Truth and Consequences
Disclaimers: Don't own these vampires, Anne Rice does. I make no money off of 
Spoilers: Queen of the Damned
Warnings: Adult situations, slash
Lestat sighed impatiently as he paced the room. The house was empty and he was 
alone, and anybody who knew Lestat knew that he hated being alone. David was 
out of the country, exploring the Amazon with Maharet and Jesse again. Lestat 
shook his head as the thought of the three of them, doing nothing but searching 
and discussing, like a bunch of old scientists. Poor Jesse! Even Louis could 
become impatient with their endless cataloging.
And where is he? Lestat thought with a growl. He should have been here sooner. 
It's almost been an hour, and that storm isn't getting any lighter. There was a 
crash of thunder so close to the house that he jumped. He glanced at the door 
again, debating whether to stay inside or go find Louis. After awhile his worry 
got the better of him and he headed for the door.
He was about to turn the knob but the door swung open before he could reach it. 
Louis stood in front of him, entirely soaked. His ragged shirt stuck to his 
skin, his ripped and faded jeans now looked dark blue again. His dark coat 
dripped rainwater. Leaves stuck out of his hair and clothes.
"Goodness, Louis," Lestat started to laugh as he dragged his fledgling inside, 
"what did you do, roll around in a pile of leaves?"
Louis closed the door behind himself with a sheepish smile. "You are nearly 
right. I slipped in a puddle and fell into someone's yard. It is autumn, after 
Lestat grinned. "And, of course, all those leaves just happen to stick to you. 
Louis, you look as if you have been tarred and feathered!" Louis made a move to 
pass by him, but Lestat caught his arm and drew him round again.
"Lestat, please, I need to take a bath," he protested, "these leaves are 
The brat prince didn't let him go. Instead he reached up and began to brush the 
leaves away, using them as an excuse to run his fingers through his lover's 
hair. Louis hardly seemed to mind. He closed his eyes, enjoying his lover's 
touch. Once Lestat was finished, he looked Louis over.
"Those clothes will just have to go," he whispered, gently sliding Louis' coat 
down his shoulders and halfway down his arms, and then pulling it taut in his 
hand. Louis' eyes widened in surprise. He was always taken back by Lestat's 
sheer strength. The cloth held tight, making sure Louis couldn't raise his 
Keeping his lover's arms pinned down like that, Lestat leaned forward and 
softly kissed his face and throat, relishing the cold skin. Louis held still 
for it, tilting his head to accommodate his maker. He did not try to pull away, 
knowing any effort to escape would be futile, and besides, that would ruin this 
wonderful moment.
Lestat used his free hand to graze Louis' soft skin, tracing lines over his 
eyes and lips. He tangled his fingers in Louis' hair and gently pulled his head 
back, exposing his throat. Lestat nuzzled his lover's throat with his fangs, 
then made a tiny scratch along the silky skin and lapped up the stray blood as 
Louis groaned in ecstasy. After what seemed like hours, Lestat let the coat 
drop to the floor and began to unbutton Louis' shirt with his teeth, taking his 
time. Louis breathed in sharply as Lestat undid the buttons and lightly kissed 
each inch of revealed skin, holding his breath until the shirt was open. 
Finally Lestat, kneeling down, peeled the wet cloth off of his fledgling. 
"Do you mind if I destroy your jeans? I know you've only worn them for a 
month," he teased gently.
"Whatever you want," Louis said, his hands coming up to rest on Lestat's 
shoulders. Having Lestat on his knees in front of him, no matter what the 
reason, always made him happy.
There was a sound of fabric tearing, and then Louis was left without anything 
in front of Lestat. It was only then that he noticed that the room was darker 
than usual. He peered around and saw that the only light was coming from the 
fireplace, and in front of the fire were several pillows and...
"Lestat, did you go hunting?" he asked playfully, spotting the huge bear rug on 
the floor.
"Oh, the hunt hasn't even begun," his lover laughed, pulling Louis up into his 
arms. "Although it is always more fun when the prey gives himself up."
"And what says I've given myself up?"
