Armand watched as Daniel and Jamie  reunited in truth.  Every 
whispered word, kiss, and thrust was  like a jackhammer to his heart.  He had 
not been this agonized  since Lestat had rejected him in Paris.  Not even 
Louis'  rejection of him earlier this century in New Orleans had hurt this  
Now he watched as the light was leaving his  life.   
He knew that Jamie had seen him before she fell asleep.  It  didn't matter to 
him whether or not that she had seen him.  He  felt Daniel's eyes on him and 
realized that he had been  spotted.  He watched as Daniel gently disentangled 
himself from  Jamie's arms and rise from the bed.  He saw Daniel slip on his  
jeans and walk towards him.  He turned away from the door so he  wouldn't be 
faced with Daniel's desertion.     As he lay next to Jamie, Daniel  realized 
that someone was outside, peering in.  He probed out  with his mind and felt 
nothing, which meant that it was  Armand.  His rage burned white-hot.  It 
reminded him too  much of the days when he was mortal and he had to “perform” 
Armand, his demon lover.  He planted a soft kiss on Jamie's  head, and 
extricated himself from her grasp.  He pulled on his  jeans and walked outside. 
went and stood beside  Armand.  With his arms folded over his chest, he asked, “
Did I  perform well, lover?”    
Those words nearly sent Armand to his knees.  Only then did  Daniel realize 
the look of utter despair on his maker's face.   He had seen that expression on 
Louis' face just after the  “interview”, but he had never seen it on 
Armand's face.  In an  instant the rage melted, and concern took its place.  He 
his finger under Armand's chin, and tilted up his head.  Their  eyes met, and 
Daniel was rocked by the bleak hopelessness in  Armand's gaze.  “What is it, 
my love,” Daniel asked, “What's  wrong?”    
Armand said simply, “You're leaving me.”   
Daniel was stunned for a  minute.  “Leaving you?” he asked, “where did you 
get such a  foolish idea?”  
Armand  shifted his gaze away from Daniel, and murmured, “You have her  
again.  You need me no longer.”  
Daniel  folded his arms around Armand, and kissed the top of his head.   “Oh, 
Armand,” he sighed, “you foolish idiot.  Don't you realize  it yet?  I'm 
never leaving you.”  
Armand  looked up at him in surprise.  “What do you mean?” he asked  warily, 
seemingly afraid to allow himself to hope.  “You're not  remaining with her?  
I thought you loved  her.”  
Daniel smiled, “I do love her, very  much in fact.  I fully intend to keep on 
seeing her at times,  but it is you that I want to be with.  Too much time 
has passed  for Jamie and I to be together again.  She has her life, and I  
Armand appeared somber as he said,  “I wish I could believe you.”   
A soft voice spoke up from behind them, “Believe him.”  They  both turned 
around towards the entrance way and saw Jamie standing  there watching them 
an aura of sadness emanating from  her.    
I awoke as soon as I felt Daniel leave the bed, but I did not  move.  I heard 
him put his jeans on.  Through slitted  eyes, I watched as he walked over to 
the balcony door and went  outside.  He was speaking to the auburn-haired one, 
Armand, I  believe his name was.  They were talking with their backs to  the 
door, so I quietly got out of the bed.  I slipped on my  robe and I tiptoed 
over to the door.  I wanted to listen to  what they were saying to each other.  
Daniel appeared angry at  first, while Armand appeared desolate.  He said 
something that  I couldn't quite hear, and Daniel's countenance went quickly 
anger to concern.   
I just caught Daniel's statement about still loving me, which made  me smile 
a little.  I felt a sharp pang of hurt though when he  said that it had been 
too long for us, but he was correct in that  regard.  It had been too many 
years for us.   
When I heard Armand say that he  wished he could believe what Daniel was 
saying, I spoke up  immediately, “Believe him.”   Daniel and Armand turned 
quickly  and peered at me.  They had been so involved in each other that  they 
didn't realize that I was awake and listening to every  word.  I was 
overwhelmed by 
a sadness that probably was  reflected on my face.  I noticed an unusual 
glance pass between  them, but I didn't inquire as to its meaning.  I was too  
focused on the problem at hand.  “You heard then?” Daniel asked  me.   
I nodded, “Yes, I did.”  My eyes locked on Armand's and I said,  “It is 
true.  Too many years have passed for Daniel and I to  just ‘pick up' where we 
left off.  It will never be the same  for Daniel and me.”  
