Hair Part Seven-Michel- Running away from the house on Royal St., Michel was 
afraid that David or Lestat might have followed him. Running around the city in 
circles, Michel made sure that his tracks were covered. Stopping near his hide 
out, Michel listened with his preternatural ears to everything in the area. No 
One. No one had followed him, no one probably cared that he was hiding in some 
little shack in the rough skirts of the city. Fuck them for not caring. Michel 
thought as he punched the wall. Walking inside, he wondered as to why he was 
even bothering with this...For love. He thought angrily. No that’s wrong, he 
was doing this for revenge. He said aloud to himself. Revenge for all the pain 
and humiliation that that man had put him through. He loved Lestat. Always had 
and he knows that Lestat had also loved him. However, he was not important. He 
was just a tool, an instrument to use against Louis. To be used against that 
little bitch. Crying Michel curled into a little ball and lay there remembering 
his past with Lestat and all the promises that the brat prince had said. “If I 
was even a bit important you would have put me in your book.” Getting up, 
Michel wiped his face and walked into the makeshift living room, where there 
were pictures of Lestat in all his glory. However the ones that Michel were 
looking at were the ones of Lestat smiling happily at Louis inside their home 
on Royal St. ……….. Michel had recently arrived to New Orleans and was eagerly 
looking at all the things that had changed since the late 1970’s. As he was 
passing Jackson Square, he felt two strong heartbeats that were of vampires. 
Looking around he felt their presence coming from the church. Walking up the 
steps he heard whispers and felt another presence, which was mortal, talking to 
the two figures at front of the altar. “You are aware that the church does not 
agree with this type of matrimony. Should anyone find out about this I will be 
stripped of my robes and the Church can face detrimental backlash.” The Father 
was explaining to the two men holding hands. “We understand Father. And we are 
more than happy that you have agreed to do this.” The black haired vampire 
replied to the priest. “Well, with the donations that the two of you have given 
this church and all of the New Orleans parishes, I feel that we are more than 
bound to offer something back. And if getting married is what you want, than I 
will grant it.” “Thank you father. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” The blond 
responded enthusiastically. “This truly does mean so much to us.” Looking at 
the black haired the blond lowered his head and sobbed silently at the event 
that was about to occur. “Well, no need to cry as of yet.” The priest comforted 
the blond gentle man. “Lets get started.” The blond dried his tears quickly and 
looked around the church. For a second Michel was afraid that that the blond 
might have seen him hiding at the entrance of the church, but that was not the 
case. The priest picked up the bible and began the mass of matrimony. Though, 
it was an abbreviated version, Michel quickly realized what these two 
blasphemers were doing. He was about to object to this unholy union when the 
priest asked them the most important question of the mass. “Do you Lestat 
Charles Antoine de Lioncourt take Louis here present to be your lawful husband, 
according to the rite of our holy Mother, the Church?” “I do!” Lestat responded 
with a grin on his face and a blood tear running down his cheek as Louis gently 
rubbed it out. “And do you Louis Gabriel Jullien de Pointe du Lac take Lestat 
here present to be your lawful husband, according to the rite of our holy 
Mother, the Church?” “I do!” Louis could no longer contain his tears and cried 
as he responded to the priest. The priest then looked at Lestat and asked him 
to repeat the words. “I, Lestat Charles Antoine de Lioncourt take thee Louis, 
for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, 
for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us 
part.” “I, Louis Gabriel Jullien de Point du Lac take thee Lestat, for my 
lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for 
worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us 
part.” The priest then took out the rings that were in his pocket and blessed 
them for the marriage. “With this ring I thee wed, and promise unto thee my 
faithfulness.” Lestat muttered the sentence as he slipped the ring into Louis’ 
finger. “With this ring I thee wed, and promise unto thee my faithfulness.” 
Louis did the same with trembling hands as he slipped the ring into Lestat’s 
finger. “Then with the power invested in me by God and the Louisiana 
government. I pronounce you to be husband and husband. You may now kiss 
each...” The priest did not even have time to finish as Lestat grabbed hold of 
Louis and kissed him passionately. “I love you Louis.” “I love you too, 
Lestat.” Hugging each other, the two walked up to the priest and signed the 
necessary papers that made their marriage legal. Hugging the priest the two 
thanked him once more and walked down the aisle together. It was at this time 
that Michel had a close view of the newly-weds. Louis, the vampire with black 
hair, was dressed in an all black suit with a white shirt that was contrasted 
with a dark green sash and tie that beautifully matched his eyes. If it were 
not for the blood red roses that were randomly tied in his hair, he would have 
been the obvious groom in the wedding. Lestat in all his extravagant self, was 
wearing a deep navy suit, also with a white shirt and a soft violet coloured 
tie. These made his eyes seem to have a mosaic look of blue, violet, and gray. 
