LISTEN LIVE to “The Power Hour with Joyce & Dave ”
7:00   A.M. - CTMon.-Fri.    The Power Hour    Joyce & Dave     9.840 WHRI/ 2nd & 3rd Hrs.15.105
8:00   A.M. - CTMon.-Fri.    The Power Hour    Joyce & Dave     9.840 WHRI/ 2nd & 3rd Hrs.15.105
9:00   A.M. - CTMon.-Fri.    The Power Hour    Joyce & Dave     9.840 WHRI/ 2nd & 3rd Hrs.15.105

NEW Shortwave Frequencies:
LIVE 7 – 11 AM CST
WWRV 12.172 & 9.320
AND the replay 9 – 12 PM on 5.050
THIS IS IN ADDITION to the old frequencies.

WBPS – AM 890 in Boston!
WEEK DAYS  8 – 10 AM   Eastern Time
Listen live on the internet

FLASH FACTS news update:
November 23, 2002

AAP Provides Form for Non-Vaccinators
Smallpox Vaccine For Children

 A news alert from Pediatric News discusses the new form that pediatricians
are using for non-vaccinators. The article says, "The consent form confirms
that the physician and the parent have discussed a particular vaccine and
the types of diseases it prevents. By signing the form, parents are
acknowledging that they understand the purpose of the recommended vaccine,
its risks and benefits, and the consequences of nonvaccination."

To obtain a copy of the "Refusal to Vaccinate" form, go to, or call 888-227-1770.

The November, 2002 issue of Pediatric News is available online at
Coming to TPH the week of:   DECEMBER 2 to DECEMBER 6:

"The News They Seem to Lose," according to talk host Joyce Riley vonKleist.

MONDAY - DECEMBER 2:  Investigative reporter, MARY ANN SWISSLER exposes the hidden agendas and conflicts of interest in the so-called fight against Breast Cancer.  Do not miss this special broadcast!

TUESDAY - DECEMBER 3:  NEWS and INFORMATION with Listener Comment

WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 4:  Author LINDSEY WILLIAMS expresses eyewitness accounts to the cover-up of the century -- oil on Alaska's North Slope, especially Gull Island!
BOOK & VIDEOs:  The Non-Energy Crisis

THURSDAY - DECEMBER 5:  DR. LEN HOROWITZ issues a wake-up call on vaccine injury, Homeland Security and culpability.

FRIDAY - DECEMBER 6: LAWRENCE SMITH discusses the horrifying consequences when children are used as guinea pigs for psychotrophic drugs, including the long-term side effects of SSRI’s.

NOVEMBER 25 to NOVEMBER 29:  This Past Week:  All Shows Available in Archives

“News They Hope and Pray You Don’t Hear,” according to talk host Dave vonKleist

MONDAY - NOVEMBER 25:  NEWS and INFORMATION with Listener Comment

TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 26:  Double-Hitter Guests:

DR. RICK LIVA speaks out on the critical importance of supplementation in today's ever-increasing toxic environment and the requirements for vitality and longevity.
800-797-3697 or 860-638-3817

JOEL SKOUSEN, editor of World Affairs Brief, analyses current National headlines to International problems.

WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 27:  JAMES STEWART, author of the book "Heart of a Soldier", details duty, honor, bravery and sacrifice - - a timeless theme at the root of many great stories in history.  [Re-Scheduled from previous November 11th preview] via

THURSDAY - NOVEMBER 28:  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Be safe and God Bless Us, Everyone.

FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 29: Former law enforcement officer, JACK McLAMB details how police and military REALLY feel towards the enforcement of tyranny against the American people.


[Incase you missed a critical radio program the exact dates are listed below so that you can visit and hear the program 24 hours a day, or call Rod (559-271-8811) and request the exact show you wish.]

NOTE: The following recapping of past radio programs is done at the discretion of The Power Hour Producer, Marie Gunther.  This is being done as a public service for the convenience of loyal listeners.  Marie can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED].

MONDAY - NOVEMBER 18:  NEWS and INFORMATION with Listener Comment

TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 19:  NOTE:  FoxNews Network covered this topic with three “Special Reports” on November 25th, 26th and 27th.  It seemed to this editor that FoxNews borrowed much of their news story from Kelly O Meara’s work.

KELLY OMEARA speaks about current federal legislation that must be stopped in her latest article called "Medical Research To Die For".

Today’s topic was the prescribing of drugs - -  for which there is NO DISEASE!

Prozac is being prescribed for pre-school children now!  As early as two years old!

Most SSRI’s are NOT approved for adolescents – yet doctors keep prescribing them at increasingly rampant rates.  Teen violence is escalating.  Teen suicide is escalating.  The problem is the prescribing of mind-altering drugs.

Kelly told TPH listeners about a recent study:

Arif Khan, medical director of the Northwest Clinical Research Center in Bellevue, Wash., and adjunct professor of psychiatry at Duke University School of Medicine, has revealed startling numbers of suicides committed and suicides attempted in the clinical trials for the new SSRI antidepressants — numbers that for years had been hidden from both prescribing physicians and the public.

