Daniel was becoming more and more  uncomfortable just sitting 
in the parlor waiting for  God-knows-what.  He heard soft wails coming from 
inside Jamie’s  room, and every instinct he possessed was telling him to go in  
there.  {{{Lestat, what’s wrong?  And  you’d better be straight with me.  I’m 
in no mood to dick  around tonight.}}}   
{{{Calm  yourself}}}, Lestat sent back at him.  {{{Jamie is all right.}}}   
Daniel did calm a bit.  {{{ Just make sure she stays that way.}}}   
After he broke off the contact, he got up and walked  outside.  He felt the 
twins’ eyes on him, and they felt like  laser beams on him.  He could feel 
their interest in him.   Who is he?  How is he connected to Mom?   
Daniel needed to be alone with his  thoughts and away from Armand for a 
minute.  He had to sort  through his feelings.  He was angry, yes, but not at 
one  specific person.  He was angrier at the situation itself.   He was also 
experiencing a mortal state of shock.  A soft  breeze was blowing outside, and 
it slightly riffled through his  hair.  He closed his eyes against it and let 
it blow on his  face.  He emptied his mind of all thoughts and just let himself 
 feel this simple pleasure.  Then he sensed the presence of  another standing 
near him.  Even though he couldn’t penetrate  the other’s thoughts, he would 
have known who it was.  With his  eyes still closed, he said, "Go away, 
"You know I cannot do that Daniel," the  soft-spoken voice responded.  
Daniel opened his eyes and  looked directly at Armand.  He asked, "Exactly 
when were you  going to tell me?"   
Armand glanced away from Daniel and then  moved his eyes back towards him.  
He simply said, "It wasn’t my  secret to reveal."  When Daniel was about to 
protest, Armand  help up his hand.  "Let me finish," he said, "as I was saying, 
it wasn’t my secret to reveal, but I would have found a way to tell  you 
without telling you."   
"What do you mean by that?" Daniel  asked, "how could you have done that?"   
Armand said simply, "I would have made  Jamie very angry at me, but I would 
have taken you to see  them.  After all, they are your children, too."   
Daniel was warmed by these words, but  he needed to know one more thing.  He 
asked Armand, "How long  would you have waited?"  
Armand  smiled at Daniel.  "Beloved, I would not have waited for very  long.  
But now, that is neither here nor there.  You now  know the truth—Michael and 
Michelle are your children."   
A strangled gasp was heard from behind  them.  Daniel turned around and 
discovered two pairs of eyes  staring at him.  His daughter, Michelle, was 
open-mouthed with  shock.  She walked up to him and asked, "Is it true?  Are  
really our father?"  
Daniel  looked back at Armand with a panic in his gaze.  Armand smiled  and 
gestured Daniel back to his daughter.  He stammered, "Uh,  um, it seems that I 
"But  how?" Michelle asked, "You’re so young."   
"Uh, well," Daniel said, hesitantly,  "that’s a rather long and loaded 
Michael folded his arms across his  chest and glowered at him.  "We seem to 
have plenty of time,"  he said, coldly.  
Daniel noticed  the icy look in his son’s eyes and knew that this was not 
going to  be easy at all.  He took a deep breath and began to  speak.   I 
down at my  abdomen, back to Lestat, and back to my abdomen again.  I  
gingerly touched it, and I was appalled to touch smooth, unmarred  skin.  I 
as I looked up to Lestat.  "What’s  wrong with me?" I asked, soft wails 
beginning to escape my  throat.   
Lestat embraced me and said, "I’m not  exactly sure, cheríe.  But we are 
going to find out.   Aren’t we Louis?"  
Louis moved  over beside me and took my hand.  "Ouí, cheríe, we will find  
out why this is happening to you."   
I calmed a bit, knowing that I wasn’t  going to be alone in this.  My panic 
was beginning to subside,  and it was transforming itself into an intense 
interest.  My  breath was slowing down, becoming more regulated.  I looked  
down at 
my stomach.  I ran my fingers across the area where the  wound should have 
been, pressing gently as I did so.  I  flinched a little.  The wound might be 
healed, but I was still  very sore.  The tears welled up in my eyes, but I 
 jokingly, "Well, I can’t move too much, too fast.  So please  don’t make me 
laugh too hard.  That might kill me."   
Lestat laughed at this.  "Cheríe,  you are such a delight.  You are in pain, 
and yet you still  make jokes," he said.  
I grinned  at him and said, "I have to.  It beats crying all of the  time."   
    Then my face grew a bit  serious.  I said, "The jokes and laughter were 
what helped me  to get through the dark times."  
Louis embraced me very gingerly, careful not to jostle me too  much.  Then I 
noticed that Lestat had gotten rather  quiet.  I looked up and noticed that he 
had a faraway look in  his eye.  I asked Louis about this, and he said, "He’s 
 communicating with someone."  
"Oh?" I asked, "Who?"  
"Probably  Armand," Louis said.   
Lestat cursed softly.  "Damn," he  said.  He looked at me with a strange 
"What is it?" I asked.   
"You are not going to like this, mon  Jamie," he told me.  
"What?" I  demanded softly.   
"They know," he said,.  At the  uncomprehending look on my face, he 
continued, "Your twins know the  truth about their parentage."  
"Oh  shit," I said, "How did that happen?"   
"By accident it seems.  The twins  overheard Daniel and Armand talking when 
the truth came out," Lestat  said.  
"Dammit.  I wanted to  tell them myself when the time was right," I said,   
"So  what else is happening?"   
Lestat got that look again.   Shortly his eyes focused and fell on me.   
"Armand tells  me that Daniel is explaining everything to them."   
I squeaked, "Everything, as in  everything?"  
Lestat nodded.   "Everything as in EVERYTHING," he said.   
I covered my face with my hands.   "I’m not ready for this," I groaned.  Then 
something occurred  to me and I asked, "How are they taking the news?"   
Lestat said, "Your Michelle is taking  the news very well, considering, but 
Michael is not taking it well  at all."  
I sighed.  "No, I  don’t imagine he is," I said, sadly.   The next few days 
passed  by quickly, but they were very tense days.  I slowly recovered  my 
strength, and I was becoming a very bad patient.  The kids  would stay with me 
during the day, and the others would stay with me  at night.   
The atmosphere would be tense during the  day.  I could sense that both 
Michael and Michelle wanted to  confront me about Daniel.  Sometimes I would 
either one  or both of them staring at me.  Michelle would have a  speculative 
look in her eyes, while Michael would be staring at me  with a bitter look in 
his eye.  But yet neither one of them  would speak up.   
At night, I would not allow them to stay  in the townhouse.  For one thing, I 
was worried for their  safety.  Oh, not from Lestat, Louis, Armand, or 
especially  Daniel, it was the ones that I didn’t know that worried me.   
reason was that I wasn’t ready for a full-blown  confrontation.  
Anyway, I was the classic case of the  rotten patient.  I was very 
disagreeable.  I wanted to do  everything I couldn’t do.  I wanted to get out 
of bed and 
move  around, but they would have not of it.  Damn them.  They  would simply 
smile at me as I ranted and raved.   
Tonight, though, something had  changed.  David had returned.  I had noticed 
that he had  been gone for the past several nights.  Now he was back and was  
looking at me in a very strange way.   
He drew Lestat away from us, and they  left the room.  I looked at Louis and 
asked him, "Now what do  you suppose that was all about?"  
Louis looked at the now-closed door that David and Lestat had gone  through.  
"I don’t know, cheríe, I don’t know."   Lestat followed David  into the next 
room.  He noticed that David looked both tense  and excited.  The last time 
he remembered seeing David like  this was when he and Louis had visited him 
just after the Akasha  debacle.    "Okay, David, what is it?" he  asked.  