Armand  looked confused, “But what about....?”   
I smiled at him, and my humor must have reflected in my eyes,  because I 
caught a glimmer of a smile from him.  “You mean  about what happened a while 
  When he nodded, I continued,  “What happened before was a purely physical 
thing.  I was angry  at Daniel for lying to me all of these years.  Although I 
now  understand the reason for the lies, I was still pretty pissed off  and I 
wanted to make him pay, which seemed to work like a  charm.  And Daniel, of 
course, was pissed at me because I chose  Lestat over him last night.  The 
mutual anger turned to  passion, end of story.”  I winked at Daniel who simply 
grinned  broadly at me.   
Maintaining a serious pose once again, I emphasized my next point to  avoid 
confusion.  “Daniel and I have reunited, yes, but we  haven't reconciled.  
Armand, Daniel and I grew up together, and  we were best friends long before we 
ever became lovers and  spouses.  If I have anything to say about it, he will 
continue  to be my best friend.”   
Both Armand and I looked questioningly at Daniel, who nodded.   Daniel said, “
Yes, Armand, Jamie is still my best friend.  Now  that I've reconnected with 
her, I fully intend for her to remain my  best friend.  But that does not mean 
that we are getting back  together, because we aren't.”   
I said, “That's right.  We are NOT getting back together.   Daniel has his 
life with you Armand, and I have my life back in  Texas, which satisfies me to 
no end.”  Briefly the images of  Michelle and Michael ran through my mind, and 
I wished I could tell  them that their father is indeed alive and well.    
Daniel spoke up sharply, “Why do you say it like that?  Surely  you're not 
leaving yet?” he asked.  
I nodded  and said softly, “Yes, love, the day after tomorrow.  I've been  
away for much too long.  I have responsibilities that need my  constant 
Daniel  shook his head in denial, “You can't leave yet, Jamie.  We just  
found each other again.”   
I smiled at Daniel and Armand, “You two are welcome at my house any  time.  
Daniel, beloved, if you don't come visit me, I'll kick  your ass.  And you know 
that I won't be afraid to do it, even  if you are a ghoul now.”  Daniel 
laughed heartily, and wrapped  me in a giant hug.  I returned his hug with one 
my  own.  
But then I released Daniel, and  walked straight up to Armand.  “Well?  Are 
we  friends?  Or do I still have to persuade you as to my lack of  intentions 
toward your lover?”   
Armand laughed his soft, beautiful laugh.  “No, Jamie, my dear,  you have 
convinced me to my satisfaction.  And yes, we will  definitely come visit you.  
am most anxious to know what  Daniel was like as a child.”   
Armand winked at Daniel, and I laughed at the horrified expression  on 
Daniel' face.  Suddenly Armand embraced me warmly.  I  returned Armand's 
and I had to fight back tears as I said,  “Go on, now...the two of you.  I 
believe you have some making  up to do.  Just be sure to come see me before I  
leave.”   All the next day I spent most of it  packing my things up.  That 
as I was resting, I pondered  at what had occurred over the past few days.  
First , I found  out in truth that vampires do indeed exist;  second, I found  
out that my beloved, not-so-dead husband was one of these creatures;  and 
I had made love to not one, but two of them.  What a  caption that would make 
on a postcard.   
I then sensed a presence in the room with me, and I recognized it  
immediately.  I smiled, and said, “Lestat.”   
He walked up to me and grabbed me  in fierce hug.  He kissed me hard, and 
then said, “You're  leaving.  Why?”  
“Because  I have to, love.  I have things at home that need to be taken  care 
of,” I said, softly.  
Lestat  waved away my remark, “Hire someone to take care of them for  you.  
I'll pay for it if it would please  you.”  
I laughed and rubbed his  cheek.  “I'm sorry, love.  This is something that I 
have  to take care of myself.  I have enough money, thank you.   But you will 
come to visit won't you?”   
Lestat picked me up and twirled me around, “Just try to keep me  away.  Louis 
and I might visit quite often, you know.  I'm  very possessive of my new 
friends' time.”   
Getting dizzy, I said, “I have  plenty of rooms available.  I have my room, 
Michael has his  room, and Michelle has hers.  Besides those three, there are  
three more.”  
Suddenly  he stopped all movement.  I looked up at him confusedly.   He 
asked, “Who are Michael and Michelle?”   

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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