Reckless Actions and Violent Consequences
Warning: None
Disclaimer: Vamps belong to Anne Rice, not me. I make no money from this.
Spoilers: Queen of the Damned
Daniel stared forlornly at the bedroom door and heaved a sigh. He didn't want 
to go in. The punishment would probably be unbearable, and it wasn't really his 
fault anyway. Armand had given him permission to take out a hundred thousand 
dollars to have some fun on the island, was it really his fault if he got 
carried away and added one extra zero to the check by accident? He hadn't meant 
to spend it all in one place, either, but a vampire is always naturally 
attracted to shiny lights and sparkly signs, so was it really that surprising 
that he'd been lured into the first casino he'd come across? And it wasn't his 
fault that he'd let it all ride on twenty-six red, but just try telling that to 
"Just walk in and explain," he whispered, steeling himself for the worst. 
"It'll be all right. You can always call Marius if something bad happens."
He put his hand on the knob, but it turned by itself and the door opened to 
reveal Armand sitting across the small sofa, arms folded and head down as if he 
were asleep. No such luck, though.
"So, you're home. Took you long enough," Armand said.
Daniel smiled sheepishly and closed the door behind him. "Um, hi boss. Sorry 
'bout that, listen, uh, I gotta tell you something--"
"That a certain fledgling dropped one million on a roulette wheel and let the 
story spread around the entire island?"
"H-how'd you...?" Daniel stuttered.
"It's been on the news for about two hours now." Armand finally turned his head 
to look at Daniel. "I don't recall allowing you to take one million from the 
account. Since when does one hundred thousand equal one million?"
"I...I kinda got carried away."
Daniel shuffled awkwardly and stuck his hands in his pockets. "And the lights 
on the casino were really pretty..."
Armand sighed in exasperation and shook his head. " Good Lord, did I really 
create a fledgling this stupid? I should have waited until you were sober to 
kill you, then you wouldn't have that perpetually drunk attitude all the time."
That hurt. Daniel lowered his head and half turned aside. He hated it when 
Armand belittled him. Furiously he wiped away a tear before he reached back for 
the door. If the little tyrant wanted to abuse him, he would just leave and 
come back when he wasn't so mean.
The knob turned before he could open it, locking them both inside. The lights 
dimmed drastically He turned back toward his maker, who had a wicked smirk on 
his face. Armand adjusted himself so that he would have a better view of his 
"Take your clothes off, boy."
Wondering if he was going to be hurt, Daniel complied, quickly undoing two of 
the buttons on his shirt.
"No, do it slowly," Armand told him. "Don't rush."
As Daniel decreased his pace, he noticed the leather strap Armand held wrapped 
around his left hand. He knew exactly what it was, having been the fortunate 
recipient of its stroke several times.
"Oh, Armand, again with the whips?" Daniel sighed.
"Not a word out of you," Armand said coolly. "You're being punished. This 
display is for my benefit only."
Daniel smiled. "If you say so."
Faster than his eye could follow, there was a dark blur from where Armand sat 
and then a sharp stinging on his cheek. Daniel raised a hand to his face and 
found a thin welt on the soft skin. He looked up at his maker in astonishment.
"Danny, don't stop undressing," Armand gave him warning.
Daniel's hands went immediately back to his clothes, first undoing the buttons 
on his shirt before slipping it off onto the floor, listening to the soft 
rustle as it fell. Then he took off his shoes and socks, placing them by the 
shirt and, after a moment more, his pants.
"Since when does my fledgling go without his boxers?" Armand laughed.
Daniel mind raced in circles. Armand had asked a question he expected answered, 
but Daniel had been told not to say anything. If he answered, he would get 
lashed, and if he didn't, he'd get lashed anyway. He shut his eyes tight and 
clenched his fists.
"Since they get in the way."
He winced as the stroke fell on his body, and when he looked down, there was a 
long, pink line running horizontally over his chest. 
"Silly child," Armand chuckled. "On the bed."
Daniel hesitated a moment, afraid of what might come, and another welt joined 
the one on his chest.
