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This is Sierra Times Special Report
THU 10.17.02 18:15 Sierra Time

We believe we have several issues developing around the county - all *possibly*
involving the sniper mess. There have been three unexplained shootings in the Long
Island, New York Area, and two in near Columbus, Ohio.

Have there been any unexplained shootings in your news coverage area?
(please supply URL's to the story if there are any)

You can write to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also: HEADS UP MARYLAND (and NO. VA)- We have received information from several 
sources in the Maryland area that
certain gun owners are being contacted by persons
claiming to be from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms asking (read: 
demanding) to "borrow" firearms for
ballistic fingerprinting as part of the DC sniper investigation. Those that do not 
comply are threatened with a visit
from the folks sporting the basic black dress code.

At least 5000 weapons have been 'voluntarily' surrendered in Maryland and Northern 
Virginia to

We suspect those that comply will be engaging in a voluntary firearm confiscation 
program in the Maryland/DC area. If
you have received this call, please consult legal counsel *immediately*, and send a 
notice to this the following e-mail


We also suggest the following:
(from Gary Marbut)

Authentication of and response to phone inquiries from alleged BATF or FBI agents in 
re firearm possession:

1.  Ask for name, agency identification number (every agency uses something, badge 
number, etc), and telephone number.
If they won't give them, tell the caller to have his supervisor call and hang up.

2.   Once you get the identity data, tell the caller you will verify their identity 
with the 911 operator.  Then call
911 (all calls are recorded) and report the incident asking them to verify that the 
caller is not a hoaxer or to notify
the appropriate agency if it is a hoax.

2.   If the caller's bona fides are verified by the 911 operator, you can decide 
whether or not to contact an attorney.
If you do, he or she (not you, the client) will most likely call the agent back and 
say you'll be happy to respond to a
valid subpoena or warrant but not to participate in
this fishing expedition.   On the other hand, if you decide to let them see/test your 
firearm, make certain your
attorney negotiates the circumstances of it's prompt return FIRST.  Have the agency 
(through a higher up)  promise to
return it immediately after the test, agree to repair or compensate you for any 
damage, and to pay your attorney fees
and costs if you have to demand  or sue for it's return.

3.   Cooperation without an attorney representing you is simply too dangerous in view 
of both agencies recent record of
false testimony, false evidence, false affidavits to courts, etc.  They simply cannot 
be trusted.

Thank you,
Look for more coming up on The Sierra Times

This has been a Sierra Times Special Report

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