days. 
After a few minutes, Lestat  terminated the mental contact.   
Daniel looked up at Armand, completely stunned.  “She's here?”  he asked, “
In  New Orleans?  Right  now?”  
Armand nodded grimly, “I've seen  her, and as Lestat showed you, he's seen 
her too....” Armand looked  askance at Lestat, “....among other things.”   
Lestat merely shrugged at this  announcement, but Daniel turned to glare at 
“Lestat, we will talk about that  later,” he said, “but now, what am I going 
to do about her?  I  haven't seen her for such a long time.”  He felt the 
tears come  into his eyes.  Damn, but he hated being such a sap.  “I'm  outta 
here,” he said, and he exited the room.    
Daniel found his way to the courtyard and collapsed on a  bench.  The sobs 
threatened, but didn't come.  He was full  of wonder at the mere thought of her 
being so close to him after all  of this time.  He couldn't believe it....she 
was HERE!  He  wondered if he should see her at least once.  It had been such  
a long time—over twenty years.  Imagine that.  He pictured  her as Lestat had 
seen her. She looked no different than she did  when they were together.  In 
fact, she looked exactly the  same.  This puzzled Daniel to no end.  How come 
she hadn't  aged?  He then remembered what Lestat had shown him after he,  
damn him, had drank from her.  The wounds had closed as if she  were....no, 
was not it. Lestat had said that she had eaten a  cheeseburger and fries with 
great gusto. That's my Jamie, he thought  with a slight laugh, making a pig of 
herself in a fine dining  room.   
Suddenly he felt an urge that he hadn't felt in a long time, he  wanted a 
cheeseburger and fries.  He heard a laugh come from  behind him and a voice 
spoke, “Daniel, you would be sick if you did  that.”  Louis.  
Daniel  turned around on the bench and looked at the beautiful, green-eyed  
one.  He pointed to the space beside him.  “Please,” he  offered.  Louis sat 
down beside him and merely looked at  him.  “They knew that you would need to 
talk to someone, and I  got volunteered,” he said with a chuckle.   
Daniel smiled at him, and said, “Louis, you would probably be only  one I 
could talk to right about now.  Do you realize that I  have the chance to see 
again, and try to make things  right?  It's not that I merely want to see her 
and talk to  her—which I do, believe me—but it's that I have to see her.  I  
have to try to explain, and to make things right.  Can you  imagine the guilt 
and sorrow I've had to live with for these past  years?”   
Louis looked at him with total sympathy.  “Daniel, of course I  can.  I've 
lived with guilt for over 200 years,  remember?”  He grinned at Daniel, who 
laughed  delightedly.  Louis continued, “I lived with the guilt every  day that 
mother and sister were alive.  I wanted to show  myself to them , but I knew 
if I did, I would make matters much,  much worse for them.  I wanted their 
last memories of me to be  happy ones, not memories of their son/brother as the 
demon-thing  that I was, and am now.”   
He paused, and Daniel said, “But you saw them right?  Even from  afar?” When 
Louis nodded, he said, “Well, I haven't even done  that.  I had to make it a 
complete break, because she knew me  too well.  If I had left the slightest 
clue that I was still  alive, she would have searched for me until the end.”  
 paused, and at Louis' nod he went on, “I couldn't let her waste her  life 
looking for me.  I loved her too much for  that.”   
Louis watched Daniel as he stood up to pace around the bench.   Daniel 
continued, “But do you want to know what really makes me  upset?”  
Louis asked, “What is that, Daniel?  That she has moved  on with her life?  
But isn't that what you  wanted?”   
Daniel was surprised by Louis' insight, but he knew he shouldn't  have been.  
Louis was very perceptive, and he had totally hit the  mark.  Daniel 
answered, “Yes, I am upset that she moved on with  her own life, and, yes, that 
what I wanted,” he paused, before  going on, “that was until I saw the image in 
Lestat's mind of she  and him.  For one second, I wanted to kill him.  He was 
 putting his hands all over my girl.”   
Louis laughed delightedly.  “I am so glad that you still love  her like that. 
 And honestly, I think that you definitely  should go and see her.  It will 
do you both good in the long  run.”   
As they began to walk back into the flat, Daniel stopped  suddenly.  Louis 
looked at him with a knowing smile.  “You  want to see her tonight, do you not?”
Daniel  nodded and said, “It's still early enough...dawn isn't for hours  yet.
Twenty minutes later, Daniel was standing outside of Jamie's  window.  She 
was as beautiful as he remembered.  He knew  that he could spend the rest of 
night watching her, but she  suddenly quickly sat up.  She looked towards the 
window—towards  him.   I felt a slight touch upon my face,  and yet it was 
enough to stir me.  I opened my eyes and  smiled.  My lover's violet eyes 
down upon me.  I  felt his hands begin to remove my clothes.  As he removed 
each  piece of clothing, he would stroke my skin.  I murmured with  delight, 
and moved towards his touch. He bade me to be still.   He said in the softest 
voice, “Let me pleasure you  tonight.”   