Daniel stepped over the huge, four poster bed and lay down, wondering if this 
would qualify as a good night or a bad night.
Armand wasted no time in pouncing on him, straddling his waist and holding 
Danny's arms down with his legs. Before Danny could cry out in surprise, Armand 
bent and locked down on his throat. Daniel gasped as his blood was drained 
away, leaving him helpless as Armand sat up. With one hand he caressed Daniel's 
face, relishing the pitiful groans that were coming from his fledgling.
"My poor, little fledgling," Armand cooed, standing by the bed so he could lord 
over him. "Can you even sit up now?"
Daniel tried, but his weak arms couldn't even push him up. Armand mercilessly 
pushed his legs apart, exposing him for what Daniel knew what was coming. His 
world spun wildly around, and he felt like he was falling even though he knew 
he was still on the bed. "Armand...Arman'...please...I feel sick..."
The elder laughed sadistically and, after a moment's thought, let his whip 
strike Daniel's bared thigh. Daniel bucked involuntarily, crying out with the 
sudden pain. "Armand, please! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disobey--!"
Armand closed his eyes with a happy sigh. "Ah, I just love it when you beg." He 
struck him again and again, enjoying each scream and moan. "My pretty Danny, 
you belong all to me." He tossed away his whip and lay his hands on the scored 
legs, tracing his fingertips over the hot welts. Daniel couldn't close his 
legs, and he whimpered with every touch and lustful stroke. 
Armand lay his head between Daniel's legs, feeling the soft skin on his cheek. 
His lips curled back and he nipped the closest welt, drawing blood from the 
oversensitive skin, his tongue flickering along the edge. Daniel choked on his 
scream and tried to pull his legs together. Armand felt the muscles begin to 
move, though, so he put his hands on Daniel's knees and pushed his legs even 
wider. He reached over the side of the bed, for the ropes that were always 
attached to the bedframe, and wound one end around Daniel's right knee, holding 
that leg open. He did the same for the other side, so that his fledgling was 
stretched out unbelievably tight. 
The small vampire kissed the skin just above the knee, then softly moved up an 
inch, and then a bit higher, and higher. Daniel groaned as he came closer, 
unable to move as Armand kissed the joints that connected his legs to his body. 
Armand licked his belly, and Daniel shuddered reflexively. His maker placed his 
hands on his sides, tickling him without mercy. Tears slid out of Daniel's eyes 
as he was tortured. Then he felt Armand's fiery mouth on his nipples, sucking 
and biting. Armand chewed on him roughly, never truly hurtful, but certainly 
making sure he had Daniel under his control. 
"Oh, shut up," Armand giggled, biting Daniel's lower lip and drinking the blood 
that flowed out. He reached up while he did, grabbing Daniel's hands and 
pushing them to the top of the bed where he tied them down. Then he leaned back 
to view his handiwork. Daniel looked very nice spread out like this. His body 
was just begging to be raped.
"Ah, my sweet victim," Armand sighed, running his hands over Daniel's body. His 
fledgling shuddered and tried to close his legs, but he only managed a few 
pathetic quivers. Armand's eyes widened. He cupped his hands beneath Daniel's 
bottom, holding him firmly as he squeezed. Then his fingers trailed up the 
inside of Daniel's hips to the soft skin over the joint that joined his thigh 
to his body. He caressed his lover's sides, then bent closer and drove his 
fangs into Daniel's ribs.
"Aaah!" Daniel screamed, trying to scoot away. He only succeeded in pulling his 
legs wider.
Armand narrowed his eyes just short of maliciously, and then dragged his fangs 
over his fledgling's skin, making a long scratch up the side all the way to his 
stomach. Daniel whimpered and gasped, but his cries turned to moans as Armand 
lapped up the spilling blood. Armand dipped his fingers in the flow, then drew 
a heart shape right over Daniel's heart. Then he drew two lines on Daniel's 
face, one above his eyes and one below, with two spots on his cheeks. He lined 
the pale lips in his own blood as a macabre sort of lipstick. Daniel did his 
best to rise a few inches up, managing to put his lips around Armand's finger 
to suck the rest of the blood off. 
