Armand / Daniel VC fanfiction Part Seven
Author's Note; I should probably just ask, because this is the second time I 
have failed to figure out how to use italics in a post. Anybody? Alas, the 
internet outsmarts me again. So any mental talking from Armand is indicated 
with a silly * symbol instead of the preferred italics until I figure out how 
to remedy said dilemma.

Fandom; Vampire Chronicles
Pairing; Armand and Daniel
Rating; R
I never know the word count either... fail. :-)
Herein there lies a dream sequence.


Armand was overly kind to Daniel in the evenings that followed, taking him to 
Madrid to see the gruesome works of Goya De Lucientes at the Prado, to Brazil 
to watch the acrobats, to Russia to see the ballet. Docile, for a vampire. 
Armand was polite, chaste, and civilized with Daniel, perhaps in penance for 
his most recent crime. 

Now they were back in America and Daniel had fallen asleep sometime ago, 
exhausted from multiple flights, intercontinental travel, too much booze and 
lack of food. Armand often neglected to remind Daniel to eat, and Daniel often 
didn’t bother to take care of himself. They’d checked into a Motel 6 just 
outside of Phoenix, Armand being eager to experience Americana in all its cheap 

Despite their current friendly contentment, Daniel feared it was a matter of 
time before the vampire would tire of this game, and realize that Daniel wasn’t 
infinitely interesting after all. He’d grow bored of him, kill him, and move on 
as if the last few years hadn’t mattered. After all, this was what Armand had 
threatened at the beginning. 

He’d been dreaming of him, those large dark eyes, curled auburn hair, haunting 
even his unconscious apparently. “Daniel...” Velvet voice, whispering in the 
night. He moaned in his sleep, in response to the call, the alluring sound of 
his name from those lips. Armand never sounded dangerous, didn’t look it 
either, no. With his long limbs, that slender body, and the angelic face, he 
looked like an invitation, but Daniel knew that Armand meant the end of him. It 
was only a matter of time. 

“Daniel” The voice repeated in his mind, drawing him from slumber. “Daniel” He 
felt the bed move slightly. Drowsy, he opened his eyes to the soft pressure of 
Armand’s hand on his ribcage. Daniel smiled, Armand’s face inches from his, 
murmuring for him to lay back, relax, sorry to wake you. He obeyed, but his 
heart was racing. Was this it? 

Armand squeezed in next to him, fingers spreading out across his chest, head 
resting on his shoulder, the length of his body against Daniel’s side. Armand 
was taking liberties he’d abandoned since the incident with Kristen. Those soft 
curls tickled Daniel’s neck, and he was thankful that he could not see the 
demon’s face. It gave him space to think, and he questioned, “What took you so 

“Practiced restraint,” A sigh, “of course.” Fingers gently massaging his side, 
it was distracting. “I can’t resist you any longer.” Daniel settled into 
Armand’s body more securely. He was warm, which meant he had fed already this 
evening. Armand lifted his head, his brown eyes peering at Daniel through long 
black lashes. Bedtime eyes. Enticing. Daniel settled his arm around Armand’s 
shoulders, his hand against the vampire’s waist. Armand smiled and lay his head 
on Daniel’s arm, letting his own hand wander now to Daniel’s stomach, his 
ribcage, his chest. Gracefully lingering here and there, memorizing Daniel’s 

“This hotel is not up to our usual standards. The sheets are scratchy, there is 
a stale smell here. What was I thinking picking this ragged place?” 

Daniel laughed softly. “If you must experience all things, Motel 6 is hardly 
the worst of them.” The hand against his stomach snaked under his cotton shirt. 
The skin against his flesh made him shiver. It was delicious, toxic, addicting. 

“My apologies then, I will find us better lodgings this very evening.” This 
came as no surprise to Daniel. He’d noticed that Armand paid utterly no 
attention to how much things cost. His resources seemed infinite, and money 
meant nothing to him. Once he had seen Armand tip a busboy a hundred dollars 
without a backwards glance. Did he know he’d done that? He must have. Armand 
did everything with intention. 

“But you are tired Daniel, you must sleep now. I would stay with you, if you’ll 
allow it.” 

“You are asking my permission? This I cannot believe.” 

“You would have me go then?” Armand brought his leg over Daniel’s, pressed into 
him, testing the intimacy. 

“Of course not, stay, I’m glad you’re here.” He placed a kiss on top of 
Armand’s head, squeezed his waist, and lay back, hardly believing this was 
possible. He would get to rest this evening? Beloved demon in his arms? No 
ballets, operas, or theatre tickets? Delightful. 

“Daniel, I would like to give you a dream to fall asleep to. Anything you wish. 
If you could fall asleep with any dream, what would it be?” 

Daniel never ceased to be amazed by Armand’s extensive powers. So he could 
guide dreams too? He found himself accepting this easily, and began to ponder 
the question put forth to him. How to choose a dream, anything? 

“Dancing then, in the arms of a lover.” It was simple, it was elegant. 

Armand lifted his head again, gazing down at Daniel, and spoke to him slowly, 
without words, 
*You always surprise me, but excellent choice, and would you take a man or a 
woman for this dance? 

“You, Armand, make it you.” 

With that remark Armand kissed him irresistibly upon the neck, tightened his 
arms about Daniel’s body and pulled him onto his side. Chest against chest, 
legs intertwined, no space between them, and Daniel was overwhelmed. Armand 
pressed his thigh between Daniel’s legs, against his groin, causing him to gasp 
sharply. Armand’s eyes locked onto his, with a devilish grin, and Daniel felt 
himself being drawn into a vision. *Close your eyes, Daniel, rest now. And so 
he did. 