David handed  Lestat a folder.  "Read this," he said.   
"What am I looking at?" Lestat  asked.  
"A laboratory  report.  You will find something very interesting in there,"  
David said.   
Lestat quickly scanned the document, and  then looked up at David with a 
stunned expression on his face.   "You are sure about this?  Absolutely sure?" 
David nodded and said, "The tests were  run twice by two separate labs.  The 
results were  identical."  
"But I thought they  didn’t survive at all," Lestat said, rereading the 
David said, with a slight smile,  "Apparently some did."   I was drowsing a 
bit  when Lestat walked into the room, followed up by David.   "Louis," he 
said, "can you please come here, please?"   
"Certainly," he said, and walked over  to where Lestat and David were 
Lestat handed Louis some sort of paper,  and said, "Read this."  
Louis took it and asked, "What is  it?"  
"Just read it," Lestat  said.   
While Louis read whatever he was  reading, Lestat was staring at me.  By now, 
I was completely  awake.  Lestat’s eyes were fixed on me as if he were trying 
to  figure something out.  I noticed Louis’ mouth drop open as he  finished 
reading.  He began to stare at me the way that Lestat  and David was.  
I could feel my  blood beginning to boil.  "What is it?" I growled in  
Lestat said, "I’ll  let David explain this one."  
I  looked expectantly at David.  "Fine, now what is it?" I  asked.   
David said, "I don’t know what, if  anything, Lestat has told you about me, 
but I used to be part of a  group known as the Talamasca.  We—the Talamasca—
are, for lack  of a better term, psychic detectives.  We investigate  
that is supernatural, paranormal, and the like.   

I said, "This is very  interesting, but what does any of this have to do with 
David said, "You realize that you  healed rather quickly from your wounds.  
And that you appear to  look younger than you actually are?"  When I nodded, he 
 continued, "As you must realize that is highly unusual for a  mortal.  So I 
sent the blood-stained shirt that you were  wearing and had some blood samples 
taken to a private laboratory to  be tested."  
"Oh, really?" I  asked.  
He nodded and said, "Yes,  I did.  And there were some very interesting 
developments that  I had not anticipated."  
"Well?" I  asked, "just tell me, please."   
David sat down next to me on the  bed.  "Jamie, my dear, something showed up 
in your blood work  that you need to be made aware of.  Your blood tests 
indicated  something extra.  Your blood seems to be normal O+ blood that  is 
with something else.  I immediately noticed what it  was and ran further tests 
myself.  I wanted no one else  involved."  
"Why is that?" I  asked him, in all curiosity.  
David looked at the others and then back at me.  He said,  "Well, it seems 
that your blood seems to be a hybrid mixture of both  normal human blood and 
vampiric blood."    

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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