And he began to do just that.  His touch was so soft I could  barely feel it, 
but yet it sent shivers up and down my spine.   He removed my blouse, and his 
hands skimmed along the edges of my  breasts.  I moaned softly. I watched as 
he pulled my shorts  off.  He stroked his fingers up my legs, just stopping 
short of  the notch between my legs.  I moaned with frustration.  He  shushed 
by saying, “We have plenty of time, my  love.”   
And then he began to rain kisses upon my face.  He dropped  kisses on each 
one of my eyes.  He kissed along the side of my  jaw.  He also planted soft 
butterfly kisses along the sides of  my mouth, but he wouldn't kiss me 
He ran his tongue along  my ear, sending shivers up and down my spine.  All the 
time he  was kissing me, his hand was driving me to distraction.  I felt  his 
hands on my neck, my arms, and along my stomach.  He would  stop just short 
of touching my breasts.   
Finally, he kissed me.  It was a long, soft, drugging  kiss.  I opened my 
mouth and felt his tongue go inside my  mouth.  He might be taking charge 
tonight, but I was going to  show him that I was letting him take charge.  I 
slid my 
tongue  into his mouth, forcing his back.  Our tongues warred with each  
other, his pushing mine back into my mouth, and vice versa. I  captured his 
with my lips and sucked on it, and he would run  his tongue along the inside 
of my mouth.   
He broke off the kiss and left me.  I groaned with frustration,  before 
feeling his weight on the bed again.  I opened my eyes  and smiled at him.  He 
removed his clothes and rejoined  me.  I closed my eyes again and lost myself 
in the  sensations.  I felt him brush the tops of my breasts with his  lips. 
He traced circle around the tips of my breasts with his  finger, but he 
wouldn't touch them.  I vowed that I would get  even with him, and I told him 
much.  He softly laughed at  that.   
I felt him straddle me, and as he did so, I felt the evidence of his  
arousal. He was magnificent.&  He leaned over and finally kissed  my nipples.  
arched into his touch, and he opened his mouth  onto them.  His tongue lapped 
it with the flat part of his  tongue.  He suckled one nipple while his hand 
plucked at my  other one.  He didn't leave any part of me untouched.  He  
and he stroked until I thought I was going to go out of my  mind.   
Finally his mouth left my breasts, and I felt his tongue going  southwards.  
He swirled his tongue around my navel, and I  laughed a little.  I was 
ticklish there. He knew it too because  I felt his smile against my skin.  He 
his way down to  notch between my thighs.  He parted my thighs with his hand,  
and touched me. My back arched high off of the bed.  His index  finger played 
with the hard little nubbin of my desire.  I  sobbed with delight, and then I 
gasped harshly when I felt his  tongue touch me there.  He licked and probed 
until I was almost  insensate with feeling.  Suddenly my muscles tightened, 
and  then I burst into shards of pleasure.   
As I was coming down from that wonderful high, I suddenly felt his  mouth on 
mine.  He kissed me deeply, and I felt him in between  my thighs, poised and 
ready.  I lifted my hips in welcome, and  he drove into me.  In my mouth, his 
tongue was mimicking the  actions of his lower body.  I tore my mouth away from 
him and  moaned in a low voice.  He forced me back to his mouth, but  this 
time I was the aggressor.  My tongue went into his mouth,  and then I surprised 
him by flipping him onto his  back.   
I smiled down at my lover, and then proceeded to set the tone.   I rode him 
fast, which drove him crazy, and I rode him slow, which  caused him to growl in 
pleasure.  His hands were on my breasts,  kneading them roughly.  I reached 
back behind me and stroked  and cupped him.  His hips shot up, sending spirals 
of pleasure  through me, and it just about lifted us both off of the bed.  I  
suppose he had had enough, because all of a sudden, I found myself  on my back 
again.  “Let's finish it,” I groaned.  He began  to roughly move inside me, 
and I felt the pressure building up in  me.  Finally, I came with a force that 
nearly rendered me  unconscious.  I heard him groan as he reached his 
pleasure's  peak. I felt him spill into me, which caused me to explode  again.  
sobbed as I reached for  him.      “Never leave me again,” I  moaned.  
“I won't, my love,” he said, only  the voice was slightly different.  It had 
a slight French  accent to it.  I looked at him and saw blond hair and blue  
My eyes popped open, and I sat up stock-straight.  My  Lord, I thought, what 
a dream. Then I sensed a presence standing  outside my window.....  

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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