Lestat awoke that evening and  instinctively knew that 
something was not quite right.  He  opened up his mind and extended it 
outwards.  He 
could sense  the still-sleeping forms of Armand and Daniel in their room.   
And, of course, Louis was still right next to him still in his  death-like 
Otherwise, he could not sense anyone  else, which was very strange indeed.  
Even though he could not  pierce Jamie’s thoughts, he could always sense her 
physical presence  if she were nearby.  However, that presence was nowhere to 
 found.  He bolted out of the bed and quickly made his way to  Jamie’s room.  
As he suspected, no one was there.  The bed  was neatly made with all pillows 
in their proper place.  As he  explored the rest of the townhouse, his fury 
rose with each empty  room he discovered.   
Lestat had to go hunt, so he went back  to his bedroom, quickly changed 
clothes, and left the flat.  He  found what he wanted in a nearby cafe.  This 
was a  murderer of the worst sort.  She had poisoned three of her four  
husbands to death without arousing any suspicion whatsoever, and  when he came 
her, she was plotting how to do away with her  current husband.   
He noticed immediately when her  attention was completely centered on him.  
She straightened in  her chair and began to primp her hair.  Concealing his 
fangs,  he grinned wickedly at her as he made his approach.  She smiled  
seductively at him, already having him pegged as her No. 5.   
Lestat took the woman’s hand and led her  out of the cafe.  He could read her 
thoughts as if they were  plastered on her face.  She was already planning on 
screwing  the daylights out of him, and then would attempt to blackmail him  
into doing whatever she wanted him to do.  Ahh, chere, he thought, that will 
never happen I’m afraid.  But the chase  will be quite fun indeed.   He allowed 
the woman to  lead him back to her apartment, which just happened to be  
nearby.  He probed her thoughts again and was almost sickened  by them.  This 
a truly evil woman with no remorse in her  soul, and he was going to take the 
greatest pleasure in dispatching  her.  Once on her home turf, the woman 
became aggressive.   Lestat allowed her to push him up against the wall and 
him.  Although, as he allowed her to kiss and fondle him, he  was also allowing 
his hunger to arise at full strength.   
Finally, Lestat decided he had had  enough, and he put her up against the 
wall.  The woman looked  at him through passion-fogged eyes.  He smiled at her 
while  running his fingers along her jawline and down her neck.  He  leaned in 
towards her as if he were going to kiss her, and her eyes  closed in 
anticipation.  He bypassed her mouth, however, and  tilting her head to the 
side, went 
straight for her neck.  He  ran his tongue along her neck searching for the 
right spot.  He  felt her shiver in his arms, and finding the spot he wanted, 
drove  his fangs into her neck.   
The woman gasped and tried to escape the  pain, but Lestat held her closely 
to him.  With his own eyes  closed, he drank deeply, so deeply in fact, that 
the woman began to  moan and writhe with renewed ecstasy.  
After a few minutes,  Lestat felt her go limp in his arms.  Her death hit him 
hard,  and his head swam briefly with the force of the swoon.  With  his eyes 
still closed, he let the body drop to the floor.  He  felt the blood rushing 
through his veins into every part of his  body, warming him up immensely.  As 
always during the blood  swoon, Lestat lost all consciousness except to that 
of the blood  coursing through his veins.   
As the swoon was ending, Lestat became  aware of himself and his surroundings 
once again.  He opened  his eyes and looked down at the body of the woman.  
He noticed  that her skin was already blue, and that her cheeks were beginning  
to look sunken.  Before leaving the apartment, he gashed his  finger and let 
his blood run over the puncture wounds.  The  little wounds vanished before 
his very eyes.    
When Lestat made it back to the flat, he  noticed that there were lights 
coming from the living room.   Opening his consciousness, he was furious to 
discover that Jamie  still wasn’t there.  Mentally, he opened the front door 
walked inside. In a mortal burst of temper though, he physically  slammed the 