Lestat lay Louis down on the bear rug and eased a large pillow beneath his 
head. Once Louis was taken care of, he lay down beside him. Louis set himself 
to removing Lestat's clothes, but he had only opened his shirt when Lestat gave 
him a long kiss and his answer.
"The fact that I am utterly irresistible," Lestat grinned.
Louis tried not to laugh and failed. "And royalty, never forget! I never could 
resist a prince."
Lestat leaned over him, pinning his shoulders down. Louis could not help but 
sigh in delight as he was pressed into the soft fur. Even though he could tell 
it was imitation fur, each strand felt wonderful against his skin, better than 
a real bear's skin. Finally he managed to undo Lestat's pants, thankful that 
his lover wasn't wearing any shoes, but Lestat stopped him again with another 
kiss. Louis realized that he really was the submissive tonight. He was 
completely naked and vulnerable while Lestat was still mostly clothed. The feel 
of Lestat's hard body beneath the silky shirt was almost too much to bear. He 
looked up at Lestat, bright yellow hair framing two perfect sapphire eyes.
"You are gorgeous," he whispered.
"You've only just realized that?" Lestat smiled, coming down to kiss him. "I'll 
be more than gorgeous tonight, love, I promise." He gazed deep into Louis' 
eyes, making his fledgling blush from the attention. "That's the reason I chose 
you in the first place, Beautiful One."
"And what is that?"
"Your eyes, your emerald eyes. They're simply magical."
"That's what you noticed first about me?"
"Well, that and your hair. And your body, the way it just seems to glide across 
a room." Lestat brushed his hand across Louis' cheek, holding his face for a 
moment. Louis sighed happily and leaned into his hand, enjoying the way 
Lestat's fingers ran over his skin. After a few seconds Lestat began to explore 
his fledgling's body, finding every extremely sensitive spot, knowing where 
they all were. Over the inside of his thighs, his stomach and chest, then his 
fledgling's lips.
"You mean you didn't love me for my mind?" Louis asked, tangling his fingers in 
Lestat's hair and pulling his head down to his. When they were done kissing, 
Lestat leaned back and grinned wickedly.
"Of course not, not until much later," he teased. "I couldn't think clearly 
around you. All I could do was see how beautiful you were on the outside. I 
didn't realize how similar you are on the inside."
Louis smiled back. "Lestat, sometimes you can be so sweet."
"Only for you, ma chere." With that Lestat began to smother Louis' face in 
butterfly kisses, and then moved down his throat and farther. "Only for you." 
Lestat's left hand found its way to Louis' side, just beneath his ribs, and 
gave it a gentle squeeze. His right hand went farther down, grabbing hold of 
the soft flesh just above and behind his thighs. Surprised, Louis bucked 
involuntarily beneath him, a small moan escaping his lips.
"Lestat..." he whispered softly, as if it was a prayer. In return, Lestat 
slipped an arm beneath Louis and pulled him up effortlessly. Louis sighed in 
blissful resignation, knowing he was helpless and not worried a bit. Lestat 
played his lover like a musical instrument, knowing exactly what chords to 
strike. It only took a soft brush of his fingertips across Louis' chest to 
drive his fledgling into fits of delirious ecstasy, and Lestat's full efforts 
could render Louis completely senseless. After a few moments Louis' head 
slipped back and his arms fell aside as his entire body went limp. Lestat 
smiled at his fledgling's reaction, setting him back down on the rug. To have 
someone so willing and yet so defenseless at the same time was the most perfect 
thing Lestat could ever hope for.
Louis relaxed as Lestat caressed him, knowing that the brat preferred him to 
submit passively once he was on his back. The fur beneath him was so soft that 
he felt as if he were laying on a cloud. The fire was warm, and Lestat had his 
arms around him. He sighed in delight and lay his head back on the pillow, 
closing his eyes.
He thought he had only closed his eyes for a moment, but then he felt a gentle 
hand on his face, one finger tracing the path of his lips. Another hand lay 
possessively on his chest.
"Wake up, Louis," Lestat whispered to him. "Come back to me."
"What?" Louis blinked his eyes. "I must have drifted off."
"Indeed. I didn't think I was boring," Lestat sighed, "but seeing as how I put 
you to sleep..."
