I hope you enjoy reading this as much I did! :<)
Thom Rutledge responds to the "spectacular terror threat" with this great article.

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Psychotherapist & Author Speaks Out about Living with Fear

The fear that is so pervasive in our nation since 9-11-01, and that has
been reinforced with the F.B.I.'s recent warning of the potential of
"spectacular attacks," can serve to either paralyze or inspire us,
depending on how we choose to respond. And each of us makes that choice on a daily basis. We don't get to choose whether or not fear will play a part in our lives, but we do get to decide - in fact, we must decide -whether or not fear will control us.

As a psychotherapist and author I promote the idea of "positive
opportunism," the practice of taking advantage of any and all circumstances - no matter how positive or negative - to move toward healing. In other words, no matter what happens - a heart attack, loss of a loved one, a major promotion at work, a windfall inheritance, terrorists crashing planes into buildings, or the persistent dread of impending terrorist attacks - we can ask ourselves the question, "How can I use this circumstance toward my personal healing and growth?"
When we choose this path, based in the belief that success is determined more by what we can learn than by any particular outcome, we are taking an important and powerful stand in the face of fear.

The truth is none of us knows what will happen tomorrow. Will life go on as usual, or will someone space out, run a stop sign, broadside your car and change your life forever? Will we wake up tomorrow only to learn that terrorists have struck again, in some way even more "spectacular" than the total destruction of the World Trade Center? Will there be a new and improved sniper, maybe in the Midwest this time? Will the economy take another nose-dive?

Will the city of Los Angeles still exist at sundown tomorrow? Will you -- or your wife or husband - live to see that sunset?

Lots of questions. The answer to each of them is the same, and YOU KNOW
what that answer is.

"I - DON'T - KNOW" is the answer.

Here's another good question: is the world in which we live more dangerous now than it was prior to September 11, 2001? Are things more unpredictable than they used to be, or have we just been awakened to the unpredictable nature of life?

I have a good friend who was walking around in perfectly good health (as
far as he knew) one morning and by mid-afternoon he was in surgery getting a quadruple by-pass. The interesting thing about this fellow is his attitude. The first thing he said when he woke up in the recovery room post-surgery was "Man, I'm glad we caught that in time."

I have another friend who doesn't need emergency heart surgery in order to be miserable. He is more likely to walk around in perfectly good health worrying about the possibility that he might have a heart attack someday.

The difference between my two friends is that one has an active inner-voice constantly telling him everything that could possibly go wrong, and my other friend either doesn't have such a voice, or more likely, he doesn't pay much attention to it. Many of us have this inner-voice, this
intimidating bully-within. In the context of current events, we might think of it as an inner-terrorist.

The truth is there is no greater terrorist than the terrorist-within. In
fact that is what the terrorists in the big wide world count on: activating the terrorists within us. The fear that we have all been feeling so acutely for the past year is not something we have the power to simply be rid of.
Ignoring what is going on in the world will not rescue us from fear, and
neither will starting a war. Fear is a natural part of the human
experience, and if we stop running from it, hiding from it, or trying to
overpower it with machismo, we just might learn something from it.

When we are paying attention, fear is an excellent teacher. Depending on
how we listen to the voice of fear, we can either become inspired to live this present moment more fully, or we can be dragged away from the present moment entirely, left to concentrate instead on all that might go wrong tomorrow. And if tomorrow is uneventful, then we can use that valuable time to fret about the next day.

As morbid or negative as this may sound, begin with the knowledge that we are all going to die. Most of us will not choose how we will die, but we all choose - everyday - how we will live. Sometimes we make these
choices by default rather than decision, but nevertheless the choices are always ours to make.
Let fear be a reminder to live your life in congruence with your own personal value system. When you feel fear creeping in, remind
yourself that the healthiest fear is the fear of not living a life - no
matter how short or long --- that you can be proud of. Instigate the
"Regret-Reduction Program" in your life, living each day in a way that you will not have to regret later.

The essence of what I believe --- and what I hope we can together spread
around the world --- is this simple truth: fear is the natural companion of human self-awareness. We cannot refuse delivery; we cannot return to
sender. How we choose to respond to fear is the ultimate measure of who we are.

Practice tuning into fear in this way, and even beneath the cloud of
potential "spectacular attacks," you will transform something you used to run from into one of the greatest teachers of your life.

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Thom Rutledge is a psychotherapist and author of Embracing Fear & Finding the Courage to Live Your Life (HarperSanFrancisco, 2002)

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