Iraq Peace Team (IPT) Since September 2002, seasoned nonviolent activists have been on the ground in Iraq standing in solidarity with the people of Iraq while at the same time working to prevent a US attack. In the event of a US attack, this website will become a multimedia resource site for news from the team on the ground in Iraq as well as a clearinghouse for anti-war news and strategies here at home. Please check in often and get involved in whatever way you can. Your voice is needed to say “No!” to a US attack on Iraq.
----- Original Message -----
From: Find Truth
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 2:11 AM
Subject: How to stop the war

Dear friend in peace,

I figured that you, and the approximately 2000 other members of peace and
human rights organizations around the world that I am emailing tonight,
would be the perfect ones to contact about a new movement that I've begun;
it takes Gandhi's message and carries it forward into entirely new
proportions, something international, something that will actually stop this
war and the terrorism we can anticipate to follow or accompany it.

Please visit

*** Endorsements ***
Arun Gandhi, one of Mahatma Gandhi's grandchildren and founder of the Gandhi
Institute, endorses us.  He says that BecomeTheChange is "an excellent
idea."  Peacebuilder Hassan Yousufzai, a Fullbright Fellow at the Eastern
Mennonite University in Harrisburg, Virginia and major peacemaker in the
Pakistani government, endorses us, as well (though let me emphasize that he
endorses BecomeTheChange only as himself, of course, not representing the
government of Pakistan).  Arun Gandhi, Hassan Yousufzai, and Catherine
Dishion, head of the Santa Barbara United Nations chapter, are willing to
speak on my behalf even with the Iraqi officials who will need to know about
the peacework that we've been doing in order to help prepare for our arrival
and our visit there - and perhaps to protect us if the need arises (though
it seems, from the information I've been receiving, that this protection
won't be necessary.)

Also, Kazu Furuta of the Santa Barbara, California U.N. chapter is writing
an article on BecomeTheChange for the U.N. newsletter to be published this
January.  We've filmed a general-purpose interview (some of which you can
view on our web site) and added great footage of the outstanding local peace
demonstrations that we've been having in Santa Barbara.  We've also gone in
person to the Carter Institute with it to show them what we are about. 
We're in touch with Voices in the Wilderness, Not In Our Name, Veterans for
Peace and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.  Members of these and many other
peace organizations have indicated strong support and interest in the idea. 
Soon we'll contact,, Donahue, and others.  We
will be releasing a press release to foreign press probably by late next

In other words, this is real.  We're talking to the right people who can
help to make this happen.  We're very, very serious.  So feel encouraged and
consider helping us out by placing a link to our site somewhere on your own
web site; making the pledge an action item for your web site's visitors;
endorsing us; and, most importantly, by far, printing and distributing the
attached leaflets.

Although this massive human shield will *absolutely* work if we get enough
people to pledge and contribute (money, consulting, interpreters, and other
resources), it will require first and foremost a lot of awareness- and
fundraising to get all 5,000 (or 6,000, or 8,000 or 10,000 - it is up to us
to decide) there and back.

The best way to achieve both is to tell everyone to tell everyone to tell
everyone (&c.) to go to and sign the pledge.  Please
spread this message far and wide.  The more pledges we receive, the more
real this becomes.  As long as 5,000 or more will pledge to go, we at
BecomeTheChange will, on our end, make it possible and actually very safe. 
The amount of media coverage, alone, will assure that.  The internationality
of the movement will be our second greatest protection.  And this helps to
create the media attention.  But to get the media, we've got to make some
news for them.  This has to be immense.

Bush is going to launch an attack very soon.   Unless we hurry over there
and say, look.  It's not going to be done this way.  You are not going to
get your hands on this turf and you are not going to destroy these lives. 
We want to prevent what we can of that most terrible of agonies - grief.

So, for the love of everything you hold sacred or dear, please...


Liev K. Aleo
Co-founder & Director

"We must become the change we want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


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