"No," Louis smiled, reaching up to pull Lestat down so that their faces were 
only inches away. "I am warm and comfortable, I have just fed and I am in the 
arms of one of the most powerful creatures on earth, and he loves me. Can I 
help it if I relaxed a little too much?"
"Well, when you put it that way," Lestat kissed him again, then finally decided 
to totally disrobe, slipping off his pants and shirt and teasing Louis by 
covering his fledgling's eyes with one hand. "My poor little Louis, you're 
still so cold. The rain must be frozen outside." He gathered his lover up into 
his arms and held him against his body, right in the fire light. As the wood 
popped comfortingly, Louis reached up to stroke Lestat's face.
"My blonde demon," he sighed, leaning closer to him. "You're so warm."
The shadows played over Lestat's face, the fire's reflection dancing in his 
eyes. His hair looked absolutely golden in its light.
"Are you happy?" Lestat suddenly asked.
"Yes," Louis answered, not sure what he meant.
"Good. That's all that matters."
Louis looked up and was surprised to see Lestat's eyes staring intently down on 
"But what about you?" he asked. "What about your happiness?"
"You are my world," he answered, "my life and love. If you're happy, then I am 
as well. I exist only for you."
"You've come a long way from trying to make me a slave," Louis smiled.
"No, it's just the other way around," Lestat whispered, brushing Louis' cheek 
with his hand. "I'm you're slave, always have been and always will be. Your 
eternal property. You can make me do anything."
"Yes, Beautiful One?"
"I love you."
Lestat smiled. "And I you. I love you more than life itself."
Louis almost cried when he heard that. It was so rare when Lestat confessed his 
love. The room was silent for several minutes.
"You would you?"
Louis reached up to hold Lestat against his own body, smiling when Lestat 
returned his embrace. He could hear the fear in his maker's voice. "I will 
never leave you, Lestat. I swear I will always be by your side for all 
eternity. Although..."
Lestat's grip tightened. "Although?"
"Although it would be nice if you didn't hit me so often or call me names," 
Louis admitted.
They both lay back down on the fur, staring into eachother's eyes.
"I will try," Lestat promised, "but it is hard for me. I get so angry and 
you're the closest person...I'm sorry, Louis, you have to be patient with me."
"I know you can't change overnight," Louis told him, "but if this is any 
indication, you are certainly getting more romantic. And less self-centered, as 
"How so?"
"No Vampire Lestat music playing," Louis smiled.
"Well, that wouldn't be very romantic, now, would it?"
"I wouldn't be able to handle it."
Louis draped his arm over Lestat's shoulders. "Your voice coming from two 
places at once? I would die of pleasure."
Lestat laughed and pulled Louis closer. "You're such a sweet talker, Louis."
They lay together for a long time, just enjoying the other's presence in the 
darkness. Outside the storm howled, but inside, everything was peaceful. Louis 
lay his head against Lestat's shoulder, his dark hair mixing with Lestat's gold.
"May I ask you a question?"
"Of course, chere."
"It is about our past," Louis said warningly.
There was a brief pause, but Lestat nodded. 
"In the beginning, when we lived here first, why were you so...?" He couldn't 
finish the sentence for fear of hurting Lestat's feelings.
"Cold?" Lestat finished for him. "Cruel, callous and unkind?"
Louis nodded. A minute passed as Lestat thought up a suitable answer.
"I was afraid."
"Of what?"
"I was afraid that you would leave, afraid that you would leave me all alone. I 
was terrified that you would run away, so I was harsh, punishing every move 
toward independence that you made. I thought that I could scare you into 
obedience, so I turned in your jailer. To keep you from leaving."
"But that is precisely why it happened," Louis argued gently.
"I know that now," Lestat said sarcastically. "But I didn't then. I didn't know 
how else to act. I...I thought it was normal."
"Normal?" Louis asked in surprise. "You thought all of what you did was normal?"
"It was the only way I'd ever lived with anyone else, the only way I'd been 
treated," Lestat admitted. "So strange. I loved both of you so much and 
yet...It was a nightmare when you left me. I had no one to turn to."
Louis ran his fingers through Lestat's hair, pulling him closer for a deep kiss 
that lasted several seconds. When he drew back, he brushed his lover's cheek. 