"Danny, you're such a darling little masochist," Armand whispered, nipping his 
"Only for you..." Daniel moaned, looking into Armand's eyes.
The smaller vampire laughed and gave Daniel the kiss he so obviously wanted. 
"Will you ever drop any money on a casino again, my love?"
Daniel smiled dreamily. "If it gets me this treatment, sure..."
Armand shook his head wonderingly. "Danny, you are such a glutton for you want me to untie you?"
Daniel shook his head.
"Do you want me to show you any mercy?"
Daniel shook his head.
"What do you want me to do?"
Daniel giggled. "I want you to split me in half. I want you to own me and make 
me beg for mercy, and then screw me even harder."
Armand laughed for a long time, not mocking his fledgling, just happy that 
Danny belonged to him. He lay his hands on Daniel's shoulders and lowered his 
body into position. Daniel held his breath in anticipation, not knowing when it 
would come.
When he finally felt it, his screams turned into harsh moans that lasted for 
several minutes on end. The feeling of his lover inside of him, holding him 
down like a slave, taking him whether he wanted it or not, was the greatest 
gift he could ever ask for. His legs involuntarily tried to close, and now he 
was glad the ropes were around him to keep him subservient to Armand's will. 
Another violent thrust and he nearly passed out, but he forced himself to stay 
awake. He didn't want to miss one second of this.
Armand closed his eyes as he rubbed up against his fledgling, sweat starting to 
build on his forehead. With his smaller size it was difficult to keep this pace 
up, but his strength helped him along greatly. He pulled himself too hard once 
and winced at Daniel's immediate scream, but he smiled as that scream turned 
into a throaty groan. His fledgling loved every bit of this, there was no 
denying it. Armand had to admit this really wasn't any kind of punishment, it 
was just a convenient excuse. It was hard to get around his fear of intimacy, 
controlled by almost five hundred years of terror and pain, but now...he 
smiled. Daniel was a priceless treasure. He was the only one who could draw him 
out of his shell. 
"Pretty lights indeed," he whispered with a suppressed laugh.
"But...they were..." Daniel gasped, trying to breathe.
"I know, my pretty," Armand laughed, kissing him again. "Tomorrow night you and 
I will go to that casino, and I will show you how to win as much as you want."
Armand gave another sharp thrust then, practically impaling his young lover. 
Daniel was caught off guard and wasn't able to scream, but he did cry sadly 
when Armand finally withdrew.
"Again?" he asked in a pleading voice.
Armand merely kissed him again and stood up. "Maybe a little later. I'm going 
to feed. I'll be back in an hour or so."
Daniel tried to look up, squirming frantically in his ropes. "But...hey, wait! 
Don't leave me like this! I can't move!"
Armand smiled and fondled Daniel's body like a piece of meat. "I know. Now 
don't move too much, you'll give yourself rope burns."
"If I do that, will you stay?"
"You impertinent child. I know what you need."
"A disciplinary fuck?"
"Yes, but not right now." Armand went back for Daniel's clothes and tore two 
strips from the already dilapidated jeans, which he brought over to the bed. 
One strip went into Daniel's mouth behind his fangs, and Armand knotted it off 
tight enough to cut into his cheeks. Danny whimpered happily, silently pleading 
with his eyes for Armand to take advantage of him again. His maker just smiled 
and wrapped the other strip of denim over his eyes. Daniel tossed his head 
about, trying to get rid of the jean straps, but Armand's knots were always 
"Now you're truly helpless," Armand chuckled into Daniel's ear. Daniel nodded 
and craned his head back, deliberately exposing his throat. Armand just laughed 
and patted the smooth skin, much to his fledgling's frustration. "No, darling. 
You stay here until I come back, and if you're a good little slave, I'll buy 
the torture museum in the Island's tourist trap and use you try out the 
equipment." With that, he left his fledgling still spread out on the bed, and 
turned off the lights.
The End

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