door.  The walls shook with the force of his  anger.   
He strode to the parlor and saw that  Armand was sitting on one of the sofas 
there.  He was on the  phone with one of his mortal agents, and he looked up 
when Lestat  entered the room.  Armand’s eyes widened at the look on  Lestat’s 
face, and Lestat felt him probing to get an answer for  it.  Lestat tightened 
his shields further, and was somewhat  amused at the look of consternation 
that appeared on Armand’s  face.  He watched as Armand ended the phone call, 
stood up, and  began walking towards him.  "Lestat?" he asked in his soft  
"what is it?"   
"She’s not here," Lestat ranted, "where  did she go?"  
"I presume we are  talking about Jamie?" Armand asked.   
"Of course I am, Armand," Lestat said,  "have you seen her tonight?"  
Armand shook his head in a negative gesture.  "No, I haven’t,"  he said.   
A couple of hours later, Jamie had not  yet returned to the flat, and Lestat 
was in a rage.  The others  knew this, so they stayed out of his way.  He 
paced the floor  back and forth.  Once, he accidentally stepped on Daniel’s  
and Daniel almost cursed him.  Armand clapped his hand  over Daniel’s mouth 
in warning.  Glaring at Armand, Daniel  removed the hand from over his mouth.  
He whispered, "I wasn’t  going to say anything."  
Armand nodded, and smiled a  little, "I know.  I was just making absolutely 
sure you  didn’t."   
Then they all heard footsteps coming  from outside.  It was Jamie.  Lestat 
was at the door in a  flash.  Before she could even open the door, he had the 
door  open.  He asked, in a very controlled voice, "Just where the  hell have 
you been?"   
Jamie looked surprised at the tone in  Lestat’s voice.  She looked at Armand, 
Daniel, and Louis and  they all made a point of looking elsewhere.  She 
shrugged and  turned her attention back to Lestat.  "I was out," she said,  
Lestat’s barely controlled temper was  about to explode.  He said through 
clenched teeth, "Yes, you  were obviously out, but where exactly were you, 
Jamie was beginning to look a little  angry herself.  "I had to get out, 
okay?  I was feeling  very claustrophobic today."   
What Lestat said next really caused  Jamie to lose control.  He said, almost 
imperiously, "Well, you  should have checked with one of us first."   I couldn’
t believe that  I had actually heard Lestat say what I thought he said.  "I  
should have what?" I almost shouted.   
He glared at me.  "You heard  me.  You should have checked with one of us 
before going  out."   
I almost burst into a maniacal  laughter.  "You have got to be kidding me.  
First of all,  there were none of you to be found when I decided to go out.   
Something along the lines of," I paused, pretending to be  thinking.  A smile 
came to my face, and it must not have been a  pretty one, because  
Lestat’s eyes narrowed on me.   "Oh yes, you were in your vampire sleep.  How 
was I supposed to  check with you and ask your permission?" I spat out that  
phrase.  I continued on, "And second of all, I’m a grown woman  with grown 
children.  I think I’ve earned the right to go  wherever the hell I want to."   
Lestat grabbed my arms, and gently shook  me.  "Don’t you realize it, yet?" 
he shouted at me.   

I looked down at his hands  on my arms and looked up into his flashing blue 
eyes.  "Let me  go," I said, very softly.  And when he didn’t, I grew even  
angrier.  "Let me go," I repeated.   
I barely heard Louis’ voice entreating  Lestat to release me.  "You are going 
to hurt her, Lestat," he  said.   
I saw Lestat silence Louis with a glare,  and then he turned his attention 
back upon me.  "You little  idiot.  You don’t understand, do you?" he asked.   
I said through my teeth, "Understand  what?  That I don’t like to be 
manhandled?"  All of a  sudden I felt something happen to me.  A force went 
me,  starting from my feet and rising upwards.  With one final burst  of anger, 
and I don’t know what else, I shouted, "LET ME  GO!"  With that statement, I 
felt the force burst forth  from me, and it knocked Lestat and the others 
completely off of  their feet.  Absolutely stunned, they all looked up at  me.  
mouth dropped open in astonishment, and then I darted  for my room.  

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.      

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