"My poor Lestat. You are so strong that I sometimes forget you are just a hurt, 
masterless fledgling."
Lestat nodded sadly. "No one to teach me anything. Louis, it is a hell to be 
alone. You know that from your mortal days. When I met you, all I knew was my 
life with a cruel family, a lonely death and my loss of Nikki."
Louis noticed a thick blanket beside him and drew it up over their shoulders. 
"So I have about two hundred years of abuse to undo in my lover? Quite a task."
"You're already succeeding in it," Lestat smiled. "Just look at how gentle I 
"Yes, my lion in sheep's clothing," Louis joked. "A brat trying to be Don Juan."
Lestat suddenly grabbed Louis' wrists and rose up over him, holding his hands 
down on the rug. "Louis, if you insist on calling me names, I'm afraid you're 
going to have to take the consequences."
Completely unafraid of the powerful creature looming over him, Louis couldn't 
help smiling. "Oh, no, anything but that." He opened his mouth to say something 
else but instead found Lestat's lips planted firmly on his. When it was finally 
over several seconds later, Lestat gently nipped at Louis' lower lip, sucking 
up the few drops of blood that slipped out. Louis moaned beneath him, his hands 
useless on the rug. He shut his eyes, enjoying the feel of Lestat's body on top 
of his. Soon Lestat pulled away and leaned back, releasing his lover's hands. 
Drunk on his maker, Louis smiled up at him. "Lestat, it is so wonderful when 
you're playful without being painful."
"And when have I hurt you in the name of fun?" 
"When you drag me to one of your noisy disco clubs, or when you carry me across 
the country just to hear a new band you've become infatuated with."
Lestat gave a mock hurt expression. "Well, excuse me for including you in my 
life. I just don't want you becoming as dusty as your books. You'd never leave 
the house if I didn't take you somewhere."
"And what is wrong with spending quiet evenings at home?" Louis countered.
"Nothing, if you don't do it every night. And if you do it correctly. After 
all," he leaned down and nuzzled Louis' neck with his lips, "this isn't so bad, 
is it?"
"Well, it's not bad, but I've had better..."
"Oh, we'll see about that..."
As Lestat kissed him, Louis thought that he heard a strange murmuring just 
beside his head. But the only thing there was...
"Lestat, I think you're purring!"
Lestat looked down crossly at him. "Louis, I am not a cat, despite my namesake."
"But I can still..." Louis lay his hand on Lestat's chest and felt a low rumble 
beneath his palm. "Lestat, you are purring! That is so adorable!" 
Lestat gently removed Louis' hand and caressed his fledgling's face. "The 
Vampire Lestat is stunning and gorgeous, but he is not feline, Louis. I am 
"Yes, you are," Louis smiled, laughing lightly. He pulled Lestat closer on top 
of his body. The rumbling was wonderfully comforting. He narrowed his eyes. "Or 
am I right in saying that I do not whimper every time you finish me off?"
Lestat sighed. "You do whimper, chere," he argued, falling back into his 
familiar argument.
"And you purr!" Louis rolled on top of Lestat when his maker let him, kissing 
his face repeatedly. "I think it's sounds wonderful."
"Bestial," Lestat muttered.
"Oh, my beautiful prince, my darling Lioncourt..." Louis smiled, settling his 
head down on Lestat's chest. The purring noise was dying down, but laying this 
close to his lover felt good enough. "I love you."
"And I love you, Louis." Lestat put his arm over Louis and forced him to the 
left, where he quickly rose over him, straddling his fledgling's hips with his 
own and leaning down ominously. "I will never let you go willingly, even if you 
insist on calling me names and saying I purr when I don't."
"I promise the same," Louis sighed, "even if you insist on saying I whimper 
when I climax."
"Either way," Lestat grinned, sitting up a little, "it isn't terrible, is it?"
The blanket slid down over their waists, and a soft wind blew over Louis. The 
chill was enough to let him know that he didn't like it, but he knew there was 
a way to warm up quickly. He reached an arm up around Lestat's body. "No, it 
isn't. Now, where are those consequences you were talking about?"

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