I thought you would be interested in the following information.  I have a recipe book by  Sally Fallon called Nourishing Traditions.  I first heard of Fallon in an answer to a prayer regarding the dangers of soy. Which led me to the web site www.westonaprice.org.
 If you are interested in the book/recipe book it is available at

On page 144-5   Cilantro
  Cilantro is a hardy annual herb (Coriandrum sativum) that produces two products- one is the coriander seed, a spice valued in both cooking and medicine; the other is the leaves, known in America by the plant's Spanish name, Cilantro...
  ...Cilantro leaves are rich in calcium, iron, carotenes and vitamin C.  It is the seed that is most often mentioned in ancient medical treatises, but recently the leaves have become a source of great interest to holistic practitioners.  A Japanese investigator, Yoshiaki Omura, has made the revolutionary discovery that cilantro can mobilize mercury and other toxic metals from the central nervous system if large enough amounts are consumed daily.  This makes it very useful to individuals who are attempting to detoxify after the removal of mercury fillings, as detoxification of  more peripheral tissues is a relatively straight forward matter; but mercury in the central nervous systems is recalcitrant and can remained lodged there permanently.  Cilantro is the first known substance that stimulates the body to remove mercury and other toxic metals from the central nervous system and excrete them via the stool or urine.  Dried cilantro does not work, which implies that the active principle is an aromatic substance (that soapy taste?)in the fat-soluble portion of the leaves.  The heavy metal detox capabilities of cilantro should also make it of great use in the treatment of depression, Alzheimer's disease, lack of concentration, and related disorders.
This would be good for people who eat alot of fish and have had vaccinations.  Vaccines contain mercury and are dangerous.

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