King Vladislas

King Vladislas is the vampire king appearing in the film Subspecies.
Centuries ago the vampires of Prejnar, Romania were given land on which they 
could live in peace with the mortal world. These vampires were led by King 
Vladislas. At some point this king was given a holy relic, the Bloodstone, 
which drips the blood of saints. With this object he was able to feed his 
subjects. To protect the Bloodstone a secret panel has been built in the castle 
At some point King Vladislas was put under the spell of an evil sorceress who 
desired a child. This child was Radu Vladislas and all his mother evil was 
passed on to him. When he finally overcame her spell he banished her from his 
kingdom. In time the king met a mortal woman. She gave birth to Stefan, who 
like his father appreciates the value of life. The mother died under unknown 
By the year 1991 the king has become weak with age and intends to give his 
kingdom as well as his treeasured Bloodstone, to his son stefan. Knowing this 
Radu stabs a blade into his gut and claims the stone for himself. After his 
death he is simply left where he fell until Stefan finds him several days later.

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