His hair was simply done with nothing special but upon a closer look he had 
jewels in his hair that reflected with the low lights as he unknowingly passed 
by Michel. So we meet again my maker and you do not even notice me. He thought 
to himself as the couple hailed a taxi and got in. Michel looked onward and 
felt an old anger surface up inside of him. An anger that could not be quenched 
with out the loss of those that had hurt him the most. He felt a hand on his 
shoulder and turned around to face the priest. “Are you a friend of the 
couple?” “Yes, very old friend.” He replied coldly and backed the priest into 
the confessional box where he drained him completely. Walking out of the 
church, Michel knew that the couple would be away for a while, which would give 
him a chance to develop a plan for his revenge. “Like the priest said...’till 
death do you part.” Michel smiled and walked down the street. “And with death I 
will keep you both apart.” Michel began developing the best way to kill the two 
lovebirds with one stone.  Part Eight-Louis- I awoke the next night feeling 
Lestat crying softly beside me. He always went into these mood swings of crying 
towards himself, that I did not wish to disturb his ‘me-time.’ When he finally 
quieted down, I reached down and touched his hair. I had always loved it. When 
I was mortal that had been the first thing that I noticed about him. Well, that 
and his eyes. However, the eyes are another story. The hair, though, was always 
soft and shinning with brilliance that mirrored the sun itself. My beautiful 
Phoebus. Why do clouds always try to cover your light. I thought as I soothed 
the hair away from his face. “Louis I didn’t know that you were awake.” Lestat 
turned around and wiped the tears from his face. The knowledge that his 
fledglings were fighting a deadly battle to conquer his attention was not 
resting easy with Lestat. I could see it in his eyes. He touched my hair and 
face looking into my eyes to assure that I was truly getting better. “You had 
me worried love.” He said at last. “Do you actually think that I would ever 
leave you?” “No…For whom would I have to constantly nag me about cleaning my 
room.” “There are many that would trade with me. To have what I have.” I 
reached out to touch Lestat’s face and caress it gently. “Louis, he will pay 
for what he has done.” “What does he have to pay for, which he has not already 
suffered for?” I sat up and steadied my self. Since I had lain in bed for the 
past few nights recovering, my body was still weak. “Are you saying that it is 
my fault.” Lestat raised his voice, which at the same time caused great pain 
inside my head. Seeing the pain on my face he leaned towards me and apologized 
for raising his voice. Leaning against his body I explained, “Yes and no 
Lestat. You gave him the Dark Gift promising that you would be together always, 
yet you left him as soon as you could to go after us in Paris. You promised 
that you would always be there for him, yet you let him down. Leaving him alone 
to take care of himself. I also would not be surprised if you said that you 
would always love him. Only to turn to others for that love.” Looking at 
Lestat’s pained expression I knew that I was right. “What person, be it vampire 
or mortal, would not want to hurt that person back the same way that they were 
hurt.” Looking down and letting me go, Lestat walked to the window. “Did he 
communicate with you?” “No I just know these things.” “How?” “For I too have 
been in that position and know how it feels to be left for another.” “Don’t 
bring David into this.” “Who ever said I was talking about David.” “So now it’s 
about Claudia…Really Louis it was she and I that were constantly fighting over 
you.” “That was not the case in the beginning.” “What in the devil do you 
mean.” “You may have got her to keep me by your side, but you soon fell in love 
with her and did anything and everything you could to keep her happy and if 
that meant belittling me or putting me off as some commodity for yourself you 
did it.” With the final words I felt a sharp hand hit the side of my face. 
Hitting the nearest wall, the world turned into black space.  Part Nine*---* 
Means telepathic communication -Lestat- “Lestat how dare you!” David yelled as 
he picked Louis up. “He’s still recovering and you hit him like that.” “Lestat, 
what happened?” “Nothing Marius. Absolutely nothing.” I replied and calmed my 
voice. I had lost control again and my poor Louis was once more the recipient 
of that out burst. “Then why is he unconscious Lestat?” Armand entered the room 
furious at what I had done. *How much regard do you have for the people you 
love?* Armand silently asked me. “Seems like none.” I shoved Armand hard so 
that he fell onto the floor. “I’m going out.” I said without looking back. 
Picking up my jacket I stepped outside to feel the cool air hit my face. It was 
still early and there were numerous tourists walking this way and that, looking 
for places to eat and talk. I really had no direction to go to. I just let my 
feet go where they pleased and thought of what Louis had said. He was right. I 
had said those things to Michel and the poor fellow had believed everything 
that I had said. Everything that should have been said to Louis, I said it to 
him. Everything that I should have done with Louis, I did it with him. God, 
what kind of monster am I? To hit Louis in this fragile state is abdominal. Why 
can’t anything just be perfect and happy for once in my life. Why do I always 
have to suffer? Tripping over a large stone I fall on my face and onto the 
grass. Murmuring a few obscene words I get up and look around and realize that 
I am in the middle of Louis Armstrong’s park. I prepare to leave but sense 
another vampire close by. Looking around I try to read it’s mind but am unable 
to penetrate it, which could only mean one thing. It is one of my own. Louis 
and David it could not be, and my mother was still in the wilds with Pandora. 
Which left Michel as the only possible suspect. If I shouted or moved in his 
direction, he will probably run away from me. However, if I let him follow then 
I might be able to trap this little upstart. Walking towards the river, I 
continue to sense him following me. Slowing down my steps I make sure that he 
is within ten feet before I turn back and come up behind him. Pinning him 
against the wall, the poor fellow did not even know what hit him. Screaming in 
pain he closed his eyes and prepared for my punishment. However, I didn’t want 
to get to that as of yet.  

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