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DMN Update

Friday, 11/08/02 1:30 PM CST

Every Tuesday and Friday with all the stories the mainstream likes to suppress.


Breaking News.......these stories and many more at www.kosmosltd.net/dark_matters_news_update.htm


Bulletin: DMN reported as far back as 2 years ago that the CIA was behind the al-Qaeda terrorist attacks and that they were going to fabricate news reports that the American right wing is one with al-Qaeda. Now CNN Tries to Link the Michigan Militia to al-Qaeda Training Camps in South America. See Transcript at: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0211/07/cct.00.html


This Issue:

DAS VOTE ~ MASSIVE POLLING FRAUD IN FLORIDA ~ Why gun control works ~ Federal Agents Seize Firearms On Koernke's Property ~ Pro-Gun Congress Candidates Prosper At Polls ~ Terror expert makes a cheeky bet; Tinsley still knocking 'em dead ~ How Police Chief Charles Moose cost lives ~

Christians in 130 nations set aside Sunday to pray for persecuted ~ Is This What Killed Sen. Paul Wellstone's Plane? ~ Homeland security tops Bush agenda ~ Council Attacks DC Surveillance Cameras ~ Police Match Pennsylvania Resident's Homes to GPS Grid "For Their Safety" ~ The British National ID Card Wins Council Backing ~ 'You are being watched' ~ Chicago Police to videotape protesters ~ Australian Federal Government to Block Access to Political Websites ~ Muslim visitors to U.S. face increased scrutiny ~ U.S., Ashcroft get tough with Paki, Saudi visitors ~ Arrests made under U.S. fingerprinting rules adopted after 9-11 ~ Vietnam jails internet dissident ~ The Queen's Chilling Words ~ UK Public Indoctrination Centers to Expand Brainwashing Hours ~ Seven of the Alleged WTC Hijackers Found Alive ~ Why Did Bush and Cheney Not Want an Investigation Into 9-11? ~ Stand Still Too Long And You'll Be Watched ~ Microchips As Small As A Flu Virus ~ Homeowners Paid To Hide Cell Phone Masts ~ Military Demands High Schools Give Names Of All Students ~ Deal on Iraq ~ Terror plot hatched in South America ~ Intelligence: Operatives met to plan U.S., Israeli attacks ~ U.S. national among 6 killed by CIA in Yemen car blast ~ R v. David Shayler - Public Immunity Certificate ~ Feds: Execution could prompt retaliation ~ Pakistani who killed CIA workers to be put to death Nov. 14 ~ Bahraini royal held at Guantanamo ~ Sheikh Salman handed over to U.S. after being detained in Pakistan ~ Saudi 'payoffs' to bin Laden documented ~ CIA: Royal family faces 'increasingly open challenges to its control' ~ Iran leadership representative issues call to kill three US ministers.....and much more in this issue


Visit www.kosmosltd.net/dark_matters_news_update.htm  NOW!


Dark Matters News ~ The News the Mainstream Monopoly Press Doesn't Want You to Read!!! Kosmos Ltd. Private Nonprofit Educational Media ~ www.kosmosltd.net  If you received this email in error just reply with unsubscribe in the subject line.

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