The following is just a small portion of what in store for you when you click on the site above....This site pulles it all together, a Real Mind Blower!!!
The ensuing anarchy will result in a Jesuit-controlled, right-wing, fascist military dictator (like "Bonesman" George W. Bush, whose President father, George H. W. Bush, is a Shriner Freemason, a drug lord and was a player in the Kennedy Assassination, and whose uncle, Prescott Bush, Jr., is a Knight of Malta and whose grandfather Prescott Bush,  Sr., was one of the original founding members of the Jesuit General's Council on Foreign Relations.  President Bush is also endorsed by CBN's Evangelical Pat Robertson, who was a friend of the late J. Peter Grace, and whose past consultant and personal friend is another Knight of Malta, Jeremiah Denton who wrote When Hell Was In Session). There will be mass roundups, torture and murder of American Jews in concentration camps (just like in the Jesuits' Nazi Germany).  (Codenamed "Rex 84", the camps were established by Ronald Reagan and his Director of the CIA, Knight of Malta, William J. Casey.)  There will be foreign war (like "Spelly's War" in Southeast Asia), invasion, occupation and persecution of the American Protestants and Baptists by foreign armies under the command of Jesuit-controlled dictators (like the Grand Inquisitor - Joseph Stalin).  The army presently being prepared to spearhead this massive invasion of the American Empire is that of the Red Chinese in particular.

        This will be the final blow, to individual liberty, national sovereignty and the Protestant Reformation.  It will be the greatest victory for the Jesuit General's Counter-Reformation, restoring the Pope's "Holy Roman Empire" - founded on a reunited and rebuilt Germany - and returning the world to the Dark Ages. For then it shall come to pass, with Satan's last attempt to destroy the Lord Jesus Christ's beloved racially Jewish People, having used Rothschild's Masonic Zionists - controlled by Rome's Mossad - to resettle them in Israel for the purpose of rebuilding Solomon's Temple, that the Jesuit General's "infallible" Papal Caesar

David Matthes
Sarasota, Florida
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