It was a lavish ballroom, with enormously tall ceilings, and luxurious marble 
floors. Columns rose up all around him, and music swelled in the background. 
Classics, Mozart, violins. Everyone was outfitted in the formal attire of 
another century. Hundreds of years ago, perhaps, this fashion was the rage. 
Ladies circling in long flowing gowns of heavily embroidered silks. There was a 
woman in his arms, gazing up at him through pretty blue eyes. Her long brown 
hair in plaits, curling tendrils falling around her delicate face. She smiled. 
He swept her along the dance floor gracefully, but where was Armand? 

He felt his gaze drawn up towards a second story. A hall surrounded the 
ballroom from on high. One could look down at all the dancers from this grand 
balcony, it would be a splendid view. And there stood Armand, watching him, 
beckoning him to come with a barely noticeable gesture from his long slender 
fingers. At the end of the dance, Daniel excused himself from his lovely 
partner with a kiss to the back of her hand, and left her vibrant company to be 
with death, his demon that awaited above. 

Daniel took his time climbing the wide marble staircase, his hand on the smooth 
stone railing, anticipating the fiend that would enfold him in his arms. 

Armand stood waiting for him, clad in an elegant suit of black wool, lips 
forming a sly smile. One arm reached out for Daniel, and he was drawn to it 
instantly, taking Armand’s hand. *A dance then, Monseur?, the precise voice 
sounded in his head, the smile never leaving the creature’s lips. 

Armand drew him away from the ledge, and the prying eyes of other dancers, into 
the shadows near the wall, in private. Daniel took him in his arms, and lead 
the dance. Armand was light on his feet, and delicate in Daniel’s embrace, not 
the living stone he’d become accustomed to, but soft warm flesh. Daniel sighed 
into Armand’s ear and clutched him tightly. Armand did not resist this 
closeness, he melted into it, allowing himself to be guided in the dance 

The musicians played on as Armand took the lead, pushing Daniel gently against 
the wall, trapping him there, stopping the motion. Taking his face in both 
hands, Armand stood on his toes a pressed his lips firmly on Daniel’s. This new 
development caught Daniel by surprise. He felt his eyes mist over and closed 
them. He was responding to Armand’s kisses, pressing his fingers into Armand’s 
back, drawing him closer. *Yes, this, want this... you. Daniel could not think 
clearly, and it did not matter. All that mattered was this closeness, these 
lips, that face, those hands, it was encompassing. Total. 

*And so you shall have me. The words exploded in his mind, welcome and 

Hands left his face, the skin on his cheeks immediately felt abandoned, but the 
hands were moving slowly to his chest now, undoing each button one by one, not 
rushing, no hurry. Armand pushed his shirt and coat off his shoulder and to the 
ground with one graceful motion, placing his arms around Daniel’s neck, leaning 
against him heart beat to heart beat. Daniel’s was racing, but Armand’s 
presence was calm and steadily determined. 

*Daniel, you are exquisite. How have I waited this long? How much longer shall 
I wait before I have you? 

He could not respond, couldn’t formulate words, his thoughts fluid and 
dreamlike in Armand’s embrace. He broke off with the kiss, and they stood, 
locked into each other’s eyes, Armand let his hands fall to Daniel’s hips, 
lingering there for a moment before languidly undoing his belt buckle, buttons, 
and zipper. Devilish, his eyes on Daniel’s, as he pushed those trousers to the 
floor, following them in their descent, settling on his knees between Daniel’s 
legs bringing an expression of shock to Daniel’s face, who could not believe 
what was surely about to happen. Armand’s hands firmly on his hips again, 
silent words, *Breath Daniel. Lips on his thigh, could he really stay standing 
through this sensual torture? *Relax and savor it, quiet your mind. 

Armand placed a playful bite on Daniel’s thigh, drawing no blood, only a gasp 
from his object of devotion. Daniel’s lips parted, he closed his eyes and felt 
his lover’s warm mouth enclose him. He moaned loudly, having forgotten the 
presence of the other dancers, perhaps they were all gone now. Moist, soft, 
tantalizing lips working him gently, slowly. He could hardly stand, clenching 
his hands, searching for something to hold onto, to ground him in this moment, 
but there was nothing. He was utterly lost, giving in completely to the skilled 
mouth that worked at him. Armand moved his hands to cradle his perfectly 
rounded ass, pulling Daniel deeply into him. *Don’t hold back, I want it, 
Armand was telling him. The motion was relentless, desire was cresting. Armand 
quickened his pace expectantly, and Daniel’s entire body tensed, shivered, 
anticipating the release which came in a torrent from the depth of his being. 

Daniel could not contain the moan that followed, pumping into Armand’s 
succulent mouth. Wave after wave enfolded them, incalculable pleasure, Daniel 
almost fell, but Armand caught him up, rising from his knees to hold Daniel 
gently in his strong arms. Daniel collapsed into him, his face resting in the 
crook of Armand’s neck, his breathing heavy he kissed the tender flesh of his 
shoulder, licked his neck, kissed him there too. Regaining his balance, he 
stood on his own, taking Armand’s face in his hands kissing him and kissing him 
and kissing him... 


Armand held Daniel in his sleep and kissed him carefully, softly, so as not to 
wake him up. He felt the warm sticky presence of Daniel’s cum against his 
abdomen, but he didn’t mind. He closed his eyes and drifted off with his mortal 
paramour, contented to sleep in his arms for a few hours before escaping from 
the dawn. 

Before he left, he wrote this note, 

Darling Daniel, 

My apologies for the mess in the bed, but it was well worth it, yes? I hope you 
remember all, as I have remembered it already in my mind a hundred times. I 
cannot resist you, dearest. Until tomorrow evening, at the Sheraton, you’ll 
find a room reserved in your name, 



thoughts, comments, dirty jokes?
The Site I got it from in case you want to read more:

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