This is an article that was posted on the power hour mailing list a while back.  It answers the question brought up on the program today about the members of congress being socialists.  The website is no longer available.  But if you do a search on dsausa go into the cached pages

Subject: Socialism is identical, for all practical purposes, with communism

They are identical  in that their only difference  is the speed with which
they accomplish their identical goals. Socialism is incremental and chooses
to lurk, study and lure in a most deceptive way, while communism just takes
over suddenly.  Communism could not be the method used in the US because of
Patriots who would have fought back and WON in the face of such a sudden
take over.  Communists, however, quietly  infiltrated our government very
early on and slowed their pace. Now,  Socialism took its own time and
studied our people and the American way of life since the mid 1800's. At
the turn of the 19th century into the 20th, the Ivy League College educated
"Experts"  discovered from their human rat study  that our beliefs
about  freedom originated from a "higher power" and of course they had to
figure out a way to destroy this "Western Culture" slowly over whatever
amount of  time it would take.   The goal of communism and socialism, then,
is the same -  and that is complete control of people's bodies,  minds,
lives and souls.  Another interchangeable term that can be used  for
communism and socialism, Marxism, etc.  is Satanism.

- After all, Satan is behind the whole thing and these are his tools.

Our government is now fully inundated with Communists/Socialists who no
longer hide their Satanic party affiliations.  The majority of the House,
Senate, and other branches of government at all levels, state and local,
and even our neighborhoods, schools, churches are chock FULL of people who
call themselves Americans, but are really aligned with the Democratic
Socialists of America .  Some of them will drop the
Socialist name and only use the term Democrat, some use Social
Democrat.  Today, some prefer to hide under other party affiliations such
as Republican or even Libertarian, Green, they're everywhere.  But the
mission and purpose, no matter what the label,  are on both sides of the
same evil coin.

Communism/Socialism and a plethora of others holding the same doctrine are
in dire need of destroying the Christian religion because, people who get
their RIGHTS from God keep interfering with their goals!   People who
believe in God don't believe that the Government is GOD. This poses a
problem, so the goal is to OUTNUMBER us by dumbing down and changing the
values, morals and even the language of this country so that there will be
NO IDENTIFIABLE AMERICAN CULTURE.  Removing borders, militarizing our
police, terror, TV, rules, laws, more laws, fines, taxes,  etc. all the
last stages of their "peaceful" means to take us down.

Now that we are in the acceleration mode, they are just about ready to
completely enslave us and then  reveal who is REALLY behind all of
this.  So let's get ready!  What a difference it will make in knowing the
TRUTH during  the terrible days to come!

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