From my good friend Vilma in Miami.  Check out the excellent letters to the editor.  I left the original addresses intact in case you want to use any of them.
----- Original Message -----
From: VilmaFox
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 2:13 PM
Below is just a "snap shot" of the type of letters/emails/faxes/phone calls that have been sent by millions of people around the world to the world press, United Nations, U.S. and British actors/musicians who have spoken out against War with Iraq.
The folks below bring up the right to America's Free Speech and the fact that we do not have to agree with Bush in order to be "Patriotic or American" and about how Bush is threatening other nations, trying to win U.N. votes with bribes, disrespecting other countries by using derogatory names or saying they are "irrelevant" including the United Nations, and acting as the world's bully via the use of "fear mongering" tactics - has GOT TO STOP and is wrong! 
Keep speaking out - people of the planet.  Because even though Bush & Blair may not be listening, others are.  
With Hope for Peace,
Vilma Fox - Miami, FL USA
FAX #: 603-807-8467 
 I say: Drop BU$H - NOT Bombs!  WAR is NOT the Answer!! 
Peace is Patriotic bumper sticker 
Letters to the Editor
We Can Disagree in a Civil Manner
Reading that Sergio Pino is renaming the streets in his [housing] development because  he is angry at France's stance against war in Iraq made me realize
how much Bush is tearing this nation apart. 
Just like wearing a shirt saying ''Give Peace a Chance'' might get us arrested
for treason.
I was born on a well-known island 90 miles off Key West that has no freedom
of the press.  In America, we have such rights, thanks to the Constitution.
But it seems that we are in the middle of mass hysteria by calling those countries
"enemies" that disagree with Bush's policy regarding possible war in Iraq.
Would anyone care to topple the Statue of Liberty?  It was a gift from a country
that helped us during this nation's birth and infancy - France.
It's time we show the rest of the world we are not all ''ugly Americans,'' and that
we are a thoughtful people who can discuss our differences in a civilized manner.
We are not all throwing temper tantrums when someone disagrees.
I hope and pray that America and the world can survive this administration,
and can vote for a president who is indeed compassionate.
Miami, Florida
Letters to the Editor
Can Disagree, and Love This Country
I've been watching a lot of television and listening to a lot of talk radio.
I am growing depressed, not at thought of terrorism or the economy or even
the upcoming war.
Instead, I am sickened by the reaction of "Americans" toward other Americans.
We are not acting the way we know we should, but rather as the world
has always said we do.
I was taught in school as a child that, in this country, the right to disagree
with your government is among the most central of them all.
It's what distinguishes us from other countries.
I was taught that differences of opinion in our government is what makes it work,
checks and balances, along with two parties and choice.  But now, I see that
what I learned was wrong.
Today, either you agree with War in Iraq or you are UN-American and should shut up.
Magazines are running cover stories of ''traitors'' in Hollywood and lists of un-American Americans.
Saying you are opposed to war doesn't mean you should leave the country,
it might mean that they love this country.
I'm not saying how I feel about the war; that is not important anymore. 
I must speak about this instead.  I love my country probably more than anything else,
for all else that I love is because of this country.
I watch the news, I hear the calls on talk radio.  All I hear is hate.  And very little of it
is directed at anyone other than other Americans, the people on our side.
Miami, Florida
How to send letters to the Miami Herald Editor
Letters must bear writer's name, full address, & daytime phone number.

Fax: 305- 376-8950


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