Lestat and Louis were sitting quietly in the parlor of their  
flat.  Louis was sitting on the loveseat reading his newest  book, while 
Lestat was sitting in his favorite chair listening to  some music.  He was 
his headphones so he wouldn't  disturb Louis' reading. Louis was grateful for 
that, but Lestat's  toe tapping was driving him half-mad.  
Finally,  he could stand it no longer.  “Do you mind?” he burst  out.  
Lestat, perplexed, took off his  headphones and looked at him. “What?” he 
“Will you stop that infernal  tapping?” Louis asked him.  
“What  tapping?” Lestat asked. He honestly looked confused, and then he  
looked down at his foot.  It was tapping merrily in perfect  rhythm with the 
music on the stereo.  He stopped the tapping,  and sheepishly looked up at 
“Sorry  about that, my love. I didn't even realize I was doing  that.   “
Forgive me?” he asked.   
Louis crossed his arms over his chest and pondered the  question.  “Well, I 
suppose so.  Just don't let it happen  again,” he said.  He then noticed that 
Lestat was no longer  paying attention to him.  He had that faraway look he 
sometimes  got when he was telepathically communicating with one of the  
Louis dropped to his knees and looked up at  Lestat.  “Who is it?” he asked. 
Lestat seemed to come to himself, and he looked down at Louis.   He said, “
It's Armand, and he seems to be very distracted  tonight.”  
Louis asked, “How is  that?”  
Lestat responded, “I was able to  breach his thoughts quite easily.  His 
defenses aren't at full  strength.” He broke off, as his eyes got that look  
Louis shook him out of it. “What is  it?” he asked.  
“Armand  is very upset about something.  But he's completely closed his  mind 
now.  I cannot get as much as a peep out of his mind now,”  Lestat said, “
but he said he would tell me  soon.”   
No sooner than the words were out of his mouth, than the doorbell  rang.  
Lestat rose from the chair, and pulled Louis up to his  feet.  Louis brushed 
the back of his slacks, while Lestat  answered the door.  
“Hello  Armand,” he heard Lestat say.  He then spotted the  angelic-looking 
creature.   “Armand,” he  said.   
Lestat looked at Armand.  He seemed smaller and withdrawn into  himself 
tonight.  He knew that Armand wouldn't welcome concern  on his part, so he put 
on a 
gruff act.  
“What  brings you here without your usual announcements and warnings?” he  
asked harshly.  
Lestat  heard Armand mutter something, but he couldn't believe what he  
heard.  He leaned in closer towards Armand “How's that? What  did you say” he 
Armand looked at Lestat squarely in the eye, “I said, I need your  help.”    
Lestat looked thunderstruck at Armand's words.  Armand had  never before 
needed his help, although he had needed Armand's help  several times over the 
“What's  so wrong that you actually need my help with?” Lestat asked  him.  
Armand looked uncomfortable,  looking from Lestat, to Louis, and then back to 
Lestat.  “I saw  someone tonight who could be a potential threat to  us.”  
Lestat and Louis both straightened at Armand's  words.  
“A threat?” Louis asked. “And you  didn't destroy this person?”   
Armand looked very uncomfortable.  “I could not do that. If I  would have 
done that, someone I love dearly would hate me  forever.  I will not allow that 
to happen,” he said.  But  then he got a mischievous look in his eye, “I did 
try to scare her  though.”  
“How?” Lestat  asked.  
“I sent an old man to her to tell  her that there were vampires in New 
Orleans,” he said, with a slight  smile.  
“What?” Lestat and Louis chimed,  simultaneously.  
“Yes, I  did.  But she just merely brushed him off,” Armand  said.   
Lestat asked abruptly, “Why didn't you just go inside her thoughts  to 
determine her intentions?”  
Armand  fidgeted, “I tried, Lestat.  Her mind is very strong, stronger  than 
any vampire or mortal I've ever come into contact with. This is  the area 
where I need your help.”  
“Really?” asked Lestat. “How?”  
“I need  your help to pierce her thoughts,” Armand said.   
“Why my help?” Lestat asked. “I'm  not saying no, in fact, I'm rather 
curious.  But why not Daniel  or Marius?”  
Armand answered, “Because if they  divine her intentions, I could not read 
them. If you did, I could  see what you see, because we will be linked as you 
this. Besides  Daniel is not to know about any of this yet”   
Lestat and Louis looked  at each other, and then at Armand.  Lestat said, “
Now listen,  Armand, I can understand why you can't use Marius and Daniel with  
this. But why isn't Daniel to know about any of  this?”  
Now Armand looked really  uncomfortable. “It's that...” he broke off.   
“Yes?” Lestat  prodded.  
Armand straightened his shoulders  and just let it out. “A long time ago, she 
used to be Daniel's  wife.”  

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