This is just another case of the FDA working in collusion with the drug makers and pharmaceutical giants.  The FDA is NOT there to protect your safety as they allege they are doing!  Hardly, the FDA is a revolving door for special interests.

“There is no mental illness,” stated Kelly.  Neurological is a disease.  Psychiatric evaluations are subjective and there is no science to back up this type of diagnosis.
“Depression is not a disease.  If you die and they do an autopsy they are not going to see it or find there.”  Kelly is 100% accurate.

Back to the story:
Kahn has examined the official clinical drug-trial data for all SSRIs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1985 and 2000, in which 71,604 participants in the clinical trials were treated with antipsychotics, all SSRIs and anticonvulsants. The rate of suicides in the general public is 11 in 100,000, which
means an incidence rate for those participating in the SSRI clinical trials of nearly 68 percent — that's 718 suicides for every 100,000.

Kahn's research further revealed that nearly 4 percent of SSRI drug-trial participants attempted suicide within the following year.

Joyce and Kelly:  When you come off of any SSRI it is extremely critical that you do not go cold turkey.  These drugs are highly addictive.  These drugs change chemicals within your brain.  Seek professional help when discontinuing any of them.

Kelly Omeara met with the FDA:

Asked what the FDA considers an acceptable number of deaths in clinical trials, Thomas Laughren, team leader for the neuropharmachological drug-products division of the FDA, tells  Insight, "Your question is not particularly pertinent because these trials are not designed to influence suicide. If you look at any one individual trial it is very unlikely you will find a suicide in the trial, and generally we don't."

Which, of course, is the point. And Laughren further announced that "the drug is not approved for the treatment of suicide. They are approved for the treatment of depression. Dr. Khan's findings and our findings suggest that these drugs that we're studying and
approving for depression don't appear to have a benefit on the outcome of suicide. That is not to say that they don't have a benefit in treating depression."

“Life is full of  ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ - - ‘down’ does not mean you need a mind-altering drug!” concluded Kelly.

WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 20:  Mr. De Grand Pre is recovering from a surgical procedure and will be rescheduled at the earliest possible time for TPH listeners.

Due to various time constraints – recapping of the following broadcasts were not permissible.  Please go to the archives and listen to these most informative programs:

THURSDAY - NOVEMBER 21: SHERRY ROGERS, M.D., leading Environmental Medicine authority details the role of toxins within our bodies, the effects they produce and the ways of treating the problems.
BOOK: Detoxify or Die

FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 22: HOWARD STRAUS, grandson of world famous DR. MAX GERSON, shares intimate details of one of the most eminent medical geniuses to ever walk among us. Fascinating and informative!
BOOK: "Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless"
Order Line: 1-877-817-9829

How You Can Help
Please take a moment and contact your local talk radio program/s and request they broadcast “ThePowerHour with Joyce and Dave”.  Simply call your local radio station/s and ask for the ‘Program Manager’, then ask him/her WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE ThePowerHour ON???
Tell him/her that you want the best talk radio show available to you on the AM (or FM) radio dial in your locale.  Tell him you will support the sponsors to this informative talk radio show!  

Send potential radio stations to where the Program Manager can request a demo tape and hear why our radio show is so exciting.

The daily information being provided by ThePowerHour has never been more critical.  ThePowerHour is for the seekers, the free thinkers, the advocates and the rebels.  ThePowerHour takes on political alienation and their task is to bear knowledge and challenge the wrong through civic motivation.  ThePowerHour does this with timely expert guests, with the latest scientific data and/or thorough topic research.

“If We Don’t Try,
We Don’t Do

If We Don’t Do,
Than why are we here on earth?”

It is easy to do … … … please, just make that phone call to your local radio station!  There is no greater force-multiplication!

TALKBACK to Joyce and Dave:  Internet web page:
E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Snail-mail:  PO Box 85, Versailles, MO  65084
To order or obtain information regarding sponsors to The Power Hour:
1-877-817-9829    or  1-877-485-3838


Comments about any of TPH shows, guests or requested guests can be made to:


“How do I access the archives to listen to one of these informative radio shows that I missed?”  Answer:  It is simple!  Go to and contact Rod – he will give you an immediate password to enter and voila!…… you are in the archived radio show section!  With this password you can listen to any or all of the shows on the calendar.   If you are in a hurry call Rod at 559-271-8811 and he will give you a verbal password.  The archives cost a lot of money monthly to maintain, especially when they receive many listeners, and for any size donation this keeps the archives available to everyone so mail – even a couple of bucks in an envelope to:  HASAH, 5555 W. Paul Ave., Fresno, CA 93722, will give you unlimited access.

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Visit to access the “Inner Circle of Friends” where May 1st archives are now kept.  Please donate and support Rod Moyses’s tremendous efforts to keep the archives available for all GCN programs.  In addition, Rod offers a variety of options to acquire copies of your favorite radio program – order by phone 559-271-8811 – or donate